Rate the last movie you saw

This is a movie thread, and a documentary on Illmatic created all of this conversation...
hate him, love him, somewhere in between... you have to see this documentary.
I personally believe he's a phenomenal poet... but we grew up in the same era, seen some of the same things... so its close to me.
Awesome watch, from German Director Wim Wenders.... 1984's "Paris, Texas"..... watched it again for the first time in awhile.
8/10 If you really want to watch from a pure perspective, don't watch the trailer, the movie plays out better ........ but if you're super curious.....
(FYI Nastassja Kinski when she was at her peak...lovely)
Early Bruce Lee films. Before he came to America, Lee was a child star in Hong Kong. You can see a bunch of his movie clips from 1950, 1953, 1955, 1967, and 1960 (that I found).

Some clips....

(1950) THE KID - Bruce Lee age 9 (1st leading role)

(1960) THE ORPHAN - Last movie before he left for Ameriica (Color)
The Purge (2013)

Set in the near future...unemployment is almost nothing, crime is almost nothing. The US Government has authorized one day of the year where all police, fire, & EMT services are suspended, and ANY CRIME you want to commit is totally okay for a 12 hour period.

That premise right there is the single biggest load of horse crap I have ever heard for a film.

So, in my mind, starting to watch, it automatically started at, oh a 2 out of 10 rating. Sight unseen.

As we moved into the movie, okay, there is some decent stuff going on, and oh, WHO IS THAT WOMAN? I KNOW her but from WHERE??

That nagged at me for most of the film.

I liked how they wrapped it up, the movie and I thought to self, "Self, they have set this up PERFECTLY to be a really badass sequel!!" Then a buddy told me a little later, yea, the sequel is out RIGHT NOW. Duh. Who knew? I sure didn't.

So, the woman was from Game of Thrones, and was the Lady Stark. Lena Headey. She was pretty awesome in this film I thought.

It went up to about a 6.5 out of 10 for me by the end. This is a film I would watch again if flipping through channels and saw it on.
Bad Day To Go Fishing 7.5/10

great foreign film if you do not mind subtitles...some of the film is in english as well.

great foreign film about a shady fella exploiting a german former strongest man on earth.

you can stream it on netflix.
The Purge (2013)

Set in the near future...unemployment is almost nothing, crime is almost nothing. The US Government has authorized one day of the year where all police, fire, & EMT services are suspended, and ANY CRIME you want to commit is totally okay for a 12 hour period.

That premise right there is the single biggest load of horse crap I have ever heard for a film.

So, in my mind, starting to watch, it automatically started at, oh a 2 out of 10 rating. Sight unseen.

As we moved into the movie, okay, there is some decent stuff going on, and oh, WHO IS THAT WOMAN? I KNOW her but from WHERE??

That nagged at me for most of the film.

I liked how they wrapped it up, the movie and I thought to self, "Self, they have set this up PERFECTLY to be a really badass sequel!!" Then a buddy told me a little later, yea, the sequel is out RIGHT NOW. Duh. Who knew? I sure didn't.

So, the woman was from Game of Thrones, and was the Lady Stark. Lena Headey. She was pretty awesome in this film I thought.

It went up to about a 6.5 out of 10 for me by the end. This is a film I would watch again if flipping through channels and saw it on.

I need to see this only because i'm curious about the one out now.... Lena Headey is always good.
I need to see this only because i'm curious about the one out now.... Lena Headey is always good.

Seeing a really awesome angle they could take for a sequel, that being based on, oh, revenge :D , and the way the first film ended, I became really curious if the sequel out right now in theaters took the form I envisioned. Unfortunately, not even close it doesn't look like. Not saying that is a bad thing, as the reviews seem to be pretty decent, but the story they went with does not include Lena, which is the unfortunate part, even though it has what looks like a cast of thousands.
Bad Words

Pretty funny to see Jason Bateman not playing the nice gut role. Pretty good little film which was also directed by Bateman. Had some laughs.
Gardians of the Galaxy. Fun. Marvel other comic book movies (avengers) were tongue and cheek, so this movie was right up their alley. Story was well told, on each characters level, including groot's, in a symbolic way. CGI was pretty good, one liners and references were clever. 7/10 I can see why others liked it so much.
Into the Storm - 5/10. Basically a cheap rip off of Twister with a lot of the handheld camera gimmick (not shaky cam, I mean the characters are carrying cameras and that is the footage much of time).

Can't see how any movie can get a 10/10 when a major feature is a transvestite with a knife. lol.

Can't see how any movie can get a 10/10 when a major feature is Robots, Men with lazer swords,and a Large dog with a crossbow. lol.

Can't see how any movie can get a 10/10 when a major feature is ect. lol.

I remember when I was like 8 or 9, I went to go see a movie with my grampa. We saw Air Force One starring Harrison Ford. He plays the president will single handedly kills off a group of terrorists trying to hijack Air Force One.

When the movie ended and my grampa asked me how it was, I excitedly answered, "Best movie I've ever seen!"

To be honest, it was the fact that I'd gotten to spend an afternoon with my grampa (who I'd only seen a few times in my life) mixed with the fact that the movie was somewhat entertaining that made my 8 year old little mind think that (even if only for an hour) that Air Force One was the greatest movie ever made.

I guess my point is, as an adult, I try my best to not get caught up in the heat of the moment. Sort of like how I wasn't screaming "Heat! Heat! Heat!" last year when they beat the Spurs. Not that I was a Heat fan (I'm not a fan of any basketball team). But I did live in Miami the past 10 years and went to 10-20 home games a year since 2004 through my job.
The last movie I saw was "The Defensemen". Watched it last night. It was horrible. Very bad script. IMO, the producer has no business being in the movie business. Very poor. Almost B rated quality.
Guardians of the Galaxy - 8/10

I knew nothing of the story going into it. Enjoyed it quite a bit.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Overall, I liked it. It was somewhat typical of a Michael Bay movie. Megan Fox was Megan Fox and the movie kinda played into that a bit. The plot was basically an introduction to what the TNMTs were all about. I took a half point off because there was some scenes that were way past the point of ridiculousness. On the flipside, the 3D was great! Normally, I'm not a fan of 3d movies, because they're typically overrated and I can watch the movie without the glasses. This movie in 3D was really, really good and I'm glad we were able to watch it in 3D.

I'll probably get the DVD since it was requested.
Seeing a really awesome angle they could take for a sequel, that being based on, oh, revenge :D , and the way the first film ended, I became really curious if the sequel out right now in theaters took the form I envisioned. Unfortunately, not even close it doesn't look like. Not saying that is a bad thing, as the reviews seem to be pretty decent, but the story they went with does not include Lena, which is the unfortunate part, even though it has what looks like a cast of thousands.

Definitely. I'm disappointed they didn't go with that angle. Though, they did go with a decent angle which relates to the original film in the sequel. But I totally agree, a revenge sequel would have been perfect. I remember thinking to myself after I watched the first one, "It's gonna be awkward the next morning when they go out to drop off the garbage or pick up the newspaper and see their neighbors."
TMNT-6/10. Huge turtles fan growing up, but this one wasn't that great. My experience was hurt though by the sound volume being way too low, and the audience volume being the loudest of any movie I have been to. People talking, using their phones getting crap out of bags making all sorts of noise, kids crying, etc. Oh, and then the jackasses in front of me who used the rail to push off of and lean their seats back into my legs. As for the movie, the personalities of the Turtles was done well for the most part and they were quite humorous at times. The humans were pretty bad though, and there is no real story here. There's no real reason for why Shredder wants to do anything. I don't know why Will Arnett or Whoopi Goldberg (especially her) are in this. The action for the most part was not shot well. It is almost always way too close. For the way people talk like Bay directed this, I wish he had. At least then the action would have been shot a lot better.

Oh, and the CGI was pretty bad for much of the movie. The faces really look way too cartoony most of the time.
TMNT (2014 ) 7.5-10

Huge fan of original comic, cartoon and movies. ..the critics were bashing this movie badly. . I liked it. . I could nit pick about things all day but I liked the action sequences, the plot was good, Megan Fox is hot, the portrayal of the turtles were pretty accurate when it came to their personalities and their was some funny moments e.g the elevator scene towards the end. . My only big gripes were splinter horse looking face and the turtles faces were to cartoon like(cgi). The background story wasn't like the originals but it wasn't to far off to be upset. . And also I didn't see it in 3D .. May have given it higher grade if so. ...
TMNT (2014 ) 7.5-10

Huge fan of original comic, cartoon and movies. ..the critics were bashing this movie badly. . I liked it. . I could nit pick about things all day but I liked the action sequences, the plot was good, Megan Fox is hot, the portrayal of the turtles were pretty accurate when it came to their personalities and their was some funny moments e.g the elevator scene towards the end. . My only big gripes were splinter horse looking face and the turtles faces were to cartoon like(cgi). The background story wasn't like the originals but it wasn't to far off to be upset. . And also I didn't see it in 3D .. May have given it higher grade if so. ...

I thought I was the only one who hated the splinter. I turned away every time they showed him. *shivers*

I agree with Chldsply about the human characters not being as fleshed out as they could've been, but it was a 2hr movie already. I can't imagine the storyline holding up much more than that.

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