REPORT(Fox News)-Body of Pat's DE Marquise Hill Found

burmafrd;1511261 said:
frankly, it SHOULD be remarked on not wearing a life vest. Just like not wearing seat belts. Just plain STUPID.
of course, the lack of a life vest should be commented on, but alluding to it being alcohol-related when nothing of the sort has been published is just speculation.

Yeagermeister;1511290 said:
And one I will never drive over.

I hope he some how survives.
Man, it's super scary to drive over. I've only gone over it as a passenger, but I never look to the left or right of me. The water seems to beating against the side of the bridge.

And DE is right, that's not just a lake, that's like a sea. The size of it reminds me of the Great Lakes.
burmafrd;1511261 said:
frankly, it SHOULD be remarked on not wearing a life vest. Just like not wearing seat belts. Just plain STUPID.

You know what.... I had a big car accident years ago and I'm still alive cause I didn't wear my seat belt...... go figure......

I still think it is not a good idea to not wear life vest but to call him stupid...?

Have you ever done something dangerous or stupid when you were young?
well he is an idiot for not wearing his lifevest.....and now it probably cost him his life.

on a positive note, at least he saved the gals life before he potentially lost his. so while they were being foolish for not wearing the least something positive comes out of this...if he did in fact die, then he died a hero.
hockix;1511330 said:
You know what.... I had a big car accident years ago and I'm still alive cause I didn't wear my seat belt...... go figure......

I still think it is not a good idea to not wear life vest but to call him stupid...?

Have you ever done something dangerous or stupid when you were young?

For every story where someone lives because they didn't wear a seat belt, there are tons of people who lived because they did wear a seat belt and many more people who died because they didn't.

Stupid maybe a little overboard but no wearing a life jacket isn't exactly a smart thing to do.

I feel sorry for him and his family but I just hope someone learns from this. Water isn't all that friendly. Life Jackets are an absolute must.
WoodysGirl;1511300 said:
of course, the lack of a life vest should be commented on, but alluding to it being alcohol-related when nothing of the sort has been published is just speculation.
It was totally speculation, sorry if I wasnt clear on that, just seems through my years on the lake for memorial day weekend there was alchohol involved in a vast majority of the boating accidents. Wasnt alluding to him personally or saying anyone definately was, I was just saying I wont be shocked if it does come out that he or the girl or the driver of another boat etc was drinking out on the lake on memorial day weekend.
hockix;1511330 said:
You know what.... I had a big car accident years ago and I'm still alive cause I didn't wear my seat belt...... go figure......

I still think it is not a good idea to not wear life vest but to call him stupid...?

Have you ever done something dangerous or stupid when you were young?
I was a fireman for 7 years. I never unbuckled a dead person.

I have little room to talk, for many years I had not worn a helmet while riding my cycle. Now I don't have a cycle though I am in the market. I have determined not to ride without a helmet.
Hostile;1511386 said:
I was a fireman for 7 years. I never unbuckled a dead person.

I have little room to talk, for many years I had not worn a helmet while riding my cycle. Now I don't have a cycle though I am in the market. I have determined not to ride without a helmet.

as stupid as it is I live in rural texas and never wear a helmet unless I am riding long distances.

I am just asking for it...
NEW ORLEANS -- U.S. Coast Guard rescue crews continued searching Lake Pontchartrain on Monday for New England Patriots defensive end Marquise Hill, who was reported missing following a jetski accident.



"We searched throughout the night," said Petty Officer Tom Atkeson.

According to WDSU-TV, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries said they are no longer on a search and rescue mission. Now their mission is one of search and recovery and Hill is presumed drowned.


WoodysGirl;1511253 said:
Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to speculate on why he and his companion were not wearing life vests. It wasn't smart to not wear one, but aAt 24, we all thought things wouldn't happen to us. We all thought we were invincible.

Understood, but it's really not very smart. Life vests weigh very little, and really aren't a burden to wear.

Personally, I have been kayaking and jet skiing and there is no way I'd go out there without one. I know just how easy it is to fall off and get pulled under by the current, because I had that happen. The life vest brought me right back up to the top.
SultanOfSix;1511463 said:
Understood, but it's really not very smart. Life vests weigh very little, and really aren't a burden to wear.

Personally, I have been kayaking and jet skiing and there is no way I'd go out there without one. I know just how easy it is to fall off and get pulled under by the current, because I had that happen. The life vest brought me right back up to the top.
I clarified what I meant later in the thread. I forget you guys can't read my mind. It was the allusion to alcohol that bothered me moreso than the discussion on the lack of a life vest.
SultanOfSix;1511463 said:
Understood, but it's really not very smart. Life vests weigh very little, and really aren't a burden to wear.

Personally, I have been kayaking and jet skiing and there is no way I'd go out there without one. I know just how easy it is to fall off and get pulled under by the current, because I had that happen. The life vest brought me right back up to the top.

Yes, it wasn't smart. But like many posters have already stated we all have been involved in a few, if not many, stupid, careless, risky behaviors when we were younger. We were lucky enough to have lived through that stage in our lives without serious misfortunes. I personally have freinds who weren't as lucky.

Have you always worn your seatbelt since you started driving?

Have you ever had a couple of drinks before you got behind the wheel?
Hopefully neither family or friends are presently reading the forum right now. Whatever you may think some of the remarks are incredibly insensitive. Would you tell a member of his family that he died because he was stupid?
Coast Guard: Patriots' DE Hill's body found
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Associated Press
Posted: 2 minutes ago

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A body believed to be New England Patriots player Marquise Hill was found by searchers Monday, a day after he was reported missing following a jetski accident on Lake Pontchartrain.

"The family will have to make positive identification," Capt. Brian Clark of the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department said. "But the body we found was that of Mr. Marquise Hill."

The body was discovered about a quarter-mile from where Hill and a female companion were involved in the accident, Clark said.

The Coast Guard were called Sunday night, Petty Officer Tom Atkeson said. The search began immediately, using boats and helicopters.
Hostile;1511386 said:
I was a fireman for 7 years. I never unbuckled a dead person.

I have little room to talk, for many years I had not worn a helmet while riding my cycle. Now I don't have a cycle though I am in the market. I have determined not to ride without a helmet.
It's ok Hos. Thought process's change for a man when you're pushin' 60. :D

As far as Hill goes it's just sad. I think there's alot of us on this board that are here not because we're any smarter or any more careful when we were younger. We got lucky and God still needs us for something.
Well that's horrible. I was still holding out hope he would be found alive.
Terrible news. Regardless of whether one is wearing or not wearing a seat-belt, life preserver, or a helmet....I feel for them.

Damn near the same thing happened to my best friends older brother on the New River in Camp Lejeune, N.C. when I was thirteen. Unfortunately, he was unable to save his female companion's life before he made it back to his jetski.

Specualtion is one thing, but ridicule and derision are inappropriate to say the least. I lost a very good friend during a hurricane a few years back in which alchohol played a large part, but it became somewhat of a satirical story to the media when Maxim magazine got a hold of the story...hatred could not describe my reaction. I certainly hope nothing similar happens to Hill's loved ones, or his legacy.

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