Romo exposed

Dang if anything Romo has been exposed for being great.

He just needs to play with more enthusiasm isntead of going through the motions because when he is flat it trickles down to everyone.
lewpac;2332272 said:
Uh.................ever here of AM and PM?

There's only ONE 7:00 in the morning, and 7:00 in the PM.
Offer up some rebuttal or informed argument next time, instead of stupid
attacks on the fact...............

I'll be your huckleberry. most clocks read in 12 hour increments. therefore, the clock will read 7:00 TWICE.

regardless, Romo has not been Romo. I think that has a lot to do with Crayton being our #2 reciever. he simply doesn't have the speed or skill to deal with man to man coverage. we really need a better #2. Romo has to hold the ball since TO is mostly doubled, Witten covered, Crayton can't get open...
Audiman;2334092 said:
I'll be your huckleberry. most clocks read in 12 hour increments. therefore, the clock will read 7:00 TWICE.

regardless, Romo has not been Romo. I think that has a lot to do with Crayton being our #2 reciever. he simply doesn't have the speed or skill to deal with man to man coverage. we really need a better #2. Romo has to hold the ball since TO is mostly doubled, Witten covered, Crayton can't get open...

I don't think Crayton has anything to do with it.
Who was there last year? Crayton. Glenn was out the whole season and we had Crayton. Romo wasn't throwing to anyone different last year.
lewpac;2332303 said:
For all you "stupid post" idiots out there, what's you're answer?
Where's your "wonder boy" QB and new OC who you keep insisting are "infallable" and "the answer"?
We can't beat the yearly "worst franchise" in football, and barely scrape by the joke called Cincy, in the year we are supposed to be the "elite" team in the NFL.
Keep burying your head in the sand of your "fan-hood" and remain blinded by your undying loyalty to mediocrity.
I've been a Cowboy fan since 1965, before you we're born. This QB and "Vundechild" OC (all of two years QB coach in Miami) are counterfeit. All show and no go.
As of right now, all Romo will be remembered for are his side-show antics that cost us games (ala the fumble in Seattle, and many, many more examples.)
Keep telling yourself he's your savior, and that the OC is the next head coach to bring us to the promised land. You're living a lie............

Unfortunately, Romo was just signed to a 60 kajillion dollar contract, so you better hope your wrong, becuause he isn't going anywhere.....
lewpac;2332244 said:
A lot of you ain't gonna' like this. Tough. It STILL the truth.
Romo is a problem, if not THE problem. He's got too much "Brett Favre" in him, only he's not Favre. Also, the only way Favre has even one ring is by playing for a hundred years and the cards falling for him once. Even a broken clock is right once a day.............
Romo NEVER has ANY consciousness of ANY rusher to his side or rear. Every time I see a defensive end or blitzing corner or line-backer chasing him from the side or rear, I automatically think "fumble". He should be more seasoned and veteran by now, but he's not. He plays like a kid, going for broke no matter what, and refuses to give up on any play. This usually leads to an idiot sack, a turnover, or the latest adventure in our own end-zone (of which there's been many. Probably more than any other current starter).
From time to time, it's OK to blame one player for a lot of things wrong. The QB is an easy target for this, and Romo is currently the poster-boy for bearing the brunt for many of our woes.
If you want to be the Packers for 16 years, be decent, get lucky one year on "win it all", then Romo is your guy. Not me. I think his star is flickering and his "fifteen minutes of fame" is drawing to an end. He's too risky, punky, and full of himself. To the point he thinks he has the smarts and talent to pull off anything. Of which, of course, by example.......HE'S NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!
Draft or trade for a mature and savvy QB as soon as possible if you want a SB ring. 'Till then, Romo is a "fly by night", couple year phenom who provides enough flash and bling to entertain the sheep, but loses winnable games against bottom feeders.
We got the Rams and Tampa coming up. We're gonna' lose one of these games. And you'll remember where you heard this first...........
Partially agree. Up to this point, he has reminded me of a young Jake Plummer. Plummer never had half the talent Romo did, but their play was eerily similar. I hate the Cowboys, mainly because of Jerruh Jones, but I like Romo. He seems like a decent and humble guy. I think he will learn from mistakes and continue to progress.
vta;2334245 said:
I don't think Crayton has anything to do with it.
Who was there last year? Crayton. Glenn was out the whole season and we had Crayton. Romo wasn't throwing to anyone different last year.

teams weren't doubling TO all the time last year. now they are.

the more Romo is trying to be like Brady, the more he looks like Big Ben this year.
Audiman;2334424 said:
the more Romo is trying to be like Brady, the more he looks like Big Ben this year.

And that's kind of the crux of it: Romo has changed.
Audiman;2334424 said:
teams weren't doubling TO all the time last year. now they are.

the more Romo is trying to be like Brady, the more he looks like Big Ben this year.

If Romo never said those comments you wouldn't even say anything along these lines. Wants the matter with him trying to improve by looking at one of the better QB's in the game?
I kinda thought the media ran with that Tom Brady comment, I mean Romo said he looked at how Brady did it and tried to put it into his game.

Its Tom Terrific so the media blew it up like Tony spent all off season trying to turn himself into Brady and you guys bought it hook line and sinker.

Now that he has "struggled" it can be played up again and I think it will begin to be mentioned by the sports writers in the coming weeks.

Consider yourself sucked.
Pretty lame when d' are adjusting and our o isn't adjusting properly enough to counter attack.
DaBoys4Life;2334440 said:
If Romo never said those comments you wouldn't even say anything along these lines. Wants the matter with him trying to improve by looking at one of the better QB's in the game?

Romo has been holding onto the ball way too long. there's nothing wrong with trying to improve by studying another(better in some areas) QB, but if it takes away from what made you successful, then that's a negative situation.

the media doesn't suck me in at all. personally, I think the media is ridiculous. however, Romo has changed and right now, it's for the worse.
okay okay enough talk about football....

the broken clock saying has me riled up !!!

a broken clock is right twice a day...then the poster said am or pm,
most clocks ive seen dont specify am or pm
digital clocks do........but a broken digital clock does what when its broken ?
they flash...or they dont lite up...
do they break and only show one time continiously ?
ive never had one do that but has anybody ?

get to the important stuff !! :D
rikolai;2332737 said:
I rarely post.Lewpac is right.Dead on.Romo has surprised me with how accurate he can be when given a perfect pocket.He can throw the ball.So could Drew Bledsoe.So could Mark Rypien.But if you have no awareness and don't value the football,you won't win 3 games in a row against other playoff teams.Romo is a great fantasy quarterback.And that's exactly what we're all living if you think we can win a super bowl with his Barnum and Bailey hijinx.Do I think we could do worse at QB?Oh yeah.Do I want a different QB?No.It's not an option.But as long as he thinks that occasional turnovers (weekly,multiple)are part of the resume of a successful,winning quarterback,we are all kidding ourselves.

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