hilarious how many here say "I don't support Incognito BUT..."
Only truly stupid people cannot recognize that Incognito has been a total DB for years. I keep asking his supporters here why they ignore the years of recorded history of his POS behavior. They never seem to want to answer....
First off, Francis, ease up on the "stupid" comments. You're in way over your head.
More and more and more is coming out about this. Teammates seem to be siding with Incognito. I even heard Martin had played the tapes in the locker room for his teammates and laughed out laugh with everyone. Ryan Tannehill called Incognito the biggest supporter and friend Martin had in the locker room. I smell a well-planned lawsuit from Martin's Harvard-educated lawyers, who are also his parents.
None of that forgives Incognito, but it certainly provides context that so many don't want to hear.
The culture in a football locker room is massivlely politically incorrect. You have to have incredibly thick skin, and yes, it gets cultural, personal, and even racial. Players laugh off what society in general would need six months of therapy to overcome. The campaign to wussify and emasculate the American male hasn't yet reached the locker room, though I'm sure it's fast-tracking now. How long until trash-talking on the field becomes verbal assault, punishable by law, or at least worth suspension from the league office?
Go back and look at what Parcells used to ask his players to do. Look at the early 90s Cowboys, and what Jimmy allowed to go on.
And for crying out loud, let the facts come out. This already feels like the railroading of George Zimmerman, who should have been excused in a week's time.
There's plenty at work here. Let it surface.