Schefter today: growing sense Zeke short suspension **merged**

Prepare for there to be no,or a very short, 2020 season. The players will finally stand up for themselves and get a decent bargaining agreement.

Compared to the two other major sports they're not even close. Striking or staying locked out is their only leverage. The overly greedy owners will eventually cave. In this day and age replacement players will be a joke as we have much more entertainment to turn to than in the past.

Goodell is a prime example of what's wrong in many industries and in other leadership roles. Somehow morons have risen to the top.

The players need to go on strike, and the fans need to back the players 100% and stay away from replacement football...
I think the point is being lost here.

If Player X gets into a bar fight or dust up at a club that's caught on video, is detained/arrested, but charges are eventually dropped, I think we all can agree based on the current bargaining agreement that there's at least a basis for the NFL suspending a player without pay due to "detrimental conduct."

However, if Player X gets accused of being in a bar fight, the incident is investigated, there is no arrest, no charges filed (or they are ultimately dropped after further investigation), then the accusation is effectively false. At that point, what is the NFL basing its suspension in for "detrimental conduct" if it's been determined the player never participated in the very conduct that's supposedly detrimental?

exactly, that's been my gripe all along. If merely getting accused by someone of doing something is grounds for suspension then why don't teams, or maybe they are, just pay some people to drum up some totally baseless charges against rival players? What happened to Zeke sounds like there is no protection for players from extortionists and the league defaults to the side of the accuser regardless of evidence or legal investigation. Players have been getting personally extorted for years by predator women begging to have players get them pregnant so they can extort millions in child support. Now, looks like the same could easily be orchestrated by rivals to get players suspended. Where are the protections for the players? Where is the NFLPA? What happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'?
Its not like the media, esp BSPN, isn't massively guilty for jumping on even the most baseless claims by the most despicable people....major media outlets have had to apologize to Duke, Oklahoma State, and I won't even get into the political realm of nonstop media nonsense and falsehoods. One totally false allegation gets reported on twitter, one media outlet runs it, and then others follow suit and all of a sudden its a self-sustaining "controversy" where each outlet's sources are other outlets.
What if the Zeke accuser was paid off by the NYG to get him suspended for a few games or at least the opener? What if making the playoffs or home field advantage came down to that one game? Its probably not the case here but if Zeke is suspended then the precedence is set that truth doesn't matter and teams playing covert games could become a thing. And if I was Jerry, I'd consider paying an operative (female) to seduce Goodell and then make violence claims, because remember it doesn't have to be true in Goodell's system. Frankly, he may not even have to go that far, just have someone start a twitter swirl. It'd be great to watch Goodell go down by the same unjust and unfair system he created.
I agree to point, but my line of thinking is more like...the NFL spent a 1 1/2 years investigating Zeke and came up with nothing but wants to suspend him just because they can...if the police have cleared him, the NFL has no leg to stand on. The NFL just wants to save face, and personally what little respect I have for the Jones family will turn to no respect if they don't back Zeke 100% publicly. The NFL is a 3 ring circus anymore. No other sports commissioner treats players this way.
Jerry has a habit of letting the NFL walk all over him. Like him or not Robert Kraft came out big in support of Tom Brady. Jerry should do no less for Zeke.
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Jerry has a habit of letting the NFL walk all over him. Like him or not Robert Kraft came out big in support of Tom Brady. Jerry should do no for less for Zeke.

I agree, he should have supported Zeke 100%, publicly though. Time for political correctness to end with dealing with Mara and Goodell...

I'd love to see Jerry call Mara out publicly as well as Goodell...
If I was Zeke I'd wait for the suspension to be announced, serve it, then announce that I'll be taking the 2017 season off just to come to grips with how you can suspend someone with no evidence...sooner or later, one of these players needs to really take a stand against this league.
I agree, he should have supported Zeke 100%, publicly though. Time for political correctness to end with dealing with Mara and Goodell...

I'd love to see Jerry call Mara out publicly as well as Goodell...

Jerry will play nice with the NFL because he wants another Super Bowl in Jerry world.
You may be surprised what you find, but there IS a reason parts of our fanbase raises concern over the possibility of Mara involvement when it appears we get dealt a bogus hand. These are not tinfoil hat conspiracy theories... there's quite a bit of historical evidence that at least supports the foundation of these suspicions. The famous Salary Cap penalty from 2012 was the other recent eyebrow raiser.

When you examine the facts of Zeke's investigation and how the NFL has been handling this, I think it's entirely reasonable to suggest something foul is going down.
I get it, I really do. As I've said, I'm no expert on the subject but am willing/trying to learn as much as I can while keeping an open mind. I know Cowboys fans don't want to hear this but the Blandino thing raised a lot of eyebrows as well. If that was the other way around with a Giants team, or in this case Detroit, everyone here (including myself) would have suspicions as well. Here's one article I found amongst many with a simple search (love the dig on Irsay, haha)

My thing is I'm disgusted with the NFL as a whole. No matter what team you cheer for, there will be controversy and accusations, some possibly true some not. There will be bad calls that go against us this year and calls that go in our favor but that goes for every team. Maybe I'm just naive but I would rather assume the officials just suck rather then they are letting personal or outside people influence the calls/penalties. The NFL needs a complete overhaul from the officials, to the rules, to getting rid of Goodell, to how they handle cases like Zeke's (and other players) but until the next bargaining comes around we're stuck with this mess.

I'm trying to remain optimistic about Zeke. If all they have is the accusations that we know of and he gets suspended I'll be stomping my feet and crying foul but for now we may not have all the facts and we don't even know if he'll be suspended. I agree, the process has taken way too long but I'm not ready to buy off that this has purposely been delayed just so he gets suspended against the Giants. That's obviously just my opinion and hopefully it doesn't come to that. If it does, we still have one of the best O lines in football and McFadden should be able to get some yards. I also rather him get it out of the way ASAP so he and the team can move on.

Book is ordered Prime! I'm a big reader so as soon I'm finished with my current book it's up next :)
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So Zeke may be getting suspended just because there was an investigation on him? I havent read all 21 pages so I may have missed something else.
To make it short, no, or hopefully not. If that's the case there will be some serious issue to address with the players union. No one knows anything and everything out there is just rumor for now so we just have to wait another 2 years, 2 weeks, 2 days? to find out.
If Zeke gets suspended what is to stop fans from other teams accusing rivals of their team. Why wouldn't an Eagles fan accuse a Cowboys player when that is all it takes to get a suspension under Roger?
I think the point is being lost here.

If Player X gets into a bar fight or dust up at a club that's caught on video, is detained/arrested, but charges are eventually dropped, I think we all can agree based on the current bargaining agreement that there's at least a basis for the NFL suspending a player without pay due to "detrimental conduct."

However, if Player X gets accused of being in a bar fight, the incident is investigated, there is no arrest, no charges filed (or they are ultimately dropped after further investigation), then the accusation is effectively false. At that point, what is the NFL basing its suspension in for "detrimental conduct" if it's been determined the player never participated in the very conduct that's supposedly detrimental?
I pretty much addressed that in my subsequent post.

If it simply looks like it is just a disgruntled girl who he broke up with and said she's going to ruin him (and asked her friend to lie for her), and there is no further evidence... then I don't see a suspension being handed down. Period.

If there is and there is no proof of anything then I will start to agree with people who think something is wonky here.
So Zeke may be getting suspended just because there was an investigation on him? I havent read all 21 pages so I may have missed something else.
Must be getting closer to football season. A Gemini sighting. Welcome back.
I agree, he should have supported Zeke 100%, publicly though. Time for political correctness to end with dealing with Mara and Goodell...

I'd love to see Jerry call Mara out publicly as well as Goodell...
I would back the players also but would still like to see the players union busted.

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