Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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Everyone has the right to a peaceful protest. Everyone has a right to Freedom of Speech. But that does not mean there aren't consequences for your actions. For example, I have the right to go to my boss and tell him he is a D bag and worthless human being. I can't be arrested for that.. but I can and would be fired for it. I hope they don't kneel, they can stay in the tunnel, they can hold hands, lock arms, etc but to kneel is just dis respectful IMO and I would be forced to make a very hard choice. This is America's team and should stand for the anthem.
I'm done with any player who kneels during the anthem. If it's team wide, my tv set turns the NFL off for the rest of the year. I watch sports to avoid things like politics, not to become immersed in politics.

They want to make some sort of statement in opposition to the president, they've got plenty of time to do it. During our national anthem is not the time.

You say it's not for me or anyone else to decide? Fine. It'll be my decision - a decision many others have already made based on falling ratings - to tell the NFL where they can stick it.
There is no time when minorities can get away from the issues they face. The best part of America is the FREEDOM to protest injustice. And not just when its convenient for someone watching TV.
The American Flag stands for the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. I honor those who gave their lives and NO WAY would I show disrespect by pulling this "LOOK AT ME" protest crap. You want to get political you say it,but the American Flag for me is sacred. I think by law they should be able to shoot a flag burner on sight. This I want to be a 60's hippie makes me want to puke!!! Yeah any Cowboys who pull this crap need to be sent to Cleveland & Buffalo,but first I would make them go spend some time in a Veterans Hospital and see true heroes not because you can run a good forty.YOU ARE NOT HERO, YOU JUST PLAY A SPORT. Heroes are those who sacrificed.Keep the Flag out of your self grandizing protest.
Everyone has the right to a peaceful protest. Everyone has a right to Freedom of Speech. But that does not mean there aren't consequences for your actions. For example, I have the right to go to my boss and tell him he is a D bag and worthless human being. I can't be arrested for that.. but I can and would be fired for it. I hope they don't kneel, they can stay in the tunnel, they can hold hands, lock arms, etc but to kneel is just dis respectful IMO and I would be forced to make a very hard choice. This is America's team and should stand for the anthem.

This is America's team, and nothing is more American than exercising your rights, as long as they dont infringe upon others.
Money is not a magical force field that protects minorities from racism, women from sexism, etc. Etc.

Give me a break. The whole racism argument when it comes to law enforcement is a bunch of ********. If you don't want to get shot, don't commit crimes. White people get shot by cops too, but I haven't seen any protests. Are there some accidents and even bad shootings? Of course there are, but the same thing applies to white people that get shot. You just never hear about it because no one cares and no one can make any money off of it. The Michael Brown farce started all of this and it was proven to be total ********. The "hands up, don't shoot" cry was proven to be a complete lie. The guy went for the officer's gun. You do that, you get shot. Every damn time.

I'm not blind. I know racism still exists. But, it exists on a two way street. In general, you will be treated in the manner you treat others. It seems that today if a black person gets shot by the Police, it's automatically a racist act. Maybe, just maybe black people commit crimes just like white people. Imagine that.
There is no time when minorities can get away from the issues they face. The best part of America is the FREEDOM to protest injustice. And not just when its convenient for someone watching TV.

But that does not mean freedom from consequences. I guess you were OK with that Church protesting at fallen soldiers funerals?
Why can't people separate this from running blocking and tackling? This is comical. You don't own the players or their minds? Do you even care about where they come from, what got them there or their circumstances or is it just entertainment?
Yes, it is entertainment.
The American Flag stands for the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. I honor those who gave their lives and NO WAY would I show disrespect by pulling this "LOOK AT ME" protest crap. You want to get political you say it,but the American Flag for me is sacred. I think by law they should be able to shoot a flag burner on sight. This I want to be a 60's hippie makes me want to puke!!! Yeah any Cowboys who pull this crap need to be sent to Cleveland & Buffalo,but first I would make them go spend some time in a Veterans Hospital and see true heroes not because you can run a good forty.YOU ARE NOT HERO, YOU JUST PLAY A SPORT. Heroes are those who sacrificed.Keep the Flag out of your self grandizing protest.

The flag is a piece of cloth. A symbol at best. The soldiers didnt die for a flag. They died for freedom. And democracy. and the right to protest injustice. Even when its not convenient.
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