arguing for legal use is a totally separate argument. you wanna go there, see you in off topic.
today - the NFL says no. even if legal they may still say NO. i don't see the NFL rushing to colorado and seattle to tell those teams "hey, smoke up" so i'm pretty damn sure regardless of the legalities the NFL (as can all employers) have their own code of conduct.
yes. that may change over the years if this is legalized everywhere. but we're many many years away from that. so - for today -
gregory is being about as big a ******* as he can be. ANYONE validating this for his "medical issues" is just being willfully stupid and even kicking that up a notch to parade said stupidity in front of us while wearing a tutu and dancing to xmas music.
you have ZERO idea what the NFL will do and NO idea when or IF any other state will legalize it soon. between you and me - i hope they do. i'd LOVE for that to happen. but if my job still said "no" then it would do me no good for it to be legal cause i'm not risking my career for it and hell, i only make a fraction of what he does and overall, not even that if he kept his head on straight.
so if you want to dance to the nutcracker suite while saying ONE DAY ALL THIS WILL BE LEGAL AND THEN YOU'LL BE SORRY - go ahead.
but today, now, for gregory it is not. the choices he is making classifies him as a complete and total fool and if you want to support that, have fun.
you've already got the dance moves.