Sanjay Lal hype is getting out of control


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He's been coaching in the league for nearly a decade, and has bounced around every couple years. He's now on his 5th team. Let's see what kind of production he's had in the NFL.

Team Receiving Rank By Year

2017 - 30th
2016 - 31st
2015 - 29th
2014 - 32nd
2013 - 30th
2012 - 30th
2011 - 11th
2010 - 22nd
2009 - 29th

As you can see, his groups have produced near bottom, or rock bottom production in receiving yardage. As far as I can tell, he's never produced a 1000 yard receiver in his career, although I didn't take the time to research this fully.

To be fair, he has been in some bad places, with lackluster QB play, but looking at his body of work, it is hard to get excited about what he has done. When looking at the talent on this roster, it is hard to get excited about the prospects of him coaching them up.

I was not a Derek Dooley fan by any means, but to think an NFL position coach doesn't teach technique is asinine. Under Dooley's watch, Dez, Williams, and Beasley all put up career numbers.

I think it was time for Dooley to go, but the Sanjay Lal hype is unwarranted and frankly, he is going to disappoint a lot of people.
Don't worry, Garrett will be a great mentor..


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Never forget that Derek Dooley was Garrett's boy. He's a Saban guy that worked with Garrett in Miami.

Apparently per Cole Beasley he never taught them how to run routes.

Are you not entertained?

Apparently though, Linehan is now moving WRs all over the place.. I guess this proves Garrett critics right again and also Dez. It also affirms Stephen Jones is a scrub, with his comments. If it was about the 'system' for Dak and not listening to Dez, why they changing the system according to what Dez says it should be?
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Culture has to change from the top, and we know that isn't happening.

The Cowboys will focus on a receiver-by-committee, stressing fundamentals under new coach Sanjay Lal. The group drew the ire of coach Jason Garrett on Thursday for focusing too much on technique and not running fluidly.

“I know we are counting steps but we have to ... run,” Garrett barked. The Cowboys used a lot of different receiver groups with quarterback Dak Prescott, including undersized receivers Tavon Austin and Cole Beasley working at times with the first team with Allen Hurns. Cowboys offensive coordinator Scott Linehan said all the receivers can run routes from different spots, which should make the offense more versatile and unpredictable. As long as they are running and not counting steps."

It seems to me your own post here is contradicting your other posts that are so critical of Lal. Lal is trying to work on technique with his receivers and Garrett and Linehan are trying to curtail it.
Garrett and Linehan represent the same ol same ol.........and just what have Garrett and Linehan done for us lately?

Sanjay Lal is trying to teach these guys to run sharp routes and puppet 1 and puppet 2 are saying just run!
Yeah, like Dez did? Heck with decent routes, just run.
Then when our passing game goes south, they can blame it on Dak and the WR's coach.


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Team Receiving Rank By Year
2017 - 30th
2016 - 31st
2015 - 29th
2014 - 32nd
2013 - 30th
2012 - 30th

Love that consistency!

He's coming into a great situation. Crappy prior coaching on a fundamentally strong offense, with a newfound commitment by management to getting WRs who can execute. That's a recipe for a WR coach to look good.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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But think about it. We had Dooley for years and about all he ever did was function as a Bryant enabler.

Lal does some real coaching that shows up on the practice field and he gets a lot of hype.

It is completely understandable considering the baseline.


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Well, his son just spent a bunch of time with Brady filming Tom vs Time, so maybe he picked up some pointers?

Oh, this isn't Sanjay Gupta, world-renewed guru and doctor™ we're talking about?

In all seriousness, Rob Ryan gushes over the dude, so take that for what it's worth.

My guess is he and Ryan did shots together... lol. Rob likes to party!


The Boognish
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and ours are better? wr and qb

I'd probably take Dak over any one of the QB. Taylor is not terrible but he is not all that great either and he is the best of the bunch. Lotta bottom tier play for Lal's teams from the guys I listed above.

Beasley is our best WR on paper atm and he is a good enough slot that he forces teams to double him. You should be able to take advantage of that. Using him to clear out underneath and having Zeke or a potential TE work in open spaces shouldn't be hard.

The next "tier" I would put Gallup and Hurns. Both can play all over the formation and catch over 50 balls. How these two actually perform is what is most likely to determine how successful our WR corps ends up being.

After that I have TWill and Thompson. Both are vets and decent number 3 types. I don't consider them starting types and I just flat cannot see them having say a 1000 yard seasons.

Then you have a bunch of unknowns like Wilson, Brown, Lenoir, etc who are going to struggle to make the team.

I think compared to those other teams our 4-5 is certainly better. Beasley is better than any slot receiver on those teams. I don't know who our starting 2 are going to be. I can see any of Gallup, Hurns, or even an outside shot of TWill or the like stepping up and playing well. I can also see any of them struggling.

Talk to me after a couple of preseason games.

One thing I do like about Lal is you are starting to see consistent technique from the WR. The way that they plant their outside foot for their inward cutting routes is pretty consistent. It's a Linehan staple and it is looking better than last year.


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receivers coaches are blamed for their receivers not performing well. so in all his years he has had only a couple of successful students. does that boost your confidence in the teacher?

Good point. But Im going to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. We have had Dez for many years now and he hasn't learned how to run routes. What does that say about Dooley?


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Never forget that Derek Dooley was Garrett's boy. He's a Saban guy that worked with Garrett in Miami.Apparently per Cole Beasley he never taught them how to run routes.
Apparently though, Linehan is now moving WRs all over the place.. I guess this proves Garrett critics right again and also Dez. It also affirms Stephen Jones is a scrub, with his comments. If it was about the 'system' for Dak and not listening to Dez, why they changing the system according to what Dez says it should be?

That link is a nice article khiladi. Sounds like the Cowboys including Lal are truly working on doing some special things with our receivers.
It's not only about Lal, but Lal sounds like an excellent addition to the program.

I've got a feeling our "no name" receivers just might surprise a few of their CZ critics this year! :thumbup:
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depends who the guy was coaching. I wager that in our run heavy scheme he will do just fine with our wideouts. In this scheme is about ball control,having balance. Stats be damned.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Position coaches mostly just run drills and follow the wishes of the head coach and coordinator. They don't turn teams around. If they did, it would be an indictment of the weakness of the coaches above them.

And if Dooley was truly that incompetent, what does that say about the coach who hired him and retained him for so long?


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Position coaches mostly just run drills and follow the wishes of the head coach and coordinator. They don't turn teams around. If they did, it would be an indictment of the weakness of the coaches above them.

And if Dooley was truly that incompetent, what does that say about the coach who hired him and retained him for so long?

The only function at the Jones Ranch is to clean up the Garrett mess, blaming everybody else, while protecting the latter's image.

This is Garrett's passing game, but nobody points out whatever has been happening is because of wasting years on this clown's incompetence.

Dez basically said in his tweets we lined up the same place the whole season. There was very little motion. It all goes back to the same TO and WR criticisms.

There are always scapegoats for Garrett.


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The only function at the Jones Ranch is to clean up the Garrett mess, blaming everybody else, while protecting the latter's image.

This is Garrett's passing game, but nobody points out whatever has been happening is because of wasting years on this clown's incompetence.

Dez basically said in his tweets we lined up the same place the whole season. There was very little motion. It all goes back to the same TO and WR criticisms.

There are always scapegoats for Garrett.
And there are always scapegoats for Dez who happens to be a mental midget who is out of a job.