Rate the last movie you saw

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - 6/10. I thought the plot was boring and predictable. Can't lie, the ape riding a horse with two rifles in his hand was pretty badass.
1986's Robot Holocaust. 3.14/10
That's the Golden Ratio of ratings my friends.
Should be required viewing in High Schools.

So poignant.
Guardians of the Galaxy 9/10

I rated this movie this highly because I really enjoyed it. I saw it in the 3d version and I thought it was one of the better "3d" movies I've seen in a long time. I had no knowledge of the premise of the movie. I went because of I was bored and word of mouth (this board's members had a lot to do with it), which is surprising because when I saw the previews months ago I was not impressed. It seemed stupid to me. The biggest culprit of the stupid character (to me) was the talking raccoon. Well Rocket changed my mind real fast. :)

When the Blu-Ray 3d comes out I will buy it.

However; The little video snippet at the end of the credits was lame.
Guardians of the Galaxy 9/10

I rated this movie this highly because I really enjoyed it. I saw it in the 3d version and I thought it was one of the better "3d" movies I've seen in a long time. I had no knowledge of the premise of the movie. I went because of I was bored and word of mouth (this board's members had a lot to do with it), which is surprising because when I saw the previews months ago I was not impressed. It seemed stupid to me. The biggest culprit of the stupid character (to me) was the talking raccoon. Well Rocket changed my mind real fast. :)

When the Blu-Ray 3d comes out I will buy it.

However; The little video snippet at the end of the credits was lame.

Not a Howard the Duck Lover?;)
I wouldn't be surprised if we see that at the end of multiple films, and eventually he gets another shot at the big screen...
(like it or not:()
[quote="Roninpringsdaman20, post: 56I]3202, member: 37561I]Not a Howard the Duck Lover?;)
I wouldn't be surprised if we see that at the end of multiple films, and eventually he gets another shot at the big screen...
(like it or not:()[/quote]

Haha...I was in the minority about Howard the Duck. I actually did not hate the movie. My quibble was the very short video after waiting through the very long credits.
Call me crazy, but I thought Silver Linings Playbook was overrated. I liken it to what has been said in this thread recently regarding American Hustle. Great acting but I was kinda like..."huh?"
LUV 7/10
What experience do you go through to learn to be a man? What made you who you are?
Solid movie, done on a really short schedule (20 days), but well done none the less.
interesting take on coming of age.
And Common, who is usually terrible, shows growth and does a solid job as the co-lead.
Indie films keeping "filmmaking" alive.
Good Netflix watch
Nebraska...9/10...Funny and touching.
"(Dead Set Serious) Zombie Movie"

Well, that's the name of the 2 hr, 2 min. full "show" that I watched over on the YouTubes.

It's a British film, and imagines what would happen in a zombie apocalypse if you cross that with "Big Brother" (the TV show). Pretty cool. Meant to be a satirical tounge-in-cheek kind of film not to be taken too seriously. This turns out to actually be more of a 5-part mini-series but watching it all at once certainly amounts to watching a movie.

I thought it was pretty enjoyable for being the low budget kind of production that it was. It was posted to YouTube three years ago but I just found out about it.

They have a website at deadsetcredits.com

7.7 out of 10
Better off Dead.
The 80's classic.
Liked it then, still like it now.

Great memories when I was a teen. Loved that movie. Used to have it on VHS in the day. wore it out from watching it so much. Gonna download it and watch it again tonight. Thanxs.

Killing of a Chinese Bookie. 1976
John Cassavetes directs, raw, unique.... 70's mob movie one of Cassavetes finest..... two versions are available. The best is the Directors Cut which is on the Criterion Edition.
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IL Conformista/ The Conformist. 1970
Bernado Bertolucci. Interesting, awkward, beautiful. "The Conformist" was one of Bertolucci's early films, prior to his classics, "The Last Emperor", "Last Tango In Paris", and other solid films like "Stealing Beauty", & "The Sheltering Sky". What really makes this film stand out is the cinematography... its almost flawless. Vittorio Storaro, one of the true masters of light, puts a stamp on this movie, just like he did in "Apocalypse Now", "The Last Emperor", & many more....

great watch 8/10

Big Props to Derekmtl85, if it wasn't for netflix UK, I wouldn't have watched this.
Going back the 80's comedy well again.

Real Genius

Currently free to watch on the Crackle app.

Still love the movie.
Currently free to watch on the Crackle app.

Never heard of this app...just went to check their website out and saw that they have original series as well, and one of them really, really caught my eye, something called "Sequestered" I think it was...caught my eye because, well, SUMMER GLAU! :) I will definitely have to check this app out...... :D
Bullhead 2011

A movie from Belgium.... Such a unique plot, twisted with sadness, revenge, brawn, violence, & social awkwardness....
a tough movie to watch because of the backstory revealed in the second act, but a very good movie none the less... must pay attention to every detail... everything means something.
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