Ricky Williams Fails Drug Test

abersonc said:
But again, those who initially fail a test will be more likely to have used drugs that stay in the body longer.

I guess the take home message here for players is use cocaine or heroin -- you'll be less likely to test positive.

You seem to be saying take what ever you want. I agree the system is not perfect but it is better than doing nothing at all.
Doomsday101 said:
You seem to be saying take what ever you want. I agree the system is not perfect but it is better than doing nothing at all.

No, I'm saying that the current system is biased against those drugs that do the least damage.
abersonc said:
No, I'm saying that the current system is biased against those drugs that do the least damage.

Biased aginst a drug? Well last time I checked weed was aginst the law and aginst the NFL rules. Simple thought here while playing in the NFL lay off drugs and you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand if you have a drug problem it will show itself sooner or later and for the sake of the player I hope it is sooner rather than too late. I don't think this should be a big issue these guys are paid million so as long as your playing lay off the dope. Simple!!!
abersonc said:
No, I'm saying that the current system is biased against those drugs that do the least damage.

I understand what your trying to say. It's not like Marijuana is a performance enhancing drug. Drug tests should be geared more to detect steriod and stimulant users. As well as people who practice blood doping.
neosapien23 said:
I understand what your trying to say. It's not like Marijuana is a performance enhancing drug. Drug tests should be geared more to detect steriod and stimulant users.

It is against the LAW plain and simple, you don't have to agree with the law but it does not change the fact that it is against the law. So the NFL test for any and all illegal drugs is well within their right to do so. It appears that this is more about your own personal feeling that weed should be made legal and when or if it is and the league has no problem with it then players may be allowed to do so but until then these guys need to keep it together and not throw away a career many of us could only dream about. Let me ask you, if I told you I would pay you millions to play a game but you had to stay clean would you pass it up just to get high?
neosapien23 said:
I understand what your trying to say. It's not like Marijuana is a performance enhancing drug. Drug tests should be geared more to detect steriod and stimulant users. As well as people who practice blood doping.

oh Neo -- you get me.
Doomsday101 said:
It is against the LAW plain and simple, you don't have to agree with the law but it does not change the fact that it is against the law. So the NFL test for any and all illegal drugs is well within their right to do so. It appears that this is more about your own personal feeling that weed should be made legal and when or if it is and the league has no problem with it then players may be allowed to do so but until then these guys need to keep it together and not throw away a career many of us could only dream about. Let me ask you, if I told you I would pay you millions to play a game but you had to stay clean would you pass it up just to get high?

I'm not saying that marijuana users should not be suspended, because they should. What I think Abersonc was trying to say is that drug tests should do a better job of catching people who use performance enhancing drugs. Blood dopers are hardly ever busted and people can take "maskers" to hide their steriod use. Look at Bill Romanoski. He was a huge steriod user and he wasn't caught until the end of his career. I'm pretty sure players felt that Romanoski was a bigger cheater than Ricky Williams, and yet Romanoski was never suspended for drug use. Drug tests should be more thorough and remove steriod users as well as pot smokers.
neosapien23 said:
I'm not saying that marijuana users should not be suspended, because they should. What I think Abersonc was trying to say is that drug tests should do a better job of catching people who use performance enhancing drugs. Blood dopers are hardly ever busted and people can take "maskers" to hide their steriod use. Look at Bill Romanoski. He was a huge steriod user and he wasn't caught until the end of his career. I'm pretty sure players felt that Romanoski was a bigger cheater than Ricky Williams, and yet Romanoski was never suspended for drug use.

Player do not get caught all the time that is true. I know people who have passed drug test and smoke weed so I know there are ways to beat the system but because their is a way to beat the system it does not mean you throw it out. I know the NFL test for steriod use as well and all I'm saying is if you get caught then that is all on you. I don't see the league doing anything wrong when it comes to testing their players and punishing player who are caught.
Doomsday101 said:
Player do not get caught all the time that is true. I know people who have passed drug test and smoke weed so I know there are ways to beat the system but because their is a way to beat the system it does not mean you throw it out. I know the NFL test for steriod use as well and all I'm saying is if you get caught then that is all on you. I don't see the league doing anything wrong when it comes to testing their players and punishing player who are caught.

I don't either. I just think that the tests need to be better able to detect steriods, stimulants, and blood dopers. The NFL's current testing sytem is more geared to finding recreational drug users.
Doomsday101 said:
It is against the LAW plain and simple, you don't have to agree with the law but it does not change the fact that it is against the law.

I'm really not convinced by a legal argument here. Players who break other laws that are far more serious (e.g., domestic battery) get what? a fine? a single game suspension?

the only way a player's legal troubles take him out of the game is if he has to do time. even then he may be able to work the sentence around football. yet we have a strict system in place to deal with marijuana users. odd priorities if you ask me.
abersonc said:
I'm really not convinced by a legal argument here. Players who break other laws that are far more serious (e.g., domestic battery) get what? a fine? a single game suspension?

the only way a player's legal troubles take him out of the game is if he has to do time. even then he may be able to work the sentence around football. yet we have a strict system in place to deal with marijuana users. odd priorities if you ask me.

It is not a god given right to play professional football if you want to play these are the rules and I would think grown men could handle that evidently some can't and for those guys I really don't care if they ever play or not. If you don't like the rule head north to the CFL from my understanding they don't test but then again their product does not come close to the NFL.
Doomsday101 said:
It is not a god given right to play professional football if you want to play these are the rules and I would think grown men could handle that evidently some can't and for those guys I really don't care if they ever play or not. If you don't like the rule head north to the CFL from my understanding they don't test but then again their product does not come close to the NFL.

I'm not arguing against the rule - i'm arguing against the hypocrisy.
Funny thing is these are the same arguments I had with my dad when I was kid. I'm no longer a kid and I get what he was saying. Like it or not these are the rules you play by them or you pay the price for your own actions be it in football or life.
neosapien23 said:
I don't either. I just think that the tests need to be better able to detect steriods, stimulants, and blood dopers. The NFL's current testing sytem is more geared to finding recreational drug users.

So the current system protects players from mostly harmless drugs? odd
Doomsday101 said:
Funny thing is these are the same arguments I had with my dad when I was kid. I'm no longer a kid and I get what he was saying. Like it or not these are the rules you play by them or you pay the price for your own actions be it in football or life.

And the rules say -- marijuana bad. beat your wife -- eh, not as bad as marijuana.

Again, the take home message here is not something I'm comfortable with.
abersonc said:
I'm not arguing against the rule - i'm arguing against the hypocrisy.

It is not an issue if they stay clean. What is so hard about that? If you have other drug issues they will eventally get you, these are random test so the guy doing cocaine still runs the risk that he could be tested at any time and once he does fail it he is looking at 10 times a month and that is hard to beat. The NFL test for enhancement drugs as well and again you never know when this test will happen so you’re running a risk.
abersonc said:
So the current system protects players from mostly harmless drugs? odd

Unfortunately yes. However I feel that marijuana users should still be suspended. They are not exempt from the law and if you and I tested positive for Marijuana, we would lose our jobs. I think that people who have DUIs and kill someone like Leonard Little should be punished more severely than Ricky Williams. However Ricky Williams should still be punished if he indeed tested postive for Marijuana use. Also people who engage in behavior such as spousal abuse should be punished more severely than pot smokers. Ricky Williams should not be allowed to play, but criminals such as Sean Taylor should be suspended also and for a much longer period of time.
Doomsday101 said:
It is not an issue if they stay clean. What is so hard about that? If you have other drug issues they will eventally get you, these are random test so the guy doing cocaine still runs the risk that he could be tested at any time and once he does fail it he is looking at 10 times a month and that is hard to beat. The NFL test for enhancement drugs as well and again you never know when this test will happen so you’re running a risk.

But the likelihood of busting a marijuana user is higher than that of busting a cocaine or steroid user. That is the nature of the test. I see that as backwards.
abersonc said:
And the rules say -- marijuana bad. beat your wife -- eh, not as bad as marijuana.

Again, the take home message here is not something I'm comfortable with.

Life is not fair get use to it!
abersonc said:
But the likelihood of busting a marijuana user is higher than that of busting a cocaine or steroid user. That is the nature of the test. I see that as backwards.

True because it stays in the body longer but again don't do it and you can pass any test out there. It is not the test fault that weeds stay in the body longer and the NFL again has a right to protect their investment and they will continue to test and players who seem to lack some common sense will continue to get suspended.

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