School Shooter, No remorse

Signals;5031174 said:
Watched the video. WOW, just wow. The best punishment would be for him to end up in gen. pop.

I really doubt they put him in gen pop. You can count on the CO's giving him a good beating, that's for darn sure.
Put a TV in his cell and he only gets one show: Glee. He'll either kill himself or turn gay.
Our legal system is cute. Instead of sentencing him to death, let's spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on him the rest of his life to keep in alive and safe in prison.
DWelch1775;5031826 said:
Our legal system is cute. Instead of sentencing him to death, let's spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on him the rest of his life to keep in alive and safe in prison.

hundreds of thousands vs a 50 cent bullet for a 9mm. :D
Doomsday101;5028252 said:
I don't think so, I think if I was a family member of one of the victimes every day that guy takes a breath is one more day without justice.

Killing him won't bring anyone else back.
Yakuza Rich;5028229 said:
I hope they put him in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. That's worse than death.


I tend to agree. Not that he cares about what he did, but knowing his entire life he cannot leave his room other than for an hour a day or so is good punishment.
CanadianCowboysFan;5032406 said:
Killing him won't bring anyone else back.

who said it would? I'm sorry some people should be put to death I know that is hard for some to understand but this guy is pure evil he deserves to be put to death. I'm tired of protecting the guilty, he is not going to get raped or beat he will have 3 meals a day he will have entertainment he will live off the tax dollars. NO this BS of life is worse is a crook these guys go kicking and screaming into the death chamber they appeal time after time because they would rather live than to die and the bleeding hearts allow it
Ultimategamer5567;5032410 said:
Here's hoping a life of getting daily butt-raped is in his future.

That is not going to happen, inmates have rights more than the victims that they stole life from.
Doomsday101;5032420 said:
That is not going to happen, inmates have rights more than the victims that they stole life from.

complete and utter myth but keep believing it if you wish
Doomsday101;5032420 said:
That is not going to happen, inmates have rights more than the victims that they stole life from.

In some regards, perhaps. But it still won't save him when he loses handle of the soap bar. At least, it shouldn't. Not for a psycho like him.
Ultimategamer5567;5032432 said:
In some regards, perhaps. But it still won't save him when he loses handle of the soap bar. At least, it shouldn't. Not for a psycho like him.

He will have rights as all inmates do, yes he could get raped but then would be given protection by prison officals and isolated from general population but would still have the 3 meals, a place to sleep, entertainment. His victims get none of that it was all taken from them and the families are left to deal with it.

As I said if death was a welcome sight you would not see death row inmates doing everything they could to avoid being put to death. Always a few excetption to anything but by and large most will choose life over death.
Doomsday101;5032732 said:
He will have rights as all inmates do, yes he could get raped but then would be given protection by prison officals and isolated from general population but would still have the 3 meals, a place to sleep, entertainment. His victims get none of that it was all taken from them and the families are left to deal with it.

As I said if death was a welcome sight you would not see death row inmates doing everything they could to avoid being put to death. Always a few excetption to anything but by and large most will choose life over death.

You should listen to Damion Echols interviews about what life was like for him in prison.

Many of my friends' fathers were prison guards. By and large they are good guys. But, once the suspect is in jail they are living in the guards and warden's world.

It really depends on where he goes to jail. But, if he goes to a place like where Echols went to prison, which I think is likely, he will be living in a world of hell. Echols was at least frequently featured in documentaries and still refused to mention the brutal violence against him until after he got out of prison in fear of reprecussions.

Yakuza Rich;5032773 said:
You should listen to Damion Echols interviews about what life was like for him in prison.

Many of my friends' fathers were prison guards. By and large they are good guys. But, once the suspect is in jail they are living in the guards and warden's world.

It really depends on where he goes to jail. But, if he goes to a place like where Echols went to prison, which I think is likely, he will be living in a world of hell. Echols was at least frequently featured in documentaries and still refused to mention the brutal violence against him until after he got out of prison in fear of reprecussions.


I also know people who become institutionalized they get use to the life in prison many would not know what to do without that life. There are many stories by many different people. I'm not saying it will be a picnic but it is still a life something his victims do not have that was taken from them and families lives destroyed.

I'm sorry I only care about the victim they can put a bullet in this punks head tomorrow and I doubt that the family would feel bad about it. As long as he is breathing these families will not have peace or closure
Yakuza Rich;5028229 said:
I hope they put him in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. That's worse than death.


I agree. Death is an easy way out.
CanadianCowboysFan;5032956 said:
Of course prisoners want life without parole instead of death. No one wants to die.

I'm sure his victims which he could care less about did not want to die either nor him sitting at in the court room laughing at the victims family and flipping them off. I do believe in the death penalty I will say it should not be used as often as it is but in this case he deserves it and would have been justified in doing so.
Doomsday101;5033089 said:
I'm sure his victims which he could care less about did not want to die either nor him sitting at in the court room laughing at the victims family and flipping them off. I do believe in the death penalty I will say it should not be used as often as it is but in this case he deserves it and would have been justified in doing so.

this post is the epitome of why we have to keep emotion out of sentencing and court.

Much of your decision is based on your feelings toward the perpetrator.
CanadianCowboysFan;5033259 said:
this post is the epitome of why we have to keep emotion out of sentencing and court.

Much of your decision is based on your feelings toward the perpetrator.

And yours is because you don't believe in the death sentence. As I said there are crimes that the death penalty has been given and I don't agree with it. However this is pre meditated murder he knew exactly what he was doing and there is no doubts that he did it.

hell seems anyone can do anything they want to do and will never suffer the death penalty in your eyes.

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