Reminder: Defense wins championships


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Like I said. You keep trying to circle around to the 14 but if we go into halftime with that score, I think we win that game period. But our defense was as soft as noodles so we didn't even have a chance.
Ever think our defense might have done better if our offense was putting some pressure on the other side instead of helping them?
It really is a team game, although the weak link is where the chain breaks.
The success of our offense determines an opponent's ability to choose how they attack on offense. The success of our defense determines how our offense can apply pressure to their defense. The success of the defensive line helps the defensive backs by making them cover for less time.
But when our offense is helping the other side add points, it makes our defense have to be exposed more and their options for applying pressure become limited.
The ability of our offensive line to run the ball makes it harder on their defense to cover passes. The ability of our passes to reach our receivers makes it harder for their defense to defend the run.
Our special teams can make it easier for our defense to apply pressure and create turnovers and field position. Vice versa for the other side.
So it's all connected; the well-oiled chain runs smoothly unless there is a weak link that throws it out of time or causes it to break.


Well-Known Member
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But a good offense should at least keep the game somewhat competitive, even if the defense is not that good, not a lay a big-A stinky turd


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Our defense has been the biggest issue by far in the playoffs the past 2+ decades. I could never see the Cowboys fielding a defense capable of winning a championship. Stopping the run and the pass has been a huge problem in the playoffs. The defensive performance against the Packers had to be the worst in Cowboys playoff history. I have the least confidence and trust in the defense of any part of the team and I posted that a couple of days before we faced the Packers. I knew if things went sideways it would be primarily because of our defense. The only thing our defense does well is get takeaways, and when we don’t get them, we’re in trouble.