Schultz to Texans for 1 year 9 million

Have you seen him block?

and afterwards, for some reason, I was craving tacos.
Imagine calling a guy who had to "settle" for 9 million dollars to play football a loser. You guys are something else
You should get paid what deserve. Y’all saying he deserves more that 3 for 36? He gonna play for Texans???? Horrible team? I rather take 2-3 million less and play for team with chance to win
Show me exactly where I said he deserves more than that. You're just making crap up that's as nonsensical as your original post, and most of the ones since.

What you would rather do is irrelevant. I'm not really sure what the Cowboys offered him anyway, or if they made an offer. You don't know that either. But regardless, it was his choice, and there is nothing for you to be so bitter about. This happens in football all the time.
What a loser this guy is. Good riddance you punk.
Good now we don't have to discuss him anymore. I didn't want to pay him. I think you can get the stats he provides
with a lot cheaper contract. The 9 mil is kind of dumb from the Texans.
We’re going to have to keep our eyes open for a veteran TE because although our young TE’s have shown potential I’m still not sold on them. Our offense could take a real hit without a good pass receiving TE who can consistently move the chains.
Cause he refused sign fair contract all last year - guy thinks he’s top te
I'll say the same thing I said about Dak when it was rumored he wanted even more than he eventually got with Dallas - standard negotiating technique - you ask for the moon even if you are sure/pretty sure no one will give it to you. First of all it gives you room to come down and still get what you think you really are worth, and two, heck, some doofus owner just might give it to you!
There you go. Definition of a punk. Guy thinks he’s a top te. Delusional- system te - pretty much any decent te could do what he did.
Definition of a punk to me, is someone that calls a person a punk, trash, Moron, idiot etc., without looking him in the eyes.
interesting taking a prove it deal with a team that has no qb.

Easily replaceable
I mean they are going to draft a rookie and every rookie loves throwing to a TE so it probably is the smartest deal he could sign.
he is not a TE.a TE who is allergic to blocking is not a TE,good riddance.

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