Romo needs competition next year...


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Jon88;2514036 said:
I would much rather have a QB who plays smart and shows up to every game. Not just every other one.

The "oh well" attitude and s***-eating grin after each boneheaded play or interception needs to go too.

you'd rather have him sulk like Eli mmanning after a mistake.....seriously Romo's played 3 really good defense these past 3 weeks......


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YoMick;2514050 said:
Jerry WILL NOT have a competition in his GRAND OPENING of NEW STADIUM.

Instead he will go the SALESMAN route and "annoint" Romo.... he will "crown" Romo in the offseason... maybe during Hard Knocks and in TC and in Preseason.

After all whats more important. Marketing the franchise that is ALREADY almost the biggest franchise in all of sports(2nd to Yankees)

That's the important thing. Winning is second.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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cowboys4life;2514044 said:
.I mean i think even the matt moore kid would have pushed him..

If you really "think" that, then please do us all a favor and quit thinking


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DaBoys4Life;2514053 said:
you'd rather have him sulk like Eli mmanning after a mistake.....seriously Romo's played 3 really good defense these past 3 weeks......

I would much rather someone sulk than act like it never happened.


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Jon88;2514036 said:
I would much rather have a QB who plays smart and shows up to every game. Not just every other one.

The "oh well" attitude and s***-eating grin after each boneheaded play or interception needs to go too.

Alright then start naming the QB's who you would rather have......
Because i am sure that there are only about 3 or 4 QB's in the league that we couldnt get for Romo..... In fact it may only be Brady and Cutler, Maybe Rivers. I bet even the great Payton manning at his age would be traded for Romo......

Anyway.... start naming these "show up every game" QB's you are talking about...


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Jon88;2514064 said:
I would much rather someone sulk than act like it never happened.

Coaches, announcers, most fans, plant life, rocks, almost everyone in existence knows you want your QB to forget mistakes not dwell on them


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superonyx;2514032 said:
What a stupid thread..... Get real.

Start naming the QB's out there that will challenge Romo for the starting job. Romo has a 96 career QB rating.

Its amazing how some of you people forget what it was like all those years after aikman left. Do you think top 5 QB's grow on trees?

I really hope this whole thread is sarcasm......:bang2:

Here we go.......WE ARE NOT SAYING replace the guy...come on man...Just simply stating..he has no one behind him to push him....he isnt afraid to lose his job....LIKE I SAID I SUPPORT ROMO 110% and wouldnt have any other qb in the league....I remember what the Aikman aftermath was...we didnt prepare...and it was UGLY.....but by no means is this saying that we are calling for him to be CUT or benched...come on really....I LOVE ROMO....he is comfy you cant deny that......but hey this a forum...i guess its to be expected that some people are gonna differ......


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superonyx;2514032 said:
What a stupid thread..... Get real.

Start naming the QB's out there that will challenge Romo for the starting job. Romo has a 96 career QB rating.

Its amazing how some of you people forget what it was like all those years after aikman left. Do you think top 5 QB's grow on trees?

I really hope this whole thread is sarcasm......:bang2:

You're a Romophobe "kool-aid" drinker. Again, for the UMPTEENTH time, I'll spell it out for you.
If you did a "highlight" film of Romo's starting career so far, what would it be? It would be a half-hour of flubs, adventures, wild excursions, and twirly-bird running arounds (usually in our own end-zone) that ends with the ball on the ground or a perfect completion to a wide-open DB.
Oklahoma, Texas and Florida all put QB's in the Heisman final. One of them is there for the picking with a trade or something.

GET ONE!! Romo provides JUST ENOUGH bling, JUST ENOUGH numbers, JUST ENOUGH wins, to keep the dogs on the porch. But, just when he's needed the most, as in PRIME TIME, you're a loser.........(qualifier here) so far.

Is he good? Oh yeah, damn good! Can he do it someday? Probably, maybe, perhaps..........we'll see. But as for now, in REAL TIME, when it COUNTS, he's killing us.
He'd be a perfect back-up to the kid from Texas or Oklahoma IMO.


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BigDFan5;2514075 said:
Coaches, announcers, most fans, plant life, rocks, almost everyone in existence knows you want your QB to forget mistakes not dwell on them

How many Superbowls does Manning have compared to Romo again? I don't want him thinking about the mistakes all game, but at least maybe a minute or so. 30 seconds?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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superonyx;2514032 said:
What a stupid thread..... Get real.

Start naming the QB's out there that will challenge Romo for the starting job. Romo has a 96 career QB rating.

Its amazing how some of you people forget what it was like all those years after aikman left. Do you think top 5 QB's grow on trees?

I really hope this whole thread is sarcasm......:bang2:

It took a while. Glad to see the resident Romoites did not disappoint me.


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superonyx;2514032 said:
What a stupid thread..... Get real.

Start naming the QB's out there that will challenge Romo for the starting job. Romo has a 96 career QB rating.

Its amazing how some of you people forget what it was like all those years after aikman left. Do you think top 5 QB's grow on trees?

I really hope this whole thread is sarcasm......:bang2:

He cant win the big games for us
He cant lead us to a SB
He is not a motivator or a leader....
He is just an AVERAGE QB..... I finally realized it


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Darkhound;2514095 said:
He cant win the big games for us
He cant lead us to a SB
He is not a motivator or a leader....
He is just an AVERAGE QB..... I finally realized it

How long did it take Peyton to win a playoff game? How long did it take him to take the Colts all the way?


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Like i said i still support Romo...and wouldnt have any other qb in the league....and i still think he will be a GREAT qb...and eventually lead us there...but i mean when someone is comfy with their job security well you tend to relax...its just human nature..and thats not saying he doesnt care cuz we all know he does.....i hope....lets light a fire...strike some fear like whoa i could lose my starting job...ya no means am i sayin...cut romo bench romo...cuz that would be a HUGE mistake...

in Romo I STILL believe!!


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lewpac;2514090 said:
You're a Romophobe "kool-aid" drinker. Again, for the UMPTEENTH time, I'll spell it out for you.
If you did a "highlight" film of Romo's starting career so far, what would it be? It would be a half-hour of flubs, adventures, wild excursions, and twirly-bird running arounds (usually in our own end-zone) that ends with the ball on the ground or a perfect completion to a wide-open DB.
Oklahoma, Texas and Florida all put QB's in the Heisman final. One of them is there for the picking with a trade or something.

GET ONE!! Romo provides JUST ENOUGH bling, JUST ENOUGH numbers, JUST ENOUGH wins, to keep the dogs on the porch. But, just when he's needed the most, as in PRIME TIME, you're a loser.........(qualifier here) so far.

Is he good? Oh yeah, damn good! Can he do it someday? Probably, maybe, perhaps..........we'll see. But as for now, in REAL TIME, when it COUNTS, he's killing us.
He'd be a perfect back-up to the kid from Texas or Oklahoma IMO.

So now you want us to go get Tim Tebow? What a joke... Lets replace our franchise QB that almost every team in this league would love to have for a QB that is projected to play H Back in the Pros. Great Post.... Great Point.....

Sure you think you dumb Romophobe term is cute and funny. Just call it what it really is. Its fans that can appreciate what Romo does for this team. For the way he runs for his life with piss poor pass protection and still makes plays. He provides us with something that most would not. And you would rather turn the position over to an HBack......smarten up...


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cowboys4life;2514133 said:
Like i said i still support Romo...and wouldnt have any other qb in the league....and i still think he will be a GREAT qb...and eventually lead us there...but i mean when someone is comfy with their job security well you tend to relax...its just human nature..and thats not saying he doesnt care cuz we all know he does.....i hope....lets light a fire...strike some fear like whoa i could lose my starting job...ya no means am i sayin...cut romo bench romo...cuz that would be a HUGE mistake...

in Romo I STILL believe!!

Im with you. Im with Romo. Kinda sucks when your hurt and your o-line stinks, or when you dont have your probowl rb to pick up blocks, or when your defense gives up back to back TD's (dont care if they're tired, no excuse), or when your offensive coordinator is predictable, I can go on and on. Yes Romo adds to the problem with his gunslinger mentallity, but the answer isnt there.


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He definitely needs a wake up call. When he was vying for the QB position against Chad, he had fire and desire to be the next "Dallas Cowboys" QB. Now that he is and has no competition or adequate backup, he has gotten too comfy and lazy. They need to lite a fire under is butt or move him down and get someone that has the fire and talent to lead consistantly


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Alexander;2514094 said:
It took a while. Glad to see the resident Romoites did not disappoint me.
You sound like one of those Patriots fans that wanted to trade Brady and keep Cassel.

It's amazing how stupid fans can get with the ups and downs of a season.


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Alexander;2513992 said:
Interesting response.

I fully expected a king-sized beatdown from the Romoites.

I agree, BTW.

Competition is never never bad.

Especially in a case like this where Romo feels he is the savior, and with people like Brad Johnson backing him up, he has no fear. I think he needs that to get his edge back. He is far too celebrity right now.

It worked for Favre. It would work for Romo.

You expect a king sized beatdown because you realize the stupidity of these comments..... and yet you said it anyway......
Yea lets bring in Matt Cassell. He is our savior.