Wow. Ya'll are really down on Heath. Keep it in perspective. An undrafted free agent from a small school that started in the NFL. (Ahead of McCray and Wilcox, and Hamilton.) If Heath was the worst player in the NFL, what does that make those he beat out for playing time? Okay, maybe ya'll know more about a player's ability than any of the coaches of this professional football team. You must be in the wrong profession, the Cowboys could use you as a coach.
Okay, about Dixon: If he weighs 212, he weighs exactly what Ray Lewis did coming out of college. I'd give him a look at WLB. I don't think he can start as a safety. If he makes the team, it will be in Danny McRay's place as a special teamer. Personally, I will wait and see, but call me a skeptic. (Or whatever else you choose to call me. I have thick skin.
