Why not? Leon Lett was an extremely shy guy who was scared to talk to the media and he was fine playing for Jimmy Johnson. Johnson could have found a way to motivate Martin without going to the extent that Incognito did.
So his teammates are supporting Incognito and even saying Martin had Richie as a big brother. Its awesome how fast people jump into conclussions to look politically correct without knowing 100% whats behind the story.
I will just wait until the truth comes out, if it ever does. If not its just a guessing game.
Martin is soft. Period.
NOt saying what Ingognito said/did was right (it clearly wasn't), just saying that Martin doesn't belong in the NFL. He needs to pick another profession.
And all this whining about "Bullying", you people wouldn't make it through the first hour of Basic Combat Training.
Do you need to know the story 100 percent to know that things that were said in that voicemail are just completely wrong and messed up?
Even jokingly, you have to be a pretty sick individual to joke around about some of that stuff.
Show me where I said it did.I don't think one of the prereqs for playing in the NFL is that you have to be a self rightous ***clown.
Wasn't Martin starting for the Dolphins?
Yea.. i say he belongs just fine.
I don't think one of the prereqs for playing in the NFL is that you have to be a self rightous ***clown.
Only one self righteous is you. One of my best friends is Asian. I make Asian jokes about him all the time and he makes Black jokes about me all the time, but to you we are wrong, right? Dude is like my brother. We say outlandish stuff to each other all the time, its all good between us, but to you its oh no, you guys are bad guys because you say that to each other. Whatever dude.
Incognito and Martin aren't friends. That is the difference between their situation and you and your buddy.
Only one self righteous is you. One of my best friends is Asian. I make Asian jokes about him all the time and he makes Black jokes about me all the time, but to you we are wrong, right? Dude is like my brother. We say outlandish stuff to each other all the time, its all good between us, but to you its oh no, you guys are bad guys because you say that to each other. Whatever dude.
Dude is a millionaire.
If Hernandez had half a brain...he could of gotten away with it smoothly. OJ, and Ray Lewis
But how would you handle it?
Show me where I said it did.
Dude Tannehil said they were best friends! Try to keep up.
Dude, Tannahill is in PR spin mode right now.
If Martin and Incognito were friends and just busting on each other, would Martin have left the team and turned these messages and texts over to his parents, his team, and the NFL?
Try to keep up..
I took that to mean, maybe if his personality was more closely related to that of the jackass Incognito, maybe you'd think that would be more fitting for him.
You know what they say about assuming...
The straw that broke the camel's back here was just a bunch of players getting up and walking away when he sat down for lunch. As a joke, albeit an immature one.
That's what made Martin finally leave the team.
Think about that. An NFL offensive lineman and first-round pick.
You said he doesn't belong in the NFL because you think he's soft.
I took that to mean, maybe if his personality was more closely related to that of the jackass Incognito, maybe you'd think that would be more fitting for him.
Even though your original statement was clearly offbase, to put it nicely.
Martin is soft, no question. He doesn't belong in the NFL.
I get quite the kick out of those on this board who think they are qualified to judge who does or does not belong in the NFL.
Keep it up, boys.
Hey it's ok, it's not always easy to recognize if someone is soft, particularly if one is soft oneself.