Saturday wildcard playoff games

I hopes its broken but I doubt it is. He would have laid there longer if it was.
She once again a Pittsburg opponent is getting totally shafted by the refs in the playoffs. I don't know if it's fixed but the NFL is no longer the game I grew up and fell in love with which is almost just as bad. I'm losing more interest every year.

What are you talking about? The Steelers have gotten favorable calls since the 1970s.
We've seen that one. Collarbone is toast. But then again Big Ben blows up all of his injuries.
The NFL will save face now by tightening the score in this game. Pathetic games so far.
Not like this and the bogus super bowl.

Dude c'mon - you better do some homework. Around the entire NFL it's generally accepted (even by Steeler fans) that they have received the benefit of some of the worst calls in NFL history. Even a Super Bowl official (Bill Levy) admitted he blew the game.
That PI is correct and same thing we did on Detroit that got picked up
He looked just like romo when he got up. He knew it.

That's why we can't just say Romo is injury prone. It's just bad luck. I don't care how big you are it's gonna happen. BTW Tony & Ben have played the exact same amount of games the last five years.
If #50 were with the cowboys we'd be getting toasted for his behavior. But Nantz and Simms said nada.

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