Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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They demonstrated by inter-locking arms, COWARD. Your qualifiers after the fact are adorable.
What's offensive about locking arms? Were they kneeling? Were they being disrespectful? If you're calling locking arms "protesting" or praying before the anthem "protesting", you're dumber than you look.
i don't get it. I mean, I think it is disrespectful but the reason why people fought and died for this country is so that people COULD do things like this without fear of being thrown in jail, fired from their jobs, etc etc. It's free speech, protected by the constitution. I don't like it but I'm not going to wish for someone's livelihood (or worse) to be taken away for this.

You either believe in free speech, or you don't.

Also, what happened this weekend doesn't even have to do with anything Kaepernick knelt for - it was purely to protest the comments by our moron President who made it all about him.
What's offensive about locking arms? Were they kneeling? Were they being disrespectful? If you're calling locking arms "protesting" or praying before the anthem "protesting", you're dumber than you look.
LOL! More qualifiers. Thanks for the laughs, COWARD.
LOL! Qualifiers, immature personal attacks... I clearly struck a nerve, COWARD.
You're right, I've allowed myself to get into an argument with someone who is mentally inferior, and I've stooped to your level. If you call what you saw tonight a "protest", there's no hope for you, kid.
You're right, I've allowed myself to get into an argument with someone who is mentally inferior, and I've stooped to your level. If you call what you saw tonight a "protest", there's no hope for you, kid.

"Hey guys, I'll turn in my season tickets if they demonstrate during the anthem!! I mean it, I'll do it!!!"

You're right, I've allowed myself to get into an argument with someone who is mentally inferior, and I've stooped to your level. If you call what you saw tonight a "protest", there's no hope for you, kid.
Glad you admitted to having had a nerve struck!

That's what happens when you have a disgraceful about-face and get called out on it. Insecurity. Cowardice.
Glad you admitted to having had a nerve struck!

That's what happens when you have a disgraceful about-face and get called out on it. Insecurity. Cowardice.
Hey, sometimes, stupid drags you down to its level, and that happened tonight; good job. Had they actually protested, or if they protest the flag in the future, I'll gladly give up my tickets. I was proud of them for handling it the right way. If you find them locking arms (standing up) during the anthem offensive, I don't know what to tell you.
Hey, sometimes, stupid drags you down to its level, and that happened tonight; good job. Had they actually protested, or if they protest the flag in the future, I'll gladly give up my tickets. I was proud of them for handling it the right way. If you find them locking arms (standing up) during the anthem offensive, I don't know what to tell you.
Yeah, you're brilliant. I can tell from the sentence structure in your 1st sentence.

Oh, wait... it's because tonight's game wasn't on a Sunday, right? If this was a Sunday, you'd SURELY have followed through on your empty, cowardly threat!

The kneeling tonight was just because they were tired, I'm sure.
If by kneeling I express my desire for more justice and equality in the world....I kneel every time.

But I won't kneel during the anthem.
i'm basing this on my own experiences. when you get pulled over by a cop for something small, who after sees food in your back seat, asks "got the munchies after a little weed session huh?" i can say this happens. And that's a light version of my experiences
Not debating that. I gear you.

It's just that you worded it like ALL law enforcement.
"Some" cures that
Just a playful jab.
Well you sir have no concept of:

1. Salary Cap
2. Constitutional rights
3. Peaceful Protesting
4. Or what they are protesting

I'll gladly hold the door open for you when someone kneels tonight.
Well you sir have no concept of:

1. Salary Cap
2. Constitutional rights
3. Peaceful Protesting
4. Or what they are protesting

I'll gladly hold the door open for you when someone kneels tonight.

Well you sir have no concept of:

1. Salary Cap
2. Constitutional rights
3. Peaceful Protesting
4. Or what they are protesting

I'll gladly hold the door open for you when someone kneels tonight.

I really get tired of people thinking they're constitutional scholars when they have no idea what they're talking about. The Bill of Rights, and in this instance more specifically the 1st Amendment, grants citizens rights the government cannot infringe upon. The government. If the players protesting were getting prosecuted or even arrested, you have a violation of constitutional rights. No one has the right to say or do whatever they want whenever they want. You cannot protest in my business unless I allow you to do so. You cannot call your boss an ignorant POS and keep your job. You can try, but I'm sure I know how that will end up.

I'm a huge gun rights advocate, but if a business owner or homeowner says I can't bring a weapon into their property, I can't do so. The players can protest however they want to as long as their employer allows it. If their employers tell them not to do it on the job and they do it anyway, they most certainly can be dismissed.

If the league and individual teams allow it, they can do it. However, they also face the consequences of losing fans and money. That's the bottom line.
If Jerry says no its gonna be interesting if someone defies the owner

The whole damn team what?:rolleyes:

Even though Trump was right...the Lib left has completely turned this against him.

The media is a joke....and has become a political tool.
Actually I'm fine with what they did. They did not disrespect the flag or national anthem, and that's the part that has pissed people off. I still don't agree with it because I think it just creates divisiveness, but that just my opinion.
Villenueva I believe was pressured to apologize. He has nothing to apologize for. His teammates and the Steelers organization should apologize to him. Watching Mike Tomlin and Roethlisberger trying to save face is a laugh. They are self absorbed idiots who think they are better than even Veterans. They can KISS MY RED WHITE AND BLUE A**.... I say when they come out of the tunnels that the fans should douse them in soda and bring pillows with goose feathers and open them up on them. Yes Tar n Feather them. That goes for all these teams that hid in the tunnels like a bunch of punks with yellow streaks down their backs!!!
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