Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Unless and until players are fined/jailed for speaking out, this is not a free speech issue.

Actually, free speech only protects you from the government. Jerry would be well within his rights to cut any player as a consequence. Because Jerry is not the government. That why the "if you go to your job..." thing is nonsense. People have more outrage than they have intelligence.
I am not going to give up my season tickets or stop watching Dallas football but I will say this: I watched less football (and football related programming) yesterday than I have in years because I am just sick and tired of all the attention paid to this issue.

I wasn't mad, I wasn't angry, I wasn't yelling and screaming.... I just said to myself "man, I'm sick of this crap" and simply did something equally unproductive with my Sunday afternoon.
Pretty much the way I see it, Scipio. Once he went after the players and told fans to leave the stadium, the owners got involved. Billionaires like to be left to their own laurels, and hate their money being messed with.

The tragedy of it is, if Kaepernick had a legitimate point, it's been lost.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Unless and until players are fined/jailed for speaking out, this is not a free speech issue.
They can be fined all they want but if they were jailed it does become a free speech issue.
Ah, the old race card. I was wondering when that would show up. It never fails to disappoint. You always know when you're on the winning side of an argument when people start calling you a racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, etc. It's all you've got.
So what are you supposed to call racists, sexists, homophobes and Islamophobes?
At this point, the protesting is just backlash against our President, who treaded where he shouldn't have.
I disagree, he may be politician but he is also a citizen of the country, if the last guy could get away with some of the things he said, even though it was more "eloquent", this one should also be able to comment on anything "American"
Oh boy.......
Posted by Charean Williams on September 25, 2017, 3:48 PM EDT


The Cowboys have not had a player join the national anthem protest since Colin Kaepernick became a face of the movement last season. That will change tonight, according to Clarence Hill of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Not every player might participate, according to Hill, but at least some will.

“It’s not going to be business as usual,” a player told Hill. “[President Trump] crossed a line. Something will be done.”

Cowboys coach Jason Garrett said Saturday he did not expect any of his players to protest. That, though, came before Sunday’s outpouring of protests around the league. Some teams linked arms. Some stayed in the locker room for the national anthem. Some had individual players take a knee.

Garrett has made it clear he likes his team to stand during the national anthem.

“The national anthem is sacred. Our flag is sacred. And our team has demonstrated that,” Garrett said last month.
Those cowboys who do protest will not do themselves any favors.
Fans will boo them and I hope endorsement deals will be pulled back.
Any Cowboy who protests on he job will be off my fav list, boys.

Too, this could be a test of Jerry's hold on the team.
He loves his players, BUT any player embarrassing him might regret it big time, blokes!
The president called out the NFL and the NBA champions over the weekend. Maybe he should stick to politics.

Yes, and we fans do not need to go down that rabbit hole with him.
I know we only ever use the first stanza of the Star Spangled Banner, but that 3rd stanza--depending on the narrator--can be interpreted as directly racist.

But again, all stanza's after the first are long gone.

Wouldnt it be wild if the US eventuslly dumps the song entirely.
I know we only ever use the first stanza of the Star Spangled Banner, but that 3rd stanza--depending on the narrator--can be interpreted as directly racist.

But again, all stanza's after the first are long gone.

Wouldnt it be wild if the US eventuslly dumps the song entirely.
America, the Beautiful is a better, more meaningful song, anyway.
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