News: Roger Goodell is reportedly 'furious' about a major adjustment to his next contract with the NFL


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I hope he is furious. It's his turn to be furious for a change. He's ticked off so many fan bases throughout the years.

That being said, I think he'll get his big extension (no crude jokes please) and Jerry will lose some clout with the other owners.

Reverend Conehead

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It makes me feel better to look at the Cheerleaders from Philly's last SB Championship.


I remember our last championship and being disappointed that President Polk wasn't running for re-election.

The Quest for Six

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I'm certainly no Jerry backer but I think he has plenty to as you say "whine" about.......going back to being penalized along with the Skins for salary cap implications when there was no salary cap at the time to the Zeke fiasco.....has Goodell ever spent 13 months trying to decide a suspension on any player before?....The answer would be NO, and that includes players that were actually guilty of the charge, some were even video Zekes case law enforcement said there was no evidence with the NFL investigator recomended also stating there shouldn't be a suspension.

After the Ray RIce fiasco, life in the NFL with regards to domestic violence changed, FOREVER, no longer could they try to sweep things under the rug like they have been for decades, Big Ben was suspended for 6 games too so the answer is YES .....It was the other owners that penalized Jerry and Snider, not Goodell for the salary cap rules infraction during an uncapped year

Yeah a College football star never gets preferential treatment from a college town police department, that never happens, oh right, SMU, Florida ST, Miami, etc etc etc.....And No, the DA in Columbus did believe something happened but didn't think he could secure a guilty verdict, that's a far cry from NO evidence...... and after the NFL long investigation that was presented to four independent people, they found 4-0 that he was more likely than not hit the woman......this is about a company policy, not criminal case, which was collectively bargained...

And Jerry voted with the other 31 owners in May to start negotiations with Goodell representatives, and Jerry can complain all he wants but most of the owners in this league can't stand Jerry, Jerry doesn't run this league, contrary to what Cowboy fans think he does.... Goodell will get his extension regardless of Jerry temper tantrum and threats....If Jerry was so concerned, where was he when Brady was investigated and suspended for violating a league policy, not a peep out of him, but since it's one of his players, now he's not happy about it......


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I told you guys Kraft is a backer of Goodell... Deflategate protected the Patriots as an organization, while making Brady take a small hit. It was like the ‘slap to the wrist’ punishment they got for Spygate.

The reality is Zeke issue would it have gotten this far if Goodell didn’t have backing.
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Here's the problem I have with JJ: The man had no problem when the commissioner went knocking on the next door neighbour's ( Kraft) door. Yet, he suddenly has a beef when it's his own player.


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Here's the problem I have with JJ: The man had no problem when the commissioner went knocking on the next door neighbour's ( Kraft) door. Yet, he suddenly has a beef when it's his own player.

The Patriots were called out by the NFL teams, including the Ravens.. NFL had to put on some show..


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The Patriots were called out by the NFL teams, including the Ravens.. NFL had to put on some show..

Right but JJ reportedly told Kraft to suck it up and move on. the shoe is on the other foot.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Can Jerry ruin the business model?
Ie the rev2nue sharing amongst owners. Hell the cowboys account for what percentage of total revenue?


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That *******, commissioner, never saw the pain of a whole country that had diminished income and pains of overcoming a national assault on monetary systems throughout our nation...go figure his ivory wall of isolation and privilege.


Fattening up
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Right but JJ reportedly told Kraft to suck it up and move on. the shoe is on the other foot.

I don't believe Jerry's mad about the suspension itself.

I think Jerry was given the idea during the summer meetings that the suspension would not happen or would not be significant, in part to possibly get his buy-in on an extension for the commissioner that was popular with other owners but where Jerry preferred to have incentivized. Then, having signed off (because it was an important optic for the league to have unanimous support for the extension--which was also probably why Jerry pressured Kraft to play ball in the first place), the suspension came down anyway and was as strict as it could possibly be.

That's what I think ticked Jerry off. And he handled it by keeping his mouth shut publicly, but putting pressure behind the scenes on the compensation committee. That happened quietly until this week, when it was clear they were at an impasse and he threatened suit. So the other owners leaked it to get ahead of the PR fight.

Jerry probably thinks the fact that he was intentionally misled (if he in fact was) is reason to bring the decision back in front of the general ownership. The committee probably thinks there's no evidence he was misled and is refusing to bring it back for a general vote.

If that's how it went down, I don't blame Jerry for being pissed. Some of that's on him, for taking a handshake deal in the first place, but if he really was lied to or misled, he ought to go full ****** on this one and take it to the mat. Just like Elliott is doing on his end.


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Amazing with his last few years track record and down ratings he wouldnt be anything more than happy still collecting his 40 mill dollar check..

Has he forgotten he runs a league that is known as NOT FOR LONG league??? Guess what buddy you are no different without performance and making a mockery of the holy "shield" that is the NFL


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I don't believe Jerry's mad about the suspension itself.

I think Jerry was given the idea during the summer meetings that the suspension would not happen or would not be significant, in part to possibly get his buy-in on an extension for the commissioner that was popular with other owners but where Jerry preferred to have incentivized. Then, having signed off (because it was an important optic for the league to have unanimous support for the extension--which was also probably why Jerry pressured Kraft to play ball in the first place), the suspension came down anyway and was as strict as it could possibly be.

That's what I think ticked Jerry off. And he handled it by keeping his mouth shut publicly, but putting pressure behind the scenes on the compensation committee. That happened quietly until this week, when it was clear they were at an impasse and he threatened suit. So the other owners leaked it to get ahead of the PR fight.

Jerry probably thinks the fact that he was intentionally misled (if he in fact was) is reason to bring the decision back in front of the general ownership. The committee probably thinks there's no evidence he was misled and is refusing to bring it back for a general vote.

If that's how it went down, I don't blame Jerry for being pissed. Some of that's on him, for taking a handshake deal in the first place, but if he really was lied to or misled, he ought to go full ****** on this one and take it to the mat. Just like Elliott is doing on his end.

This reply changes my outlook on the suspension.


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The contract adjustment is already a victory for Jerry. The Brinks truck just got called back for Roger. This may force him stepping down. Ratings continue to tank and Jerry is about to go full prime time Al Davis on the NFL. Add the fact that the players Union says they are not going to extend the CBA. He are headed for scab football and a ratings drop like one has never seen before.


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The rating thing gives JJ some leverage to oust RG. But it is far from certain that RG is out. He is seen to have bungled the Ray Rice case and the anthem issue, but many will support him on this one. Unless and until the owners get hurt financially RG is likely to survive.


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NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is reportedly "furious" over potential changes to his next contract with the league.

According to ESPN's Seth Wickersham and Don Van Natta Jr., Jerry Jones and other NFL owners have been adamant that Goodell's next contract have less guaranteed money and be more focused on performance-based compensation.

"He feels as if the owners have made a lot of money and he should be compensated accordingly," a source told ESPN. "The incentives thing really angers him."

Tensions were already high around league offices regarding Goodell's next deal, as Cowboys owner Jerry Jones reportedly threatened a lawsuit against the league and some team owners in order to have a bigger say in the commissioner's next contract.

It appears that other owners are also frustrated with Goodell, with issues like ongoing player protests and dwindling television ratings. However, there are also seemingly enough owner for the two-thirds vote needed to approve Goodell's contract.

You knew Jerry would reach a breaking point after years of BS (Cap penalty, Dez no-catch and ref issues and now Zeke).


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This reply changes my outlook on the suspension.

A lot of supposition there, but it sort of fits with the events as they've been reported.

Whatever it is that went down, you can bet we don't have some fairly important details publicly yet.