The scenario you gave had us scoring the same number of points but gaining more yards overall. Which, sure, would've been great.The offense didn't do "well" in the first half. They were insanely great, scoring on every drive and dominating TOP. Sure, they had a rough patch in the 3rd quarter, but nobody's perfect. If those 3 punts had been spread out through the game, you wouldn't even notice, even if the end result was the same. The issue is that the defense didn't stop the Rams one single time in their last five drives.
Let me give you a comparison point. Last year, regular season game against Green Bay. A game we dominated, right? We won 30-16.
In that game, we had four possessions where we didn't score. Two punts and two turnovers. Each of those drives lasted 2 minutes or less, and 4 plays or less. Exactly like Sunday, but worse (two turnovers vs. one). On the other drives, we scored 30 points, exactly like Sunday. We put up 424 yards, just like Sunday. We lost the TOP battle by the slightest of margins, just like Sunday. But we won the game, because the defense actually made a few stops and forced some turnovers. The only difference between the games in terms of offense was the order in which the scoring drives and the non-scoring drives occurred. Absolutely nobody complained about the offense in the GB game, because they were great and we won. Sunday, they were great (not perfect, of course not) and we lost.