Romo needs competition next year...


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theogt;2514158 said:
You sound like one of those Patriots fans that wanted to trade Brady and keep Cassel.

It's amazing how stupid fans can get with the ups and downs of a season.

Well said..... He is also one of those guys that wanted Hambrick to push Emmitt out of here.....

Air Force One

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You know I used to actually give a **** what you Romo apologists had to say, but I'll tell you this, after what Romo did to Texas Stadium last night, I don't give a rats *** anymore.

I'm off the Romo bandwagon regardless of what users here have to say or the flames that will result.


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superonyx;2514169 said:
Well said..... He is also one of those guys that wanted Hambrick to push Emmitt out of here.....

And funny how Hambrick never did anything once emmit was gone


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Air Force One;2514177 said:
You know I used to actually give a **** what you Romo apologists had to say, but I'll tell you this, after what Romo did to Texas Stadium last night, I don't give a rats *** anymore.

Yeah, Romo is a disgrace for giving up two 75 yard plays in a row. Get some perspective, clown.


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CowboyPrincess;2514152 said:
He definitely needs a wake up call. When he was vying for the QB position against Chad, he had fire and desire to be the next "Dallas Cowboys" QB. Now that he is and has no competition or adequate backup, he has gotten too comfy and lazy. They need to lite a fire under is butt or move him down and get someone that has the fire and talent to lead consistantly

He's way too lazy and laid back. There are no reprocussions to him showing up and playing like crap every other game because he's done it all season.


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Jon88;2514186 said:
He's way too lazy and laid back. There are no reprocussions to him showing up and playing like crap every other game because he's done it all season.

Stop your whining and answer the question i asked you.
Start naming solutions and stop crying about your perception of problems.


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RainMan;2514185 said:
Competition? Ridiculous.

A good backup? Without a doubt.

Exactly. Cowboys need somebody there and I'm sure there will be after this season.


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superonyx;2514032 said:
What a stupid thread..... Get real.

Start naming the QB's out there that will challenge Romo for the starting job. Romo has a 96 career QB rating.

Its amazing how some of you people forget what it was like all those years after aikman left. Do you think top 5 QB's grow on trees?

I really hope this whole thread is sarcasm......:bang2:

It isn't...but it isn't bashing him either. I just think he needs to have to look over his shoulder a little, plus have a real back up. Trust me, I am aware of how many years it took to find another good QB.


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zack;2514271 said:
It isn't...but it isn't bashing him either. I just think he needs to have to look over his shoulder a little, plus have a real back up. Trust me, I am aware of how many years it took to find another good QB.

Having a decent backup im sure is what every fan for every team in the league would want. Myself included. In fact lets have a great backup. But it will not be "competition". Competition would imply that this unnamed player would have a chance to start over Romo. I dont see that happening. There just isnt anyone that good out there. If someone was good enough to provide competition for a QB of Romos caliber than they would be starting for 25 other teams in the league. Not holding the clipboard on dallas's sideline.

And if we had this quality QB that could push Romo then we would probably be better off trading them for some quality lineman of draft picks. Not letting him rot on the bench behind a 28 year old future hall of fame caliber QB.


Fattening up
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Definitely need a backup.

Competition's a great idea, too. I wonder of Indy or NO will trade us Manning or Brees so we can bring someone in capable of competing with Romo? That'd be *awesome*.


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superonyx;2514135 said:
So now you want us to go get Tim Tebow? What a joke... Lets replace our franchise QB that almost every team in this league would love to have for a QB that is projected to play H Back in the Pros. Great Post.... Great Point.....

Sure you think you dumb Romophobe term is cute and funny. Just call it what it really is. Its fans that can appreciate what Romo does for this team. For the way he runs for his life with piss poor pass protection and still makes plays. He provides us with something that most would not. And you would rather turn the position over to an HBack......smarten up...

If I'm not mistaken, I coulda' sworn I said the "kid from Texas or the kid from Oklahoma". Who said Tebow?
Oh yeah, it was YOU!!!
And yeah, the term ROMOPHOBE is cute and funny because it describes YOU, and you're probably the poster-boy for "cute and funny". Your "man-crush" on Romo and your shaved #9 on your head give's it away.
You're a lost cause if you think Romo is anywhere near the far.


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lewpac;2514090 said:
You're a Romophobe "kool-aid" drinker. Again, for the UMPTEENTH time, I'll spell it out for you.
If you did a "highlight" film of Romo's starting career so far, what would it be? It would be a half-hour of flubs, adventures, wild excursions, and twirly-bird running arounds (usually in our own end-zone) that ends with the ball on the ground or a perfect completion to a wide-open DB.
Oklahoma, Texas and Florida all put QB's in the Heisman final. One of them is there for the picking with a trade or something.

GET ONE!! Romo provides JUST ENOUGH bling, JUST ENOUGH numbers, JUST ENOUGH wins, to keep the dogs on the porch. But, just when he's needed the most, as in PRIME TIME, you're a loser.........(qualifier here) so far.

Is he good? Oh yeah, damn good! Can he do it someday? Probably, maybe, perhaps..........we'll see. But as for now, in REAL TIME, when it COUNTS, he's killing us.
He'd be a perfect back-up to the kid from Texas or Oklahoma IMO.

So yes not only are you mistaken you are stupid as well. You dont even have the sense to know what you typed or the sense to go back and look it up before you try to call me out for Tebow.... Who do you think Tebow plays for?
Who Mentioned Tebow? Who mentioned a QB from florida that we could get to replace Romo?

Dude you just made a fool of yourself.... again


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Im lost, so some of you want to replalce Romo with JP Losman and Matt Cassel. WOW, a bunch of idiots


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Ender;2514774 said:
Im lost, so some of you want to replalce Romo with JP Losman and Matt Cassel. WOW, a bunch of idiots

Thinking that Losman or Cassel will provide adequate competition is downright imbecilic.


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Air Force One;2513943 said:
I agree with this.

Remember the comments he made about December, and to let him have like 8 Decembers before you say he can't win at the end of the season? That struck me as odd that he assumes he'll be the quarterback for years to come. As if he's already done all he needs to do to keep the position.

He will not be the QB of this team for the next 8 years if he keeps this up. He needs a reality check and some strong competition could be just what the doctor ordered.

if he wants to keep the QB position until the end of his career he needs to understand he has to win a Super Bowl to achieve that luxury.

I agree, competition is seriously needed. I saw some posts about Cassel. I think this points out just how inept Jerrah is at being a GM. I mean, who the hell looks a BJ and thinks, nah we're good, no need to get a better backup. I admire organizations that develop a bench with depth, and quality backups, not just warm bodies to fill up the roster.

It is time to get someone else in, if for no other reason than to give Romo some competition. Now whether the GM will address this issue is another story. I can see Jerrah stickin with his man....Quincy Carter anyone..... because his ego won't let him admit that his decision might not be the best idea out there.

Instead, we'll go through the offseason same as usual. Jerrah will do something to get the brand name out there. He'll sign a name or two, call HBO and take the focus off of winning football games, bring in another Switzer/Gailey/Campo puppet, etc, etc.

We'll end up in the same boat again. *sigh* :bang2:


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cowboys4life;2513922 said:
Yeah 100% agree I think he has gotten comfortable and well really isnt looking over his shoulder...While i love Romo and still support him 110% i think he is just too comfy.....

agree 100%


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MichaelWinicki;2514834 said:
Thinking that Losman or Cassel will provide adequate competition is downright imbecilic.

Losman is a no. But what exactly is it about Cassel that you see as 'imbecilic'? Imbecilic would be not doing anything to improve. I don't think anyone said that Romo should be replaced, just that he needs to compete to get better. If someone comes in and beats him out for the job, then so be it. I guess the team will have a 60 million dollar backup.


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YoMick;2514050 said:
Jerry WILL NOT have a competition in his GRAND OPENING of NEW STADIUM.

Instead he will go the SALESMAN route and "annoint" Romo.... he will "crown" Romo in the offseason... maybe during Hard Knocks and in TC and in Preseason.

After all whats more important. Marketing the franchise that is ALREADY almost the biggest franchise in all of sports(2nd to Yankees)

Abso-friggen-lutely! That is exactly how I feel. It's the businessman in him that seems to get in the way.