Report: Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashes in Ukraine...w/video

I read a couple places that sources have seen a video of the Buk missile launcher being driven across the border into Russia after the downing of the aircraft... Not implying that is was Russian military that fired the missile but the terrorists trying to hide the evidence.
they have pretty much narrowed down the area where the missile was fired from; absolutely a separatist controlled area. So that is that.

Now the real question is was it a captured Ukraine system or one the Russians supplied recently.

And who was operating it. Separatists or Russian 'volunteers'

with reports already showing that the accident scene has been disturbed, and the separatists interfering, there is no way this will ever be considered a clean investigation.

But I think more than enough will be shown to point the finger right at them and Putin as being responsible.

Sadly I do not see the leadership or iron in the spine in the west to really make Russia and above all Putin pay.

yea, i've been watching the news for the last few hours and while there's still speculation, it was known the russians were supplying the rebels as well as funding them. troops on the russian border are 10-12k now, far up from 1k previous to all this. a high level russian missle likely took down the cargo plane from the ukraine last monday. so they are active and are shooting down planes with high level equipment.

between this, the gaza strip and ISIS, these are troubling times indeed for us all.
Sadly I do not see the leadership or iron in the spine in the west to really make Russia and above all Putin pay.

Don't know what's going to happen.

Most of the dead were from the Netherlands... which is part of NATO. And this attack could be construed as an attack on the Netherlands and if one member of NATO is attacked then the agreement is that all countries are to defend against the attacker.

An extreme point of view? Maybe.

But I've already heard one "talking head" refer to this as an "Act of war".
I read a couple places that sources have seen a video of the Buk missile launcher being driven across the border into Russia after the downing of the aircraft... Not implying that is was Russian military that fired the missile but the terrorists trying to hide the evidence.

lots of vids n pics there. that would be tough to hide.

they're also saying that there's a good chance former russian military who could fire the equipment could be with the rebels now.
We have to get through the downed aircraft investigation...and woodshedding of all available film, communications, and radar and satellite trackings behind closed doors.
Ukraine says Russia helping destroy crash evidence
Ukraine says Russia is helping separatists destroy evidence at Malaysia Airlines crash site

...Ukraine called on Moscow to insist that the pro-Russia rebels grant international experts the ability to conduct a thorough, impartial investigation into the downing of the plane — a demand that President Barack Obama also issued a day earlier from Washington.

"The integrity of the site has been compromised, and there are indications that vital evidence has not been preserved in place," Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said at a news conference Saturday in Kuala Lumpur.

He called for immediate access for Malaysia's team at the site to retrieve human remains.

An international delegation visited the crash site Friday evening but was only allowed to view one small portion. While the delegation was leaving under orders from armed rebel overseers, two Ukrainian members lingered to look at a fragment of the plane, prompting a militiaman to fire a warning shot in the air with his Kalashnikov.

Daniel Baer, the U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, complained that what he called "Russian proxies" in Ukraine had failed to give investigators safe access to the site and tampered with the evidence there.

Ukraine said it has passed along all information on developments relating to Thursday's downing to its European and U.S. partners...
the separatists really are incredibly stupid; just about everything they are doing screams guilty.
the separatists really are incredibly stupid; just about everything they are doing screams guilty.

Well we know they did it, accident or not. But they are being stupid in their handling of it.
Well we know they did it, accident or not. But they are being stupid in their handling of it.

If it was done with the newer versions of a launcher, there is no denying duplicity of the Soviets as well. Ukraine didn't have the newest verson, and it takes multiple systems for it to function...only the Soviets possessing that assembly of equipment.
If it was done with the newer versions of a launcher, there is no denying duplicity of the Soviets as well. Ukraine didn't have the newest verson, and it takes multiple systems for it to function...only the Soviets possessing that assembly of equipment.

even if the Ukraine had that system, and the separatists captured one, you need people very well trained to use it. Where would these separatists find them? The odds of disaffected Ukraine personell being the operators are very long indeed. So odds are that there could well have been Russian 'volunteers' manning it.
Burma, no doubt in my mind, it has been special ops for the Russians all along, and supplying large amounts of arms.
U.S. presses case against Russia on downed jet as horror deepens

By By Anton Zverev and Matt Spetalnick 1 hour ago

HRABOVE Ukraine/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry laid out what he called overwhelming evidence of Russian complicity in the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 as international horror deepened over the fate of the victims' remains.
Kerry demanded that Moscow take responsibility for actions of pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine whom Washington suspects of downing the jet with a missile, and expressed disgust at their "grotesque" mishandling of the bodies.

Television images of the rebel-held crash sites, where the remains of victims had lain decomposing in fields among their personal belongings, have turned initial shock and sorrow after Thursday's disaster into anger...
"It's pretty clear that this is a system that was transferred from Russia into the hands of separatists," he said.

Video of an SA-11 launcher, with one of its missiles missing and leaving the likely launch site, has been authenticated, he said.

An Associated Press journalist saw a missile launcher in rebel-held territory close to the crash site just hours before the plane was brought down Thursday.

"There's a buildup of extraordinary circumstantial evidence," Kerry said. "We picked up the imagery of this launch. We know the trajectory. We know where it came from. We know the timing, and it was exactly at the time that this aircraft disappeared from the radar. We also know from voice identification that the separatists were bragging about shooting it down afterward."

In one set of calls, said by Ukrainian security services to have been recorded shortly after the plane was hit, a prominent rebel commander, Igor Bezler, tells a Russian military intelligence officer that rebel forces shot down a plane.

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