My bad, it wasn't a dinner:
On March 21, management and staff from each NFL team were attending the league meetings in Orlando. ABC was throwing a party at Disney’s Pleasure Island to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Monday Night Football. Johnson and a table full of Cowboy employees and spouses were tipping back drinks and swapping work stories when Jones himself suddenly approached.
Unbeknownst to Jones, he was the subject of conversation before he arrived tableside.
An awkward hush fell amongst the group. With scouting director Larry Lacewell by his side and his own drink in hand, Jones banged the table and made a loud, boisterous, self-serving toast.
“Here’s to the Dallas Cowboys, and here’s to the people who made it possible to win two Super Bowls!”
Johnson was with Wannstedt, by then head coach in Chicago, offensive coordinator Norv Turner, who had just been named head coach in Washington, their wives, and several other team staffers, more than one of whom were now ex-staffers after being fired by Jones.
Not one person joined Jones in his toast and the silence was deafening.
Johnson glared at Jones. The billionaire and his ego-enhancing praise were not welcome with this bunch. Jones slammed down his glass, offered a few choice profanities, and retreated back to the hotel bar at the Hyatt Grand Cypress.