Schefter today: growing sense Zeke short suspension **merged**

Elliott Suspension Could Set Up Other NFL Players For Blackmail..

Suspending Elliott based solely on an unprovable accusation sets a dangerous precedent that would set up every single NFL player as a blackmail target..

Roger Goodell, Leading The League Into Dangerous Grounds..

I've been saying this since day one. Conviction in court should equal automatic league discipline. No conviction due to a financial settlement and charges being dropped but there is physical,evidence that points to guilt equals a league investigation with the chance for discipline. No charges due to lack of evidence and no incriminating photos or videos in the public domain equals nothing said or done by the league. That should be the policy. You cannot have 20'something year old females making unsupported accusations against your players and you automatically take their side. The league should be protecting its players from women like this, not empowering them. If the player does something wrong and it is proven, throw the book at him. If she has no proof and the police dismiss it, the league should also.
I've been saying this since day one. Conviction in court should equal automatic league discipline. No conviction due to a financial settlement and charges being dropped but there is physical,evidence that points to guilt equals a league investigation with the chance for discipline. No charges due to lack of evidence and no incriminating photos or videos in the public domain equals nothing said or done by the league. That should be the policy. You cannot have 20'something year old females making unsupported accusations against your players and you automatically take their side. The league should be protecting its players from women like this, not empowering them. If the player does something wrong and it is proven, throw the book at him. If she has no proof and the police dismiss it, the league should also.

The league should not be in the business of personal conduct outside of the league...let the justice system deal with them, why should they be punished far as Zeke's situation goes, this happened even before he was drafted, so I don't even see how the league can have any say in this...
I think what a lot of you are missing is that myself, and a few others, are saying IF Zeke is suspended there will be more to it that we're not aware of yet OR the pulling down the top thing may still be in play.

I really don't think they'll come out and say he's suspended because a girl that has already been caught asking her friend to lie for her accused him of something he didn't do.

Who knows, maybe he gives his response and everything is dropped, that could still happen as well.

So what are they suspending Zeke for then? I mean if the excuse is that he did "something that detrimental to the league" we have a rights to know what that is. Sure they can go about hiding the truth from the public because they don't want the repercussion of a publicity fallout. If thats the case then don't suspend Zeke.

The NFL need to have some balls and actually tell the public yes were suspending Zeke for being accused by a women who lied to authorities in order to extort compensation from him. If thats NOT the case then what is? The public will not and won't accept "actions detrimental to the league" excuse. We just won't.
You gotta have rules otherwise players that have been charged with crimes but have not been convicted would be allowed to play. Sometimes these cases can drag out for 1-2 years. As an owner you couldn't bench a player accused of rape/child molestation/ murder who hasn't been convicted but the public sentiment forwards him is overly negative. The owners must have some protections.

Imagine not having the ability to punish Ray Rice because his trial was not concluded and he was still able to play.

In regards to Zeke I'd like to see what the actual reasons are for his potential suspension. Is it for :
  • domestic violence with his ex
  • Some sort of drug / ped violation
  • Inappropriate parade behavior with the young woman
  • Something we don't even know about but was hidden
  • A culmination of several issues
I think it is bs. Listening to Shefter on NFL live it sounds like the NFL investigation team is recommending a short suspension because they can't prove that Zeke did anything concerning domestic violence but they have some type of proof that he did something. Maybe Godell might let it go with a fine. This might be another Brady situation.
That doesn't make sense
If he didn't commit domestic abuse, what is the something he did that would warrant a suspension? I'm still going to contend he won't be suspended.
This is yellow journalism at its finest. The dude first made these points completely out of context talking about fantasy football!!! Fielding questions about where he'd take Elliot in the fantasy draft. He made the suspension comment then and saw how much interest and crap it stirred up so now he's doubling down on those comments to enhance his relevance.

He's a disgrace to his profession but alas it is more and more the norm these days. Gotta get the clicks!!!

Ah, it all makes sense now. Schefty has the fourth pick in his fantasy league and he's trying to de-value Zeke!
That little weasel!
I don't believe the NFL needs to have a conviction to suspend somebody. Roethlisberger was suspended after numerous sexual assault allegations that he was never convicted of. It was pretty obvious that he was doing something that the very least...a horrible representation of the league.

The pandora's box is that girlfriends and wives of NFL players will now know that they do have the NFL believing anything they say. EE's ex-girlfriend had witnesses that defended EE including one of her former friends who said that she was with her when she got into a fight with a random stranger at a bar prior to the incident and said she was going to ruin EE's career.

A nasty secret in our society is that women make false allegations of abuse and even rape far more often than people think in order to get revenge on men. What is a bit stunning about this situation is that the NFL paraded around the Brian Banks story as a martyr that redeemed himself and I don't think they have ever learned from that lesson. Of course, when you have an incompetent dolt like Roger Goodell running things...this is what you get.

*I* had good information from a source that there was a video of Ray Rice knocking out and dragging his fiance at the Atlantic City Casino and yet Goodell couldn't seem to locate that tape or know anything about it. Since Goodell totally botched the Ray Rice situation, now Goodell has to go the opposite direction with future suspensions. Unless that player is Josh Brown because Josh Brown plays for the Giants.

So in the end, that means further enabling women to make false allegations. Banks' false accuser (Wanetta Gibson) never served a day in jail for her false accusation that sent Banks to prison for 13 years. Hopefully, Goodell will see the light. YR

Excellent point in mentioning the Banks ordeal. That young man's dream was stripped away.
The pure hell of it all has to be the many that just assume "he did it" because of the verdict.

Josh Brown was at the Pro Bowl when he caused such a scene that his family was separated from him
for their safety... by league officials.

Zeke's girlfriend became incensed when he told her she wasn't going to California with for a Topps rookie
card photo shoot. He was going to dump her anyway.

These women are endangering those who are in REAL abusive relationships or encounters.
They should be prosecuted and serve jail time if proven guilty. Maybe then these crazy ones
will slow their roll.
Not going to go back and clean up every single post but we will watch this closely and close it if people continue to politicize it as well as attack others.

Do not generalize about DV but stick to the facts of this case. Obviously personal attacks are off limits. Please, don't make us bench others. Think before you post and leave your agendas where they belong.....not on this site.
I agree to point, but my line of thinking is more like...the NFL spent a 1 1/2 years investigating Zeke and came up with nothing but wants to suspend him just because they can...if the police have cleared him, the NFL has no leg to stand on. The NFL just wants to save face, and personally what little respect I have for the Jones family will turn to no respect if they don't back Zeke 100% publicly. The NFL is a 3 ring circus anymore. No other sports commissioner treats players this way.
That doesn't make sense
If he didn't commit domestic abuse, what is the something he did that would warrant a suspension? I'm still going to contend he won't be suspended.
I agree that he will not get suspended for the domestic violence because if they had anything he would have been suspended by now. I think the league is saving face by using the St. Patrick's Day incident along with other stuff that has not been released yet to suspend him for a couple of games.
I still believe Jerry is active under the radar when it comes to this.

Would I like him to be more vocal, openly, about this? Sure.
However, he is still a major player when it comes to owners.
I hope to believe he's playing it smart though and not causing ripples publicly.
So what are they suspending Zeke for then? I mean if the excuse is that he did "something that detrimental to the league" we have a rights to know what that is. Sure they can go about hiding the truth from the public because they don't want the repercussion of a publicity fallout. If thats the case then don't suspend Zeke.

The NFL need to have some balls and actually tell the public yes were suspending Zeke for being accused by a women who lied to authorities in order to extort compensation from him. If thats NOT the case then what is? The public will not and won't accept "actions detrimental to the league" excuse. We just won't.
I have no idea nor have I ever claimed to which is why I said we'll have to wait and see. And yes, the public will accept "actions detrimental to the league". The players may not accept it come next bargaining agreement but the public has no choice. A few fans who don't agree may stop watching football, I almost did last year due to officiating league wide, but I know that means jack compared to the millions of people who can and will continue watching.
So we aren't allowed to talk about the reports from Dallas news that Elliott got in a fight?
These guys are idiots.

Why would you get into a fight at a bar when you know you just wrote a response to the NFL basically explaining why ou shouldn't be suspended.

I'll never understand these clowns
These guys are idiots.

Why would you get into a fight at a bar when you know you just wrote a response to the NFL basically explaining why ou shouldn't be suspended.

I'll never understand these clowns

Unfoetunately, he's starting to look a bit like a knucklehead.

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