RECAP: T.O. sitting down with Screamin' A. Smith *Merge*

dcfanatic;2499882 said:
I was gonna say...I didn't write that, lol.

But it sure does fit!!!

You know the saddest thing about this interview.

The really, really, really, really, really, really sad thing...

All of the people that backed T.O. last week won't even see this interview because they are boycotting ESPN.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
dcfanatic;2499882 said:
I was gonna say...I didn't write that, lol.

But it sure does fit!!!

You know the saddest thing about this interview.

The really, really, really, really, really, really sad thing...

All of the people that backed T.O. last week won't even see this interview because they are boycotting ESPN.
But I'm sure you'll post it anyway. Right? ;)
Dayton_Cowboy;2499695 said:
Just caught the end of a commercial for a segment on BSPN tonight at 6(well probably 6:25 just to keep their ratings high).

Hit that nail on the BSPN:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: now lets get that 6th Trophy!!!!!!!!
rocyaice;2499771 said:
Well the thing about TO just letting it die down is that no one else is. The media isn't. Whether it be local or BSPN. So the only thing I can think of is to just keep denying anything out of the ordinary happened and keep making BSPN and the media look like fools.

When it's over I will come on and let you know what he said because I know you are boycotting 'BSPN' these days.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Givincer;2499699 said:
I remember at one point TO had his own forum on here! It was called the T.O. Zone if I'm not mistaken.

I think it was during training camp of 2006. Not positive on that though.

Anyway, I don't really think anything will come of this interview. I tend to agree with Jerry Jones when he says he's never seen his team lose a game because of some off the field issue. Regardless, I can't picture him saying anything bad after a win like we just had. I think he'll sound similar to how he sounded in his post game press conference.

Perhaps there should be a TO and anyone thrown under the Bus Zone?
dcfanatic;2499898 said:
When it's over I will come on and let you know what he said because I know you are boycotting 'BSPN' these days.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

LOL. And i've kept that up. I haven't watched since last Thursday and won't watch any time soon. I'm sure someone will recap on here. I'll hope that TO doesn't stick his foot in his mouth but ehhh..i'm expecting the worst anyway. I'l just wait for the cliff notes and hope those are accurate.
dcfanatic;2499694 said:
Just saw this on ESPN.

He is doing a sit down with Stephen A. for Sportscenter at 6pm.


The man just doesn't learn does he?
dcfanatic;2499744 said:
I hear ya Theebs.

I knew he wasn't to be quiet this week. I predicted it was going to be with Michael Irvin on his radio show, but I was wrong.

It's way worse.

The man is thick. One week the media kills him and he is bashing an ESPN reporter to a pulp. But then the next week he agrees to sit down with another of their reporters to do an interview.

And you just know he is going to be trying to convince the people that don't like him to like him. That's all it's ever about.

When he finally realizes that not every one on the planet is going to like you it's going to be like an epiphany for him. I feel sad for him.

He's a good person. He's self invovled, but he's not a mean person or a hateful person.

If he could just be someone else for a day I think he would jump at that opportunity. He would never tell us that, but I think he would do it.

ESPN knows a sucker when they see one.

Exactly. ESPN takes advantage of T.O. as much as T.O. takes advantage of the media.

ESPN knows the Cowboys are good for ratings. T.O. loves the television lights.

ESPN will ask some question to provoke T.O. into a response. T.O., not knowing a set-up question when he sees it, will take the bait like a wide-mouth bass swallowing a hook disguised as a minnow.

Then he'll have that look all fish do when he finds himself inside some fisherman's ice cooler wondering, "How the heck did that tasty-looking minnow get me here at this point in my life."
Why does this ******* feel like he has to keep talking about this.:banghead:

He needs to let it die.:banghead:
Yeagermeister;2499703 said:
It was right after we signed him and a week after I became a mod. :(

Really bad month................

I just hope T.O. is smart enough (but he's not; I know better) to use this forum to take charge in dying-down this incident. He sohuld also stay away from anything ot have to do with his past in Philly because we play them in 2 weeks. No need to be giving them bulletin board material and creating more turmoil for the Cowboys.
The Dallas drama settled right here on ESPN...coming up.

So it was created by ESPN and they have solved/settled it too.

Amazing. :laugh1:

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