Reid's (other) kid in trouble again

He should eat this child as a lesson to the others. Just looking at him you can tell he wants to. :(
trickblue;1715239 said:
Reid just needs to step down and take care of his home life...

I certainly would respect his decision...

I hate the iggles, but Reid seems like a pretty good guy and his boys are obviously crying out for help...

As much as some of us would hate to admit it here, family is more important than football...

As much as I enjoy beating the Eagles, I have the utmost respect for Andy Reid the coach and I'm sure he is wondering what he should do. With 3 grown kids of my own I can say that you always worry about them. Just because they are grown doesn't mean he isn't needed, even if the kids are responsible for their own actions. Reid knows that his money is going to be needed to help the kids with lawyers and treatment. He needs to be a provider and at the same time be there for the kids. In the middle of a season, these are two demands that are mutually exclusive.
Its really too late for him to do much now. They have to decide to shape up themselves. If they cannot or will not - it does not matter what he does.
Reid quitting his job now because he has 2 criminal sons doesn't fix anything. If anything that empowers the sons.

Sink or swim time for these two. No more living off Daddy money and partying out of control and acting like spoiled menaces.

Coaches have a tough call to make time wise. Believe Hoodies kid has had a run in with The Law as well.
Nors;1715208 said:
You can sugar coat it all you want, Reid raised 2 thugs.

Let the doctors figure out why.

I stand by absentee father figure till proven wrong.

Sounds like old Nors logic ......

I will just ignore it because only a fool would blame Reid for what his 20+ years old sons are doing ...... from what I have heard this pattern of behavior started after they were out of his house.

They are knuckleheads .... no one knows why.
You cannot give reid a free pass on this. Now I know there are truly bad seeds out there and maybe nothing he did would have made a difference. BUT can you really try and say he has NOTHING to do with how they are now?
burmafrd;1715424 said:
You cannot give reid a free pass on this. Now I know there are truly bad seeds out there and maybe nothing he did would have made a difference. BUT can you really try and say he has NOTHING to do with how they are now?

Yes ..... just as much as you can say he does have something to do with it.

You of all people Burm, I thought would be a champion of "self responsibility".

If this pattern would have developed when they were in high school then its on Reid ...... but these kids moved out and then started this stuff.

They are grown men.
zrin- now you are saying that nothing a father does makes a difference if you are claiming that Reid has no responsibility for what they are doing now. You mean the underlying things that have them doing drugs and such has NOTHING to do with their parenting?
burmafrd;1715424 said:
You cannot give reid a free pass on this. Now I know there are truly bad seeds out there and maybe nothing he did would have made a difference. BUT can you really try and say he has NOTHING to do with how they are now?
Yeah, I can say that. The Politically Correct of the world put WAY too much emphasis on the parents role in how a child turns out.

Now, I'm not saying this isn't a factor. It is. I believe a child of a racist is far more likely to be a racist. Just as I believe children are more likely to follow the political leanings of the parents.

However, I think it is ridiculous to think that the kid cannot think for themselves and make their own way in the world. Especially once they are in their 20's.

I think the "my father wasn't there for me" crap is exactly that, crap. It's a sorry excuse for making bad decisions. I speak from experience on this. My father wasn't there for me. Whoop-dee-doo.
burmafrd;1715431 said:
zrin- now you are saying that nothing a father does makes a difference if you are claiming that Reid has no responsibility for what they are doing now. You mean the underlying things that have them doing drugs and such has NOTHING to do with their parenting?

No I am not saying that .... but I think that the fact that this started after they became adults says something.

They could have just as easily hooked up with "the wrong crowd" or one of them could have hooked up with a girl doing this trash and then brought the other into it.

or Reid could have been sexually molesting them ..... or he could be just a non caring father.....

Thats my point ...... we do not know, Yet Nors has already came to the conclusion that Reid is a bad dad.

Its silly to blame someone else for these grown mens actions until something comes out.

Thats just like a child molester saying its not his fault because, he was molested as a child. Personal responsibility .....
Nors;1715208 said:
You can sugar coat it all you want, Reid raised 2 thugs.

Let the doctors figure out why.

I stand by absentee father figure till proven wrong.
I was in the Navy for 20+ years and while I was in the Navy, I've worked countless days of long hours and was constantly gone for periods of time, at times, I was gone for 6+ months at a time.

Luckily for me, my wife did hell of job raising the kids, none of my kids ever gotten into trouble, straight A students, one is in college other one is a senior in HS.

Although we like to think we (mostly my wife) did a good job of instilling good values as the kids were growing up, but the fact is, once they leave the house, they are in a different environment, they have to deal with peer pressures and sometimes, they will make a bad decision, something I'm willing to concede that they will regardless how much we think we've done a good job with them.

You simply don't know about Reid's situation, in terms Reid's involvement with raising his kids, or what impact his work had on his kids.

These are 20 old young men, they are old enough to know right and wrong, unfortunately they made some bad decisions, the decisions that Reid had no control over.
burmafrd;1715431 said:
zrin- now you are saying that nothing a father does makes a difference if you are claiming that Reid has no responsibility for what they are doing now. You mean the underlying things that have them doing drugs and such has NOTHING to do with their parenting?
If he won't say it, I will.

Did Andy buy them the drugs or force them to do them? Those decisions are their own.
BUT the reasons they are doing it might have started long ago. Those trying to say Reid has no responsibility for ANY of this are just flat wrong. You cannot tell me that there were not problems or something wrong that has them going into drugs and such now. And you cannot say that their home life and their parents HAD NOTHING to do with it. Maybe it was only a small part, but to say NOTHING?
burmafrd;1715448 said:
BUT the reasons they are doing it might have started long ago. Those trying to say Reid has no responsibility for ANY of this are just flat wrong. You cannot tell me that there were not problems or something wrong that has them going into drugs and such now. And you cannot say that their home life and their parents HAD NOTHING to do with it. Maybe it was only a small part, but to say NOTHING?

I'm about to reveal an episode from my childhood that I rarely talk about. My dad was once high on cocaine and poured gasoline on me (I was 8) and was going to light me on fire. I still remember my Mom taking me and my siblings into the desert to hide.

In your mind I am a ticking time bomb? I can't wait to hear this.
burmafrd;1715448 said:
BUT the reasons they are doing it might have started long ago.
Maybe, may not, we simple don't know to make that assumption

Those trying to say Reid has no responsibility for ANY of this are just flat wrong. You cannot tell me that there were not problems or something wrong that has them going into drugs and such now. And you cannot say that their home life and their parents HAD NOTHING to do with it. Maybe it was only a small part, but to say NOTHING?
Again, no one other than Reid's family knows what responsibility Reid had for his grown up kids' actions. If his kids were young kids and gotten into all these troubles, then I wouldn't have any problem questioning Reid's parenting skills but these men are in 20's, they are responsibly for their actions, not Reid.
My parents were the perfect parents, in every sense of the word, ... still are.

And yet their middle son, (me) gave them a lot of grief that they did not deserve.

And the grief would have been much much more had I been caught doing some of the things that I was not caught doing.

So you people that don't know AR, or anything about the situation, and yet continue to blame him, ... to quote Mike Gundy, "make me wanna puke".:D

Get down from your high horse because you don't know anything about what you are talking about, and you look foolish doing so.
I think what is happening to Andy's children and children everywhere is a funamental lack of respect...for themselves, others, and just rules in general. Now, where that lack of respect comes from ie. parents, society, tv, internet... I am not sure of. I have watched Andy Reid since he started here in Philly, and I find it hard to believe that he did not teach this to his kids. He seems like a very good man with high morals and a high respect for everyone else. It seems everyone today is looking for the angle or the shortcut to something, ie. making money, better job, better car.... so what is happening to Andy's son is happening everyday to kids all around this country. The only reason I stayed out of trouble was I was deathly afraid of my father and the beating he would have gave me if I did what Andy's kids are doing. So I guess in my case fear was what was needed to stay on the straight and narrow.....
I don't think this is Reid's fault, nor do I think he's a bad father, but it's nonetheless become a distraction for him, which is spreading to his team(with all the coaching blunders he's made this year, it's obvious).

Just for that reason alone-he should take a break for a year.
Big Dakota;1715155 said:
Not much Andy can do. Can't baby sit men in their 20's. What ever happened to these boys to make them the way they are was done long ago. All you can do is keep throwing them in jail and making them go through treatment but in the end you can't force adults to stop using, unless they're locked up.
What do you mean he can't babysit men in their 20's?

He does that's called being an NFL head coach! :p

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