Schools may ban chocolate milk

Fla Cowpoke;3947379 said:
Without knowledge of the body fat, you are incorrect in blanketly saying someone 5'9" and 205 is obese. Was Barry Sanders obese? I understand the generalization though.
Sorry, according to BMI, they're obese. That's how these "obesity epidemic" studies are measured.

If you're 5'10" and 210 lbs. you're part of an epidemic and our government must force you to live differently.
Fla Cowpoke;3947376 said:
The funny thing is...everyone says eat lower fat meat. Eat more organic food. The sad thing is all of these things are more expensive....sometimes 50-100% more expensive than the alternative. In a time when so many people are struggling with money, it's no wonder that a lot of people can't afford the healthier items.

Secondly, as many have said, the bigger issue isn't the food that we eat, it's the lack of activity our kids get. When I was a high school kid, I watched maybe and hour or two of TV a day. After school I either was involved in a sport at the school, or me and my friends were outside, running around, playing football, kill the carrier, stickball, building forts, exploring. My parents didn't see me till dinner time. Nowadays for most kids it's straight home to the X-box for 8 hours a day.

Control your caloric intake, get some exercise and the obesity epidemic would get curbed in a hurry.

Same here when I was not involved in organized sport me and my friends would be outside until the sounds of mothers voices hollering your name to come home. :laugh2:

Now days those same play ground and fields are empty, kids spend way too much time inside sitting around playing games.
Doomsday101;3947383 said:
Same here when I was not involved in organized sport me and my friends would be outside until the sounds of mothers voices hollering your name to come home. :laugh2:

Now days those same play ground and fields are empty, kids spend way too much time inside sitting around playing games.

Quoted for truth.
I wonder where all of these inactive children exist. All of my peers with children are constantly busy with soccer, ballet, and other sports practices. It's non-stop activity from sun up to sun down it appears. These kids are involved in way more things than anyone was involved in when I was a kid.
theogt;3947400 said:
I wonder where all of these inactive children exist. All of my peers with children are constantly busy with soccer, ballet, and other sports practices. It's non-stop activity from sun up to sun down it appears. These kids are involved in way more things than anyone was involved in when I was a kid.

That is the experiance you see with people you know.
Fla Cowpoke;3947379 said:
Without knowledge of the body fat, you are incorrect in blanketly saying someone 5'9" and 205 is obese. Was Barry Sanders obese? I understand the generalization though.

He is going by a standard BMI Calculation and by that calculation he is correct.

That would not include a body fat percentage calculation.

In other words most just put a height and a weight into a program, it spits out a number and you look at a key to see what category that number would put you in.

It would not include going to the doctor. Having them measure your neck, chest, waist, hips and so on.

There are cases where if someone has a thick neck, broad chest and small waist but still have a similar weight and height that a fat percentage or other tests would conclude that they are not obese or even overweight because they have a muscular body...with a BMI it is kind of cut and dry with little to no room for other possible things. Just weight and height.

If you went by one of those standard BMI programs...most body builders, or those with similar physiques, would be over weight or obese even if they have a low body fat percentage.
theogt;3947380 said:
Sorry, according to BMI, they're obese. That's how these "obesity epidemic" studies are measured.
Yes, while the truth is that all these "obese" kids have BMIs of exactly 30 and shouldn't be considered obese at all. That's a relief.

Obviously, it's an oversimplified and imperfect measure. But mocking the absolute minimum cutoff of the scale does not change the fact that the trends do reflect a dramatic increase in true obesity rates.
theogt;3947380 said:
I wonder where all of these inactive children exist. All of my peers with children are constantly busy with soccer, ballet, and other sports practices. It's non-stop activity from sun up to sun down it appears. These kids are involved in way more things than anyone was involved in when I was a kid.
Well, since you're not seeing it in your immediate vicinity, it must not exist.
theogt;3947400 said:
I wonder where all of these inactive children exist. All of my peers with children are constantly busy with soccer, ballet, and other sports practices. It's non-stop activity from sun up to sun down it appears. These kids are involved in way more things than anyone was involved in when I was a kid. must live where there is no internet, no video game consoles, no phones with texting and games.

To be fair...just because a kid is active does not mean they will be skinny or in shape.

As a rarely caught me in doors during the summer. From day light to dark I was either on my bike, at the pool, or walking somewhere. Yet I was always heavy set.

The whole thing about chocolate milk in or out of school is kind of silly in so many ways IMO.

The only reason they had milk for the most part in schools was because of the calcium during your growing years. I know a great number of people that rarely drank milk after they left school. So you add a little more sugar and calories with chocolate milk. Oddly enough I don't remember having the option of chocolate milk in school.

Another thing is something from a financially perspective. One would think it would be much cheaper just to stick with standard white milk in schools to save some money. Especially in this day and age when there are so many cut backs in budgets.

Maybe they should just stick with water or go with a bring your own drink to school situation and get rid of milk and beverages all together so you can save money.
BrAinPaiNt;3947418 said:
He is going by a standard BMI Calculation and by that calculation he is correct.

That would not include a body fat percentage calculation.

In other words most just put a height and a weight into a program, it spits out a number and you look at a key to see what category that number would put you in.

It would not include going to the doctor. Having them measure your neck, chest, waist, hips and so on.

There are cases where if someone has a thick neck, broad chest and small waist but still have a similar weight and height that a fat percentage or other tests would conclude that they are not obese or even overweight because they have a muscular body...with a BMI it is kind of cut and dry with little to no room for other possible things. Just weight and height.

If you went by one of those standard BMI programs...most body builders, or those with similar physiques, would be over weight or obese even if they have a low body fat percentage.

jimnabby;3947419 said:
Yes, while the truth is that all these "obese" kids have BMIs of exactly 30 and shouldn't be considered obese at all. That's a relief.

Obviously, it's an oversimplified and imperfect measure. But mocking the absolute minimum cutoff of the scale does not change the fact that the trends do reflect a dramatic increase in true obesity rates.
The fact that BMI is a terrible measure is my point. The problem is that when people cry about an epidemic, they're using BMI (a terrible measure) to state that an epidemic exists.

Well, since you're not seeing it in your immediate vicinity, it must not exist.
Right because that's EXACTLY what I said. I understand there are inactive, lazy kids everywhere. There were inactive, lazy kids when I was growing up. But I think there's a knee jerk reaction among older people today to say "kids today are fat, dumb and lazy" without any evidence whatsoever.
theogt;3947369 said:
If you're 5'9" and 205 lbs. you're considered obese. Not overweight. OBESE. Oh, and by the way, 5'9" and 180 lbs is still considered OVERWEIGHT.

The only epidemic is rampant stupidity.

My advice is enjoy life in moderation and stop the incessant worrying about appearances.

HAHAHA - right you are
BrAinPaiNt;3947431 said: must live where there is no internet, no video game consoles, no phones with texting and games.

To be fair...just because a kid is active does not mean they will be skinny or in shape.

As a rarely caught me in doors during the summer. From day light to dark I was either on my bike, at the pool, or walking somewhere. Yet I was always heavy set.

The whole thing about chocolate milk in or out of school is kind of silly in so many ways IMO.

The only reason they had milk for the most part in schools was because of the calcium during your growing years. I know a great number of people that rarely drank milk after they left school. So you add a little more sugar and calories with chocolate milk. Oddly enough I don't remember having the option of chocolate milk in school.

Another thing is something from a financially perspective. One would think it would be much cheaper just to stick with standard white milk in schools to save some money. Especially in this day and age when there are so many cut backs in budgets.

Maybe they should just stick with water or go with a bring your own drink to school situation and get rid of milk and beverages all together so you can save money.
Agree. The single biggest factor in weight/size is genetics. Uncontrollable genetics.
theogt;3947449 said:
Agree. The single biggest factor in weight/size is genetics. Uncontrollable genetics.

yep, there are boxers that are fat or 'overweight', and those guys are the most conditioned athletes in the world. i wonder if there is a statistic out there for the percentage of ppl that after leaving "the biggest loser" gain everything back, i bet it would be surprising....and dont even get me started on the ppl that preach about healthy eating habits, yet they have looked that way their entire life, because of genetics.
theogt;3947449 said:
Agree. The single biggest factor in weight/size is genetics. Uncontrollable genetics.

Most of the people that use the genetic argument are overweight because of diet and lack of exercise. Genetics plays a part yes, but the amount of people using this argument because they don't want to quit eating a carton of Blue Bell ice cream every night or go to the gym because the new Lost is on is pretty ridiculous.

Expend more calories than you take in and you'll lose weight. It's that simple.
theogt;3947360 said:
Actually, it hasn't. Studies show that diseases "related" (I use that term VERY loosely) to obesity account for only a minimal amount of the additional health care expenditures in the US as compared to other developed nations.

The concern about being overweight is about not looking pretty, but people will disguise it as a major health concern or "epidemic" so that they sound less conceited.

Math fail.

You're dead wrong there my friend. About 90% of annual health expenses in the U.S. come from Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Heart disease, and complications from those. Guess what leads to each and every one of those? Obesity. Over 60% of adults in America are obese now. And sure, BMI is wrong for people who have a ton of muscle mass, but guess what, average Joe does not have that.

I work in the health insurance industry, so I have seen a lot more studies about how much obesity drives health care costs than you have, I guarantee that. And these studies are done by my company and others in the industry, as in the people that are paying the claims, so it's not like there's reason for bias.

All you have to do is look around to see obesity. I can stand up right now and look around my office and probably 70% of people are obese, and another 20% are overweight. It's like this everywhere. It's amazing to see somebody who isn't walking around with at least 20 pounds of fat hanging off their gut.

And there is a childhood obesity epidemic. Idiot adults who eat too much and don't exercise teach the same habits to their kids, nevermind the fact that the kids right now will be the first generation of Americans to live shorter lives than their parents. Kids shouldn't be drinking sugary drinks to accompany their meals, just like adults shouldn't. Act like a ****ing grown up and drink some water.
gmoney112;3947467 said:
Most of the people that use the genetic argument are overweight because of diet and lack of exercise.
[citation needed]
Joshmvii;3947469 said:
You're dead wrong there my friend. About 90% of annual health expenses in the U.S. come from Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Heart disease, and complications from those. Guess what leads to each and every one of those? Obesity. Over 60% of adults in America are obese now. And sure, BMI is wrong for people who have a ton of muscle mass, but guess what, average Joe does not have that.

I work in the health insurance industry, so I have seen a lot more studies about how much obesity drives health care costs than you have, I guarantee that. And these studies are done by my company and others in the industry, as in the people that are paying the claims, so it's not like there's reason for bias.

All you have to do is look around to see obesity. I can stand up right now and look around my office and probably 70% of people are obese, and another 20% are overweight. It's like this everywhere. It's amazing to see somebody who isn't walking around with at least 20 pounds of fat hanging off their gut.

And there is a childhood obesity epidemic. Idiot adults who eat too much and don't exercise teach the same habits to their kids, nevermind the fact that the kids right now will be the first generation of Americans to live shorter lives than their parents. Kids shouldn't be drinking sugary drinks to accompany their meals, just like adults shouldn't. Act like a ****ing grown up and drink some water.
I read the study just yesterday, actually. I'll try and find it later and link to it. The study could be wrong, but at least until proven otherwise, I'll rely on it rather than anecdotal evidence of posters on the internet. I'm sure you'll agree that's reasonable.
Absolutely ridiculous.

I had a peanut butter and jelly and chocolate milk just about everyday in elementary school.

I just shake my head at our society now a days.
ConcordCowboy;3947515 said:
Absolutely ridiculous.

I had a peanut butter and jelly and chocolate milk just about everyday in elementary school.

I just shake my head at our society now a days.

Well that's why kids are so fat now-a-days. They're cramming peanut butter, jelly, AND chocolate into our milk! :laugh2:


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