Schefter today: growing sense Zeke short suspension **merged**

Rumor is that it is for weed, not the girl. But, I thought a 1st substance offense was 4 games :huh:

Adam Schefter is hearing that while the investigation is still ongoing, Ezekiel Elliott is bracing for a short suspension stemming back to his alleged domestic violence incident in 2016.

If EE was cleared of those charges, and the league suspends him, I hope he sues the league.
The NFL is becoming an embarrassment, as far as I'm concerned Goodell being giving the power he has is why ratings are dropping, people tune into sports to watch star players...
People are running with Rappaport's "weed" tweet, which was very likely made in jest. I actually like the guy but a C level actor is not breaking NFL league office news, gals and gals. If EE is suspended, its for the DV issue.
If Zeke is found guilty of anything then I'm on board for whatever punishment that is leveled. However, if he's found innocent or even charges dropped and the league suspends him, someone needs to finally take the league to court as it's complete BS.

Haven't you heard, Brady tried and lost in the end....
Everyone is running with it...bleacher report, daily snark, and everyone else whos constantly posting to facebook....
where there's smoke, there's fire.. i would expect the following:

I agree. This is a calculated move by the league office to float the rumor a possibility of punishment through "sources". Gotta believe an official ruling will be released before training camp in 2 weeks.
On ESPN this morning. ""Growing sense in NFL circles Zeke will have a short suspension." 1-2 games. No particulars, take it for what you will.
It's not going to happen.

Which will make this the best off-season ever.
Adam Schefter is hearing that while the investigation is still ongoing, Ezekiel Elliott is bracing for a short suspension stemming back to his alleged domestic violence incident in 2016.

If EE was cleared of those charges, and the league suspends him, I hope he sues the league.
If he is suspended, no matter the number of games, the only legal avenue he really has is to appeal the suspension through normal channels. The NFLPA, via the CBA, gave Goodell the authority he has. There really is no legal basis to take it to court. He would lose. That said...Goodell is a douchebag...
Where there is this much smoke, there is usually fire
The only "smoke" is what the media is blowing and the fact that the league hasn't closed the investigation.

The hints we have that are real are that Zeke has texts from the girl saying she'd ruin him if he broke up with her and the text her friend has where she asked her to lie to the police.

Other than that it is random guessing on twitter by media (and not even media) every couple of weeks during the off season.

This is how whole villages used to end up with torches and pitch-forks burning a woman they thought was a witch. People work themselves up into a frenzy when there is no tangible evidence.
Clearly, we aren't privy to everything prior to or after the event in question. If the NFL has evidence that his behavior needs correction, there will be a suspension, regardless of criminal charges. If it's BS, Zeke will fight it. If he knows he did something wrong, he will serve the suspension in hopes of keeping his actions out of public information.

I won't be surprised either way with him. Great player; lots of maturing to do if he wants to be a franchise player.

This post is really dumb. That whole case has been made public and no, the NFL does not have some top secret information on that case no one else has seen. We know what they know. Seems like you support a witch hunt from Goodell, which is exactly what this is. You support Goodell just making up stuff as he goes because in your words, "behavior that needs correction". So yes, let's suspend a player when it was proven the woman was coerced to lie and made up the entire incident. Hence why no charges were filed and the case was dropped.

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