Twitter: Schefter: Dak going Cousins route could pay off financially


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You're not following.

What Dak is asking for is basically a three-year tag so he can get right back in the market quickly. This is only about money for him.

Why would Dallas give away their control of the situation by guaranteeing him the tag money?
Then, only the Cowboys would be assuming any risk. Better to just tag him for three straight years and pay the same amount, or release him along the way if they want to.

Dude, he's not getting tagged next season. He will be gone.


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Remember Stephen AND Jerry damn near negotiated Dak's contract through the media. Hell Stephen even said there wasn't a QB in the league he would trade for Dak or Dak would be his first overall pick in a current draft. We've heard little or nothing over the last 3-4 months regarding their desire to him signed long-term. What happened?
The virus.


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Dak loves to talk about the team, but in the end it is all about the money.


All he has to do is not perform which he hasn't besides a few garbage time games, and he will regret this.

He's not that guy, I pray he doesn't sign. Then I pray he shows his true colors and doesn't have a fluke season where the team carries him while he puts up good numbers playing bus driver.



Offseason mode... sleepy time
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All he has to do is not perform which he hasn't besides a few garbage time games, and he will regret this.

He's not that guy, I pray he doesn't sign. Then I pray he shows his true colors and doesn't have a fluke season where the team carries him while he puts up good numbers playing bus driver.

Like I said: he has much to lose. All it takes is something.


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Cousins is similar to dak, both have won only 1 playoff game, have a hard time winning against teams with winning record, and both
are inconsistent passing. They both look great at times, and then really bad at times.
But in both cases it was not all on them.

I see in the other post that cousins has made more actual money than any other qb, and that is kinda funny, and I think
Dak is looking to do the same or similar thing.
Cousins is more like Romo than he is Dak.


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Good post.
QB's like Kirk and Dak need the following to have a decent chance to get to the dance.
1) a top 3 defense and top 5 special teams
2) a very good HC
3) Some luck with minimal injuries
4) Some luck with decent officiating
The first 2 variables, Jerry has control over and has perhaps fixed #2. Variable #1 looks like a crapshoot. If our offense stays healthy, Dak has no excuses and has the opportunity to thrive financially with a ginormous contract next year. I think both sides have laid out all the cards and waiting for the other to flinch at this point. Next few days will be interesting.
But aren't you describing every quarterback in the league not Mahomes?


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Today is the 13th........

I'm wrong about nothing. I'm saying me or you have no idea what's going on. But what we do know is the deadline is the 15th. If its the 16th sure I'll tell you that you were right. At least it would make more sense than as opposed to today.
Ooops, thought today was the 15th. Gettin' old!!!!


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Based on what Lawrence, Jaylon and Zeke got? Hard to imagine he doesn't get both if he's retained. Especially if they are just stuck on 1 year.
Makes total sense. Those three have sucked since they got paid so Dak should be no different.


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What I'm not at all getting is WHY in the world the agent had him sign the tag.

What did that do to help his cause?

I'd be much more sweating things out right now if I'm Jerry without that signature.

This agent is taking Prescott for a ride big time.
Dalton signing gave the Cowboys leverage

No way did Dak want to let Dalton go into camp get all the reps with the first team under a new HC with a new system


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Seemed pretty obvious that Dak was intent on going the Kirk Cousins Path to Riches from last year. Financially, seems like a pretty good plan. The emergence of Voldemort might change those calculations, but early on I was predicting Dak would just play on the tag.


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Like most higher end players, he has insurance in case of injury. I heard it was $50M, but I may be wrong about that. Plus his $31M this year is guaranteed.

Last year was 50mil. Maybe he does less, maybe he does more now that he has 31M to spend.

I'd do more if I were him. Spend a little to have no big regret.


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Dalton signing gave the Cowboys leverage

No way did Dak want to let Dalton go into camp get all the reps with the first team under a new HC with a new system

Maybe why Dak signed the tag. Dalton was a possibility in case Dak refused to sign. Once Dak signed, there was no reason to hold out. Can't negotiate a new contract after the deadline anyway.

Dalton functions now to give the COwboys an option to trade Dak. Besides that possibility, I don't think he's relevant to Dak's negotiating.


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Maybe why Dak signed the tag. Dalton was a possibility in case Dak refused to sign. Once Dak signed, there was no reason to hold out. Can't negotiate a new contract after the deadline anyway.

Dalton functions now to give the COwboys an option to trade Dak. Besides that possibility, I don't think he's relevant to Dak's negotiating.
I think he signed it so it could not be rescinded, and because he was pretty much done with negotiations for this year.
he never intended to hold out, and the signing of dalton meant he really would not hold out.
He might have considered it with rush as the best bkup, but not with dalton.