Reading Tea Leaves - Parcells Speaks Of QBs


That was an excellent post and analysis of all the QB comments in Parcells PC. You summarized the comments very well and added insightful comments.

I'm glad Parcells finally addressed the subject for the media and opened up about it, so all the Henson haters have to stop their rants about Henson being cut.

This morning, I posted the following post. I think Parcells today verified what I thought was the case...

CaptainAmerica said:
This whole notion that Parcells doesn't like Henson is ridiculous.

Did anyone catch Jerry's comment when he said, "Then again, I'm reminded that quarterbacks are developed, and it can take some time."

So who do you think is "reminding" Jerry of that every day?

Parcells. It's that simple.
Personally I think all these post battles over the backup QB's are quite frankly "goofy". We have far bigger problems with some of the starting members in our offense than we do with those two yokels backing up Bledsoe.
Exceptional Post.........I enjoy reading a post that is well thought out and has credence.
MichaelWinicki said:
Personally I think all these post battles over the backup QB's are quite frankly "goofy". We have far bigger problems with some of the starting members in our offense than we do with those two yokels backing up Bledsoe.

I prefer the term "reserve back up" ... as in the back up to the back up ... AKA #3.
Banned_n_austin said:
I prefer the term "reserve back up" ... as in the back up to the back up ... AKA #3.

Just remember Banned. He may be a skunk to you, but he's OUR skunk. :D
Thanks for the great advice about putting Banned N Austin on ignore! I can resume actually enjoying thoughtfull, intlligent and objective conversations on this board again.
Tristan said:
Thanks for the great advice about putting Banned N Austin on ignor! I can resume actually enjoying thoughtfull, intlligent and objective conversations on this board again.

You're a genius. You finally found the darn thing. Props.
CaptainAmerica said:
Just remember Banned. He may be a skunk to you, but he's OUR skunk. :D

But at least I didn't have to get hit in the face several times by him to finally realize he's a darned 'ol SKUNK! :p:

Cap'n, the more you post man, the more I actually like you. Not once have you turned into a little girly man and taken any of this personal.

You're able to see the humor and recognize it's not that freakin' serious to get all hell bent over. We disagree, we like different players at the same position, but you haven't gotten on a personal level with it. I applaud your capacity and maturity there. Nice going. The rest can just keep me on ignore. I sure aint gonna lose any sleep over it.

We disagree on a few things. That's life. I feel for some of these people on here that actually do take this stuff to heart. Sad actually.
"This message is hidden because Banned_n_Austin is on your ignore list"
Good post . I just have one liiiiittle problem with it .

Twodeep said
So experience is the key to this battle. Obviously Romo, at this point-in-time has the experience over Henson.

Which is why he is the number two quarterback on this team.

If that is true , why did henson play two games last year ? starting one of them . He even threw for a tochdown .

I don't recall romo evrer throwing a pass in this league .

Please define experience ..
Tristan said:
"This message is hidden because Banned_n_Austin is on your ignore list"

:lmao: Coolio. I am getting the same message every time he posts to! :lmao:
Banned_n_austin said:
I'm loading my revolver as we speak ...


Hahahaha....Tristan, BNA isn't kidding....calmly remove him from you banned list and slowly move away from your keyboard!

Let's get this season going eyes hurt from all these "backup quarterback" debates.
why do people still think Parcells is going to leave 2 to 3 years from now? I don't see us winning a Super Bowl in 2 to 3 years, he's going to be here for 5, you heard it here 1st!
summerisfunner said:
why do people still think Parcells is going to leave 2 to 3 years from now? I don't see us winning a Super Bowl in 2 to 3 years, he's going to be here for 5, you heard it here 1st!

you forgot to say "book it" or "mark it down".
blindzebra said:
Unless someone replies to him with the quote.;)

But it would take about half the posts out of each QB thread.:lmao2:

True but what was really amazing is the stupidity level dropped just as sharply imagine that :eek:
Banned_n_austin said:
It's head-up-the-butt thinking. I'm just surprised so many have taken to that way of thinking. Most of these people have never even seen him play and are basing all this hype off of hearsay and what not.

It's a joke that now that it's very apparent that Henson's job was TAKEN and EARNED by an UDFA. Now, everyone that thought he was going to start or beat out Romo ... are all of a sudden on the "he's developing" bandwagon. Even funnier is, they're acting like this was their position all along.


I have the feeling with all the hatred and animosity towards me going on here lately, that I'm just going to have to fire back with what has been my point all along ... I'm thinking some old threads might suffice ...

Ben, you were wrong about Carter. Perhaps we will be wrong about Henson. This has yet to be proven. I think it's a reach to say everybody was on Henson's jock and now there taking the develope position. It's natural to be excited about a player. As time goes on, people settle down and come back twords the center. That's all that's happening now.

Last year, all sorts of posters were talking about us going to the playoffs. We ended up being a 6-10 kinda team. This year, many are predicting the same. I think we might be 9-7. It's all relative.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Very nice well thought out post TD3....thanks for the good read :star:
It was a good post in response to those that want Henson cut. It could also be used to refute the opinion that Parcells was wrong not to play Henson last year.
Great Post!

Probably the best explaination of the QB situation that I have read yet.

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