Reggie Bush re-entering the 2007 Draft?

Yeagermeister said:
Maybe we can trade Dexter Coakley for him :D

The Saints did want "Bulletproof" Davis.......

Let's throw he and Ellis in for Bush's rights and Donte Stallworth!

He could be our #3 receiver!

And we'll put Bush in the slot too!

We'll be unstoppable!
RealCowboyfan said:
Im pretty sure Stephen Jones could work something out in Bush contract.

Just imagine the new triplets in Dallas.


Just wishful thinking nothing serious.

No problem.

It's nice to dream sometimes, isn't it?

Hostile said:
This is all talk designed to play chess with his contract talks. He wants to be paid like the overall #1.

If he sits out his stock will drop and he won't even be drafted #2 and he'll make less money.

The Saints know this and will use it right back at him and his agent.

LOL! True

Its a dumb chess move

If I was the Saints I would tell him to sit out and watch his stock drop, because we got Deuce Mcalister all ready.
I don't think a year long holdout and re-entry in the draft is as far-fetched as some may think.

Bush has NEVER wanted to play for the Saints. They were the only team he wouldn't visit before the draft and since the draft he has never seemed enthusiastic about playing for them. I remember reading a piece by Peter King in SI and he said Bush seemed like a home-sick kid who was overwhelmed by all the attention in NO.

The fact is NO was a bottom tier franchise before the Hurricane and now they are in an even more desperate situation. Bush wanted to be either the #1 pick or play for a major market club and he didn't get either one. This could be interesting.
KingTuna said:
What a LOSER!! Hope this guy is a bust. I have added him to my list with ELI as biggest rookie Pansies.

Be grateful you can play a kids game for a living and make
RIDICULOUS amounts of money.

This type of greed makes me sick.

Try wearing a uniform of a local fire fighter or police officer making $30,000 a year or less as starting pay and REALLY make a difference in people's lives.

NO, let's hear you cry and whine about all of the millions instead.

BE GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think this may be the first post of yours that I fully agree with. Nice job.

These primadonna rookies make me sick to my stomach. He hasnt earned one win as an NFL player, not one cheer, not one ounce of respect from the fans. Right now he is simply hype and potential, which is basically nothing. Earn your freakin' stripes young man. I look at Brian Westbrook contract and figure Bush to have a similar impact on the NFL level (maybe more even), but certainly not as much as the proven guys that have been getting it done for years now.

As someone else stated, I had hoped the NFL would have addressed this during the new CBA talks. This to me is a big part of the reason so many players end up being mercenaries.

On a side note: there is some funny stuff in this thread. :lmao:
just him trying to get some leverage in his contract negotiations.. that should be pretty obvious..
Qwickdraw said:
Yahoo Sports reports Reggie Bush is considering sitting out the 2006 season and re-entering the 2007 NFL Draft.
Contract talks between the Saints and Bush have reportedly been non-existent and it's nearly a lock the Heisman winner will hold out. Bush is believed to have banked more than $5 million from endorsement deals that are guaranteed whether or not he plays in 2006. Though it seems unlikely, the theory is that Bush doesn't need the money he'd receive from a rookie contract and would still be a high pick in next year's draft. Jul. 22 - 12:38 am et
Source: Yahoo Sports
There's something about this guy that seems off to me.
Bush's play in that championship game where he tried to lateral the ball to a teammate after a big play???
The whole controversy about his parents and the housing thing???
Kind of seems like a prima-donna.
His talent is there no doubt, but his actions sometimes are wierd.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Funny thing is, if he already has enough endorsement money, than why would he sit out squabbling over money from a football contract.

Chances are he just wants to play somewhere else or he is just using this as a ruse to get the saints to up their offer.

Seems likely to me as well. Perhaps hoping for a trade with another team for some other disgruntled player.

Both the league and even more the players brought all this confusion on themselves with free agency. The little consequences these actually bring vs the right to make a lot more money though would put me in the same boat as the players. Always a lot of verbage over a few players which becomes a small side light after camp and esp the season gets underway.

Still I sometimes long for "the good ole days".
This is not surprising at all. The guy is not who ESPN paints him out to be. I have heard about his attitude behind the scenes and I personally cannot wait to see him struggle in the NFL.

He did nothing in his career in big games except for pushing his QB across the goal line.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Funny thing is, if he already has enough endorsement money, than why would he sit out squabbling over money from a football contract.

Chances are he just wants to play somewhere else or he is just using this as a ruse to get the saints to up their offer.

I wouldnt doubt it. He probably knows his only chance of starting is if Duece (sp?) gets hurt. I didnt understand why the Saints drafted Bush in the first place. He is a hyped up kick returner.

I just dont understand why these kids think they deserve a billion dollar contract.
I put Bush in the same class as Elway and Eli. Two guys who had all the talent in the world coming out of school, but cried and forced trades when they were drafted. These guys have the opportunity of a lifetime, playing a kids game and earning millions of dollars doing it. If they go on to have successful careers and they play their cards right and invest their money wisely, they can certinaly retire of the millions they make while playing.

I know about the longevity of an NFL player and how more don't make it than those who actually do and these guys gotta get theirs while they can. Bush is not your typical draft pick though. This guy is the LeBron James of the NFL right now. The Saints want him to help rebuild their francise and their marketability, the city wants him to help rebuild their city and image. I think they eventually sign the guy not because they want to, but because they have to.

IMO though I think Bush goes on to have a Desmond Howard type career. His mark will be made on special teams, not as a full time running back.
Fletch said:
He has so much hype surrounding him, and he hasn't even had one carry in the NFL. There is a big difference when you have seasoned NFL veterans playing against you on defense verses college kids running around the field trying to tackle you.

I hope he gets his bell rung first game out. Welcome to the NFL!

to bad we don't face him the first game, we could see the 49er turn around hit again
He's not holding out for a year. His agent knows he'll lose money if he stays out of football for a year. He'll probably still go top 10, but he'll never sniff that #1 overall pick money again.
TruBlueCowboy said:
He's not holding out for a year. His agent knows he'll lose money if he stays out of football for a year. He'll probably still go top 10, but he'll never sniff that #1 overall pick money again.

Good point about the agent. The agent doesn't get any money unless he signs him so I doubt he would advise him to sit out and he doesn't get paid for a year.
Cowboystar17 said:
i cant stand reggie bush. get over yourself, you werent the first pick in the draft. leave it at that. Living in Socal I was tired of his hype! He show boated in the rosebowl, and it cost the trojans. I hope the saints dont give into his demands. Foolish if you ask me.... go ahead flame away

Well, not exactly. the Trojans gave the ball to Lendell White on the fourth and one that would have sealed the national championship.

Just think, if they would have given it to Bush, or let Leinart sneak it and Bush push him for the first down, Leinhart would have been selected in the top 5, and Vince young would have been a last first or early second round pick. Funny how things work out.
ghst187 said:
feel sorry for SP.
What a punk. No way Bush will sit out. If he does, he'll ruin his career and may or may not ever end up starting an NFL game. Look what happened to Maurice Clarrett and Mike Williams. You just can't sit out a year not playing football, even if you work out hard, and come back and expect to be the same player. If he sits out, it'll be the biggest mistake of his life.
If he's that much of a jacka**, I hope he does sit out and never amounts to anything.
Sitting out a year and re-entering the draft next year, I don't think he'll be a top 10 pick. He'll have been a full year away from the game and a problem child that won't negotiate a deal, who'd want him?
The best thing would be if the endorsers started asking for their money back since he isn't playing.
However, I'm pretty certain he's just trying to get more money. He'll play.

Mike Williams was half the player Bush was coming out of college. He sat out a year and got drafted #11. Just talent alone would keep Bush top 10 if he sat out a year
what a dick. take advantage of a team in a really bad spot.

Its called being smart.

He's allready done a lot for that city and he hasn't even played a down yet.

The guy is going to come in and be the savior of that team and that city.

Give him what he wants because the organization will make no telling how much in profits for what ever they pay for him.
RealCowboyfan said:
Well trade em in to the Cowboys. We'll give them Julius Jones and Greg Ellis, and next year's 1st Round (32nd pick).

I might give 'em .. well, since he's virtually unsignable, nothing.

Giving away Greg Ellis would be giving away a proven signed asset.


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