But normally you to be a target in some way for a bully to seek you out though. (smaller, older, weaker, softer, younger, etc.) Why was Martin seen as a target.
Perhaps he simply didn't feel like putting up with being hassled? Honestly, it doesn't matter a bit
why it escalated as far as it did--all that matters is that what happened is not acceptable in any civilized environment. It's appalling to me that you're suggesting that Incognito isn't responsible for his own actions. He was not "compelled", as you appear to be saying, by anything other than his own idiocy.
I am asking you, in all seriousness, to please look up "victim blaming" on the internet. What you find may shock you, and may even ring a few bells as to how so many athletes/football teams throughout the country seem to get into so much trouble with rape and assault. What you are saying here is 100% victim blaming. If you had a daughter, and she was assaulted, would you repeat to her what you're telling me here--that there was some culpability on her part for what happened?
It was not--and
is not--Martin's responsibility to kick someone's *** or be a "tough guy" or whatever else some of you are suggesting. Need I remind you that the very quality which you seem so hell-bent on parading around in a positive light is the very same one that landed Hernandez in jail?
Wasn't he just being a "real man," too?