Sean Payton's years as a Coordinator and Offensive results.
2000...328 points scored, 5376 yards
2001...294 points scored, 5335 yards
2002...320 points scored, 5826 yards
2003...289 points scored, 5181 yards
2004...293 points scored, 5197 yards
2005...325 points scored, 5202 yards
Averages...308.2 points per season, 5352.8 yards per season.
Jason Garrett's years as a Coordinator and Offensive results
2007...455 points scored, 5851 yards
2008...362 points scored, 5512 yards
2009...361 points scored, 6390 yards
Averages...392.7 points per season, 5917.7 yards per season.
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think the expectations on Garrett by some people are a little out of whack and have more to do with the perception he is Jerry's pet than anything else.