It was his first year starting. Of course the jury's still out. You're not breaking any new ground there, Copernicus.
My opinion is that you're just jealous. For years now it's been Manning and Brady, Brady and Manning. Oh sure, Carson Palmer rose up for a second, but he's not nearly so charismatic as those two. But here in Tony Romo, you have a QB that inspired his team to greater heights, he's charismatic, good-looking, the media loves him, and suddenly the Cowboys are back in the spotlight. Their QB is the talk of the town. Brady's got three rings, but all anyone can talk about him now is that he's knocking up models and spreading his illegitimate seed throughout hollywood.
Nope, the big news is Tony Romo and the Dallas Cowboys, an up and coming team - and most of the rest of the league is up in arms with downplaying Romo and the rest of the team Parcells put together. "We were better than them last year - but people like them, and they get the coverage!" It's true. We just matter more.
Of course, none of this might be true, and you might be perfectly happy with your paper tiger of a team. I don't have any basis for my claims, but I'm going to doggedly stick to it no matter how ridiculous I sound.