I'm seeing a lot of stats bandied about regarding both players. One thing that is glaring to me, though, is the competition.
I don't have the time, nor do I care enough to dig into the stats, but you have to wonder: How much of Roll's "improved production" has come against the likes of San Francisco, Seattle, and St. Louis?
These three teams alone comprise of some of the most inept teams in the league at the QB position (and offense in general). The likes of Manning and McNabb, alone are far more superior than anything that division has trotted out there in the last 3-4 years (sans Warner, of course).
I'm all for improving the play at either safety position, but I'm not sure throwing a boatload of money at Rolle is exactly the answer. I'm not saying it ISN'T the answer, but I see nothing in the stat lines that guarantee Rolle is the upgrade we are looking for.
And, contrary to popular belief, cost IS an issue. Just because we are uncapped, now, doesn't mean the NFL will will be perpetually uncapped. Keep in mind the talent that Dallas had to let walk out the door due to the restraints of a newly implemented cap system to begin with in the early to mid 90's. It's ONE of the reasons Dallas didn't win four Super Bowls in a row (and the sole reason whiny ***** Steve Young actually won one).