Report: Eagles Plotting to Draft Mariota


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There's an exception to every rule. Up-tempo offenses just aren't going to work in the NFL.

The Bills rode an up-tempo offense to 4 consecutive SBs. Yeah, they lost them, but it wasn't because of the tempo of their offense.

Again, I think what he has done with what he has been given is pretty impressive over 2 years - at least offensively. His drafting, defensive decisions (sure, solo cover Dez, what could go wrong?) and personel moves have been less so.


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I for hope they do not draft Mariotta. He's a stud and is going to wreck havoc in a year or so.


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Nick Foles threw 10 pics in 8 games last year, and has yet to finish a season healthy. He is a seriously mediocre QB, and equating him with Romo is ludicrous.

Furthermore he doesn't have the mobility to run Chip's system. He needs to replaced one way or the other, and if you are Kelly why not do it with a guy you hand picked and groomed to run your system previously?

Agreed on Desean Jackson though, that was dumb. And Kelly's drafting has been spotty to say the least. But I do think they need a different QB than Foles. If you are going to hire Chip Kelly for his offense system, you need the right QB to run it.

I'm not equating him with Romo. The guy just a few years ago the guy had 27 Tds to 2 interceptions. That's insane. So whether he's as good as Romo is moot. The guy produced very well in his 1st year in Kelly's system and as starter.

But my argument here isn't that he's not a fit. My argument is Kelly's "genius" that is highly overrated. How truly genius are you if you can only run your offense with one type of quarterback. But I love it. Eagirls will continue to implode.


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The Bills rode an up-tempo offense to 4 consecutive SBs. Yeah, they lost them, but it wasn't because of the tempo of their offense.

Again, I think what he has done with what he has been given is pretty impressive over 2 years - at least offensively. His drafting, defensive decisions (sure, solo cover Dez, what could go wrong?) and personel moves have been less so.

Well, you may be right. In fact, the post you quoted actually disagrees with what I really think, so I don't know why I posted it. What I really think is, it doesn't matter how fast you run plays if you don't score and your defense doesn't stop the opposition from doing likewise. I think Jim Kelly's Bills would have had similar success at any tempo. I don't think that running plays quickly is much benefit in the NFL where defensive linemen run faster than QBs, passing windows barely exist and defenses prepare for offenses for a living. I think that if Chip Kelly hadn't insisted on running a play every 22 seconds in 2014, his defense would have been on the field for fewer plays, stayed fresher and, for whatever it means, ranked higher than 25th in the NFL.

Now, I also think Chip Kelly is a really good coach who made good use of some pretty good offensive personnel. His offense is quarterback friendly, no matter how fast it runs, and it has made a couple of mediocre QBs look really good. Would Mariota make Kelly's offense look like Oregon's? I'm not so sure, especially if he has to trade McCoy to get the guy. I hope we get the chance to find out.


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Seriously, the fact that the same guys saying "Chip Kelly's offense doesn't work in the NFL" (when it clearly does) are the ones saying Mariotta isn't anything special. Not really lending any credence to the argument. Either of them.

And anyone spewing this "one read" mess has absolutely no clue. The offense Oregon (and to a lesser extent Philly) use is about pre-snap reads. Once the ball is snapped you go into your option read. It a much simpler offense for a QB to run (pun intended). That's not a bad thing, its a good thing. Mariotta is a better athlete and passer than RGIII so those comparisons are ridiculous.

I see a smaller, faster Cam Newton.

I don't even know how anyone can watch Mariotta and think anything other than he is a special player. He has a cannon for an arm, great size, tremendous instincts, blazing speed and he is a good decision maker.

All that said, I still wouldn't be willing to give up what they would have to to take him top 5 or even top 10. However, if he slides out of the top-10 it's very doable for them without sacrificing the whole draft.


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OOOHHH yeah offer up a RG3 like offer and they will be a door mat in 2 seasons maybe even for the Commanders. Has anyone learned you do not leverage your future on one guy whether its 2 picks or 6 picks, especially a rook.
We did with Minnesota - but returned the favor on Galloway.


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What rounds? You trade that many 1st/2nd/3rds you will hamstring your team for a decade. What would suck more is after doing that you are almost guaranteeing they will be top of the round picks.

If you don't have an elite quarterback, you might as well not play those ten years.


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If you don't have an elite quarterback, you might as well not play those ten years.

giving up a kings ransom for a "franchise" QB and miss your team will be even worse. Look at Washington the last two seasons. Giving up more than two #1's for any player is going to hurt the team in the long run.