Revealing insight from Brown Sugar , straight from Cowboy players


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MikeD17 said:
I Also think team unity was very much hinderded upon the Carter release.

this team looks like its falling apart at the seams.

Was Quincy their dealer?

Seriously, seek help.

Irving Cowboy

The Chief
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MikeD17 said:
this team looks like its falling apart at the seams.
Because of the release of a below-average to average QB??? You must have hit the same pipe Q hit...


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MikeD17 said:
She posted:I talked to a couple of players today, and I asked them what they thought the problem is with the team. One of the players said that he felt like it was KARMA, and I asked him what he meant. He said that he and some of the other players felt like them releasing Q this summer is coming back to haunt them. Take that for what its worth..

This goes with what ive been saying . Cutting Carter was cutting a foundational head of THIS team away. Here was a guy who was the captain of the team, who worked out just as hard as anyone who watched more film then anyone and he get cuts . I know he had issues with the weed, but they could of tried to work this circumstance in another way. Perhaps maybe benching him a few preseason games, helping him into a rehab for a few weeks etc.

I think from this statement alot of players might be thinking if a guy like Quincy who gave his right arm to the Cowboys and Parcells with his work ethic can get cut what do i have to do to please this guy?

I think it's effected the team in a very psychological sense, a morale sense.

This changing of figure heads on the team i think has messed with this teams chemistry and now this team plays like a team with no true idenity . Which is evident by the play calling and the playing on the field. Everything is out of wack.

Seriously I know I talk about this issue alot, but i want you to look at this objectively as possiable .

A Football team is based alot on mental confidence, Chemistry , and team morale and commarade .

I think Cutting the team Captain and Starting Qb who had been there for 3 years did some damage to this team mental image which is evident by our 2-4 start.

Then they bring in some Old guy whos never really won anywhere he went.

What's that French word.... garbage!

Yes, that's it!


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MikeD17 said:
dmx , you never ever smoked a joint? ok if not have you ever did something you regretted? made a mistake? did something implusive etc We all make mistakes, I think Carter made one with the weed. But i think we could of handled this circumstance differently rather then just cutting him . Heck I Would even go with benching him and putting him at second string for awhile.

I just dont think calling someone and idiot is really an intelligent response to this thread. Weve all done stuff we regret. and its not like Carter raped someone or anything , he smoked alittle weed.

Carter is an idiot. For the simple fact that, he had the opportunity of a lifetime. He was the freaking starting QB for America's Team and his coach was Bill Parcells, how many people in the world get an opportunity like that and it's not like this is the first time he was caught was drugs. It's the second time. So, yeah he's an idiot.


The Quiet Man
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Here's one hypothesis. Teams have figured out how to beat our defense, which they started to do last year when Carter was the quarterback.

Add to that the fact that much of the defensive starters are new/young players.

Maybe cutting Banks unceremoniously in Carter's first year after bringing him in to start led to Carter's injury that knocked him out for 8 games. Maybe not really giving Anthony Wright a fair shake led to our offensive line's revolving door in 2002.

Let's try a different angle. Maybe letting Hambrick walk is the reason Julius went down. After all, he was a pretty well liked guy.

In today's NFL roster turnover is a matter of fact, either through cuts or free agency. Players come and go, and that's just a fact of life. The way it happened in this instance was initiated by Carter by all accounts.


Zone Scribe
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BrownSugar is just providing information, and you're arguing with her? Why? Do you know players who disagree with her statement?

Quincy was stupid to smoke weed, just like it was stupid for Randy Moss to get pulled over with a roach in his car. Did the Vikings cut Randy Moss? Just like it was stupid for Ty Law to get busted at the Canadian border with ecstasy in 2000. Why didn't the Patriots cut Ty Law?

I think some fail to realize how popular Quincy was with his teammates. Whenever I went to camps, it was rather astounding how much his teammates gravitated around him naturally. Like it or not, he was not only "one of the guys", but much more. There was a feeling of "one for all, all for one" with Quincy. Supporting players busted their tail for Quincy, because he was "Their guy".... nNot just Parcells' guy. I worry that now the marginal and backup players feel like they are busting their tail so Vinny and Keyshawn can prove some point about how effective they still are.

Its clearly obvious watching this team that they lack on field leadership and an overall identity. I guess if Quincy was in no way responsible for that, as some suggest, then it just have been Javier Collins or Jermaine Brooks that provided that.

I know, it was probably our Beloved Sacred Saint, Jamar Martin.


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You act like Q made one little slip up and they fired him,This was a ongoing problem that wasn't likely to change.If there are players that can't accept his being released they can follow him out the door along with the fans who cannot deal with reality. ;)


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InmanRoshi said:
Quincy was stupid to smoke weed, just like it was stupid for Randy Moss to get pulled over with a roach in his car. Did the Vikings cut Randy Moss? Just like it was stupid for Ty Law to get busted at the Canadian border with ecstasy in 2000. Why didn't the Patriots cut Ty Law?

I think some fail to realize how popular Quincy was with his teammates. Whenever I went to camps, it was rather astounding how much his teammates gravitated around him naturally. Like it or not, he was not only "one of the guys", but much more. There was a feeling of "one for all, all for one" with Quincy. Supporting players busted their tail for Quincy, because he was "Their guy".... nNot just Parcells' guy. I worry that now the marginal and backup players feel like they are busting their tail so Vinny and Keyshawn can prove some point about how effective they still are.

Randy Moss, all-pro and one of the best WRs ever.

Ty Law, all-pro and one of the better CBs of his era.

Quincy Carter, seems like a really bad comparison to me. ;)


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InmanRoshi said:
Quincy was stupid to smoke weed, just like it was stupid for Randy Moss to get pulled over with a roach in his car. Did the Vikings cut Randy Moss? Just like it was stupid for Ty Law to get busted at the Canadian border with ecstasy in 2000. Why didn't the Patriots cut Ty Law?

I think some fail to realize how popular Quincy was with his teammates. Whenever I went to camps, it was rather astounding how much his teammates gravitated around him naturally. Like it or not, he was not only "one of the guys", but much more. There was a feeling of "one for all, all for one" with Quincy. Supporting players busted their tail for Quincy, because he was "Their guy".... nNot just Parcells' guy. I worry that now the marginal and backup players feel like they are busting their tail so Vinny and Keyshawn can prove some point about how effective they still are.

Please don't put Carter in the same Catagory as Law or Moss. Last time i checked Carter was an average to below average type QB in the league. If Carter was putting up numbers like Mcnair, Favre or Manning then he still be on the team. But, the reality is, Carter, had very little margin of error.


No Quarter
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MikeD17 said:
She posted:I talked to a couple of players today, and I asked them what they thought the problem is with the team. One of the players said that he felt like it was KARMA, and I asked him what he meant. He said that he and some of the other players felt like them releasing Q this summer is coming back to haunt them. Take that for what its worth
Saw that and wasn't surprised. But look big picture and take a look at the Cowboys at this time.... 5-9 in last 14 games!

No doubt those players who spoke to her will be gone sooner than later.

Look, QC's exodus was sad & unfortunate by Bill's own words, but player who believes we're 2-4 as a result needs to go play in Cleveland or the CFL.


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InmanRoshi said:
So only Pro Bowl players have importance to their teams?

No, but marginal players with a drug problem, who whines at the first sign of competition, has very little to offer a team.


Zone Scribe
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Okay, you guys are right. Of course what's argued on this secluded la-la land of internet messageboard is reality, while what is actually going through the minds of the players is either fiction or a figment of their imagination. The players really don't miss Quincy. He really wasn't a leader on the team. BrownSugar is wrong. What was I thinking?

I'll now return you to la-la land.


Regular Joe....
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I believe Q cut himself.

I believe that if Q had the kind of talent Moss or Law have, he would still be on the roster.

I believe it was easier to cut Q when we did, rather then having to do it when Henson is ready to start playing.

I believe that Q was more popular with the team then any of the QBs we currently have. If you look at it, it only makes sense. Vinnie is 41. No matter how you slice this, your not going to relate to players that are early to mid 20s as well as someone closer to there own age would. This is not a reach for me. Romo is a 2nd year guy who really hasn't done much. The team is not going to view him in the same light as they would Carter. Henson is a rookie. He hasn't had the time or opportunity to develope the same sort of relationships Q did. I believe this is a correct statement. I don't believe it's a valid reason for the teams performance this year. I think the offense has played better this year then last.

We're losing games on defense and special teams. Our offensive scheme is not designed to protect the defense this year. Why? I don't know but I do know that in the NFL, you had better get used to player movement. If Joe Montana can be traded, anybody can be traded. It's a fact of life in the NFL.

Q can not be used as an excuse for our performance thus far.


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i would be interested in which Cowboy players said this.

Who was a friend of his that is still left on the roster?


The Duke
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As much as I want to stay out of this thread I can't.

Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones have both maintained that Q was released for some reason other than drugs. Bill did not even know about the drug issue because it is an NFL rule that the owners cannot tell the Coaches because it could infuence their decisions to start or bench a player.

No matter what the reason it's simply time to move on.

I mean my gosh, we're reduced to believing that cosmic forces have it in for us? What next?


Regular Joe....
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Hostile said:
As much as I want to stay out of this thread I can't.

Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones have both maintained that Q was released for some reason other than drugs. Bill did not even know about the drug issue because it is an NFL rule that the owners cannot tell the Coaches because it could infuence their decisions to start or bench a player.

No matter what the reason it's simply time to move on.

I mean my gosh, we're reduced to believing that cosmic forces have it in for us? What next?

Q couldn't lay off the pipe, we can't lay off the Q.

God I hate the implications here!



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Hostile said:
As much as I want to stay out of this thread I can't.

Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones have both maintained that Q was released for some reason other than drugs. Bill did not even know about the drug issue because it is an NFL rule that the owners cannot tell the Coaches because it could infuence their decisions to start or bench a player.

No matter what the reason it's simply time to move on.

I mean my gosh, we're reduced to believing that cosmic forces have it in for us? What next?

i think there might be some truth to it. it would be nice to know which players said it. it could explain some things.


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InmanRoshi said:
Quincy was stupid to smoke weed, just like it was stupid for Randy Moss to get pulled over with a roach in his car. Did the Vikings cut Randy Moss? Just like it was stupid for Ty Law to get busted at the Canadian border with ecstasy in 2000. Why didn't the Patriots cut Ty Law?

I think some fail to realize how popular Quincy was with his teammates. Whenever I went to camps, it was rather astounding how much his teammates gravitated around him naturally. Like it or not, he was not only "one of the guys", but much more. There was a feeling of "one for all, all for one" with Quincy. Supporting players busted their tail for Quincy, because he was "Their guy".... nNot just Parcells' guy. I worry that now the marginal and backup players feel like they are busting their tail so Vinny and Keyshawn can prove some point about how effective they still are.

Yean and if Favre got caught doing just about anything that didnt flat land him in jail, he'd never be cut either, so whats your point? Those 3 guys are as good as they get at their respective positions. All time greats even. But Carter was just another QB givng it a whirl.. no matter how hard he worked or how likeable he was.

I imagine that had we won 10 games last year because we averaged 3+ TD's per game as opposed to something less than 2, he'd likely still be around.


The Sarcastic One
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Hostile said:
As much as I want to stay out of this thread I can't.

Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones have both maintained that Q was released for some reason other than drugs. Bill did not even know about the drug issue because it is an NFL rule that the owners cannot tell the Coaches because it could infuence their decisions to start or bench a player.

No matter what the reason it's simply time to move on.

I mean my gosh, we're reduced to believing that cosmic forces have it in for us? What next?

I agree with you.

Drugs were NEVER given by the organization as a reason for his dismissal.

Could it not be just another move by the front office?

Quincy is still not, and probably will never be, suspended for 4 games.

Do I believe that drugs played a part in his release? Yes.

Do I believe that BP and Jones could have just been "waiting for an excuse" to get rid of him? Yes.

Do I believe BP brought BP in here to start? Yes. I think it was always in his plans. I think he would have done it last year if Vinny were available as I don't think he was.