Report: Deputy had it in for Pacman

theogt;1549745 said:
That's fine. I've generally found that people that make statements like you've made come from a certain socio-economic background. I was just trying to get a feel for whether the typical observation proved true in this case.

I was about to say that
theogt;1549745 said:
That's fine. I've generally found that people that make statements like you've made come from a certain socio-economic background. I was just trying to get a feel for whether the typical observation proved true in this case.

Well I hope you've gotten your answer counselor.
Vintage;1549750 said:

Your point?

The point?

Where's the parasite lawyer defending his scumbag client?

In the media.

Let him stick to where he belongs and leave PR to someone more qualified.

Too often lawyers fail to see the difference, along with what they're actually representing.
Is this lawyer really trying the old 'he didn't have a reason to pull him over' routine?

I would really like to find a court case where that worked because it's just silly. We pay these officers to endanger their lives on a daily basis to be the eyes and ears who protect and serve us while keeping us safe from evil. With that said if the officer thought that Pacman was acting suspicious he could pull him over with no questions asked.

Did someone forget to tell this lawyer that he also switched plates from another car. Pacman thinks he is above the law and can do anything he wants in this country because he has some money.

Please ban this moron from the NFL and while we are at it why not ban him from this planet.
dcfanatic;1549758 said:
Is this lawyer really trying the old 'he didn't have a reason to pull him over' routine?

I would really like to find a court case where that worked because it's just silly. We pay these officers to endanger their lives on a daily basis to be the eyes and ears who protect and serve us while keeping us safe from evil. With that said if the officer thought that Pacman was acting suspicious he could pull him over with no questions asked.

Did someone forget to tell this lawyer that he also switched plates from another car. Pacman thinks he is above the law and can do anything he wants in this country because he has some money.

Please ban this moron from the NFL and while we are at it why not ban him from this planet.
If that is the only pliable defense he can find at this point, well you've heard the saying "nothing beats a try". And you can bet pacman is paying good money to the lawyer and expects him to come up with something.

Honestly, i dont understand all the animosity towards lawyers. I have needed a lawyer several times and had a good experience every time. Helped me in my divorce and kept things from getting out of control with the custody arrangement. Helped me in a bogus law suit directed at me, was useful in setting up guidelines and an official operating agreement for a business.

Even If you do something wrong and are totally guilty, who here would go to court without a lawyer, its self preservation. If you are looking at doing time and hiring a lawyer could decrease the time in jail, who would trun around and say - no thanks - judge give me the maximum penalty possible please.
Hoov;1549792 said:
Honestly, i dont understand all the animosity towards lawyers.
The disdain for lawyers isn't anything new and has been ongoing for very long time. Many hate them because they can't afford to have a decent representation and many because appearance of lawyers lining their pocket with major litigations like class A action lawsuits or malpractice lawsuits where most of the monetary awards are used to pay the lawyers. And of course others hate them because they believe lawyers will do anything, including circumvent the laws to protect known criminals. But basically they are hated because they believe lawyers are using our legal system as their personal cash cow.

I do find it interesting that there are millions imprisoned worldwide, and people calls most of them murderers, rapists, and scum, but to lawyers, they're called customers or clients.
03EBZ06;1549821 said:
The disdain for lawyers isn't anything new and has been ongoing for very long time. Many hate them because they can't afford to have a decent representation and many because appearance of lawyers lining their pocket with major litigations like class A action lawsuits or malpractice lawsuits where most of the monetary awards are used to pay the lawyers. And of course others hate them because they believe lawyers will do anything, including circumvent the laws to protect known criminals. But basically they are hated because they using our legal system as their personal cash cow.

I do find it interesting that there are millions imprisoned worldwide, and people calls most of them murderers, rapists, and scum, but to lawyers, they're called customers or clients.

Attorneys have their place in society...the like or dislike depends on whether you are being represented or prosecuted. :laugh2:

Another consideration, if you are being represented, most people hate paying, what, one, two, hundred dollars and hour, give or take a penny here or there!

But, like the saying goes, "you can hate cops all you want, but you love them when YOU need them"!

Same thing with an attorney...they have mothers that love them!


(we love our Zone attorneys, right)? :confused:
I know Lawyers do not rank high in public opinion polls. They rank with politicians and the media. :laugh2:
5Stars;1549830 said:
Attorneys have their place in society...the like or dislike depends on whether you are being represented or prosecuted. :laugh2:

Another consideration, if you are being represented, most people hate paying, what, one, two, hundred dollars and hour, give or take a penny here or there!

But, like the saying goes, "you can hate cops all you want, but you love them when YOU need them"!

Same thing with an attorney...they have mothers that love them!


(we love our Zone attorneys, right)? :confused:

More like how much money you have
Yeagermeister;1549836 said:
More like how much money you have

How about $5.00 for an aspirin? Or, how about $375.00 to go see why you have a sore throat? Or what about something like $700.00 for an overnight hospital stay?

That's why health insurance is so expensive, too! Now, if we could only get Attorney Insurance?

Hmmm, I wonder if I could start a business like that?

5Stars Inc.
Attorney Insurance

Reasonable rates! Don't let Attorneys rob you legally! Sign up for basic, limited, or full blown Attorney Insurance today! Fight back and save!

(crap, bad idea! I would have to hire an Attorney to help me set this all up)!
It is not a particular lawyers fault that the world is full of people who do stupid things, or have poor impulse control or feel they are privledged and above the law. The world is full of this, and everyone under law is entitled to representation - thus at times lawyers will have to represent such persons and when representing them it is correct to call them clients.
5Stars;1549847 said:
How about $5.00 for an aspirin? Or, how about $375.00 to go see why you have a sore throat? Or what about something like $700.00 for an overnight hospital stay?

That's why health insurance is so expensive, too! Now, if we could only get Attorney Insurance?

Hmmm, I wonder if I could start a business like that?

5Stars Inc.
Attorney Insurance

Reasonable rates! Don't let Attorneys rob you legally! Sign up for basic, limited, or full blown Attorney Insurance today! Fight back and save!

(crap, bad idea! I would have to hire an Attorney to help me set this all up)!

Prepaid Legal.
5Stars;1549847 said:
How about $5.00 for an aspirin? Or, how about $375.00 to go see why you have a sore throat? Or what about something like $700.00 for an overnight hospital stay?

That's why health insurance is so expensive, too! Now, if we could only get Attorney Insurance?

, I wonder if I could start a business like that?

5Stars Inc.
Attorney Insurance

Reasonable rates! Don't let Attorneys rob you legally! Sign up for basic, limited, or full blown Attorney Insurance today! Fight back and save!

(crap, bad idea! I would have to hire an Attorney to help me set this all up)!

They sorta of have that called
legal services not a full insurance but they have a version of it and it also looks like that legal insurance market is growing
Kangaroo;1549857 said:
They sorta of have that called pre-paid legal services not a full insurance but they have a version of it


Really? sacase just said the same thing! I have honestly not heard of that before! I learn something new everyday...

So, tell me...what is this all about? How does it work?
I think it falls under the whole fruit of the poisonous tree thing, but then again I am not a lawyer. Peplaw should know.

Cops can't go and do whatever they want to bust people, they have rules to follow. The cop broke them, he pays the price.

Here in VA there was a huge accident about a month ago, about 5 people died becuase there was a motorcycle going over 100mph and a cop decided to chase him. That caused and accident where a couple people died and the motorcycle guy got away. Guess who got in trouble....the cop. He didn't follow the department procedure. Sad part is, he was seriously injured in the crash...
Yeagermeister;1549681 said:
Here we go with the usual it's not my fault. It's everyone elses fault BS. :rolleyes:

i have to agree - don't put yourself in a position to have someone slap you around and you won't get slapped around.

as much..