You're right, I'm ignorant on how the mob and ties to the Rooneys and Mara's effect the Cowboys. Please enlighten me. I understand Friel is a lifelong Giants fan and season ticket holder and it's definitely easy to point the finger but there is no proof she is out to get the Cowboys. Does Goodell not have the final say? Are you that naive that you think everyone from the top down in the NFL including officials don't have a favorite team? If you think the NFL shouldn't hire anyone in any capacity that holds season tickets then I'm all for it but that doesn't make someone automatically guilty of being corrupt. Jerry has "ties" to Blandino who does and can have a direct effect on the outcome of games (unlike the mob) so I guess we should throw the Jones family into the group of corrupt owners. Instead of getting in good with Goodell he decided to go for the head of officials, very smart!
I guess the NFL should run background checks on every official/referee to find out who their favorite team was growing up and talk to their friends and family to make sure they have lost all feelings for that team and have showed no emotion or bias to that team since officiating in the NFL. I'm willing to bet there are quite a few officials who grew up being Cowboys fans so I guess they're bias as well.
You say the NFL is out to crucify an innocent man and there hasn't even been a verdict plus it's possible we don't know all the facts yet. Since you're also assuming he will be suspended for game 1, I guess you think the NFL has been planning this for years. Friel, Goodell and anyone else in charge of scheduling have had the Cowboys play the Giants as the first game of the season for the past several years just so it wouldn't look so obvious when they suspend Zeke in 2017. Lol. You busted them! Even though the allegations occurred before last season they wanted to wait until this year to see how much of an impact Zeke made in the 2 games against the Giants last year (which was minimal compared to the way he played against other teams) before they decided to suspend him specifically for game one of this year. They sure wouldn't want to drag out just a few more months until a playoff game when it would really hurt, they want to do it against a team that beat them twice last year. Makes total sense, I don't know how I didn't see this.
I'd honestly love to continue the conversation if you're not such a jerk but PM me so we don't highjack this thread, I've told
@Trouty I'll try be better

I'm not going to continue the conversation here anymore.