Schultz = Witten 2.0?


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So 200 yards rushing per game is now your standard for Zeke?

I'm still waiting on the 50 yard TD (actually plural!) I was promised if TP got more carries.

Why not just enjoy them both, celebrate both of them, without all the whining?

I'm not whining at all about using 2 rbs at all I'm praising it. It's the smartest thing weve ever done offensively.

Spreading the ball around between 2 backs is the reason we're getting 200 yards per game running these past 4 games. It's part of the reason why we're winning too.

There's no way 1 back could carry those averages and they should have done this years ago. Ne and No have been doing it for years

Very few peeps agreed with this when I was preaching it in this forum 5-7 years back.

Ive preached it every year.

Now all of a sudden y'all are all on the Bandwagon instead of worried about who the rushing champ is.

Zeke isn't as good as D Henry anyways.
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I keep wondering about these game changing plays you talk about … you think we are going to get that from our 4th or 5th string WR? If not, where is your point? Why would you use that guy and give up all the other benefits of a TE. Well, except I know you have absolutely no concept of the role of TE, so there really isn't a point in asking that question.

I'm calling this discussion done. I can't speak reasonably with a guy who's entire knowledge of the game comes from fantasy football and video games.

So ya think if Wilson substituted for Schultz on 3rd down as the 4th wr he couldn't do what Schultz does???

He has 2 tds on 10 receptions and Schultz has 3 tds on 26 receptions btw

Just asking?


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I keep wondering about these game changing plays you talk about … you think we are going to get that from our 4th or 5th string WR? If not, where is your point? Why would you use that guy and give up all the other benefits of a TE. Well, except I know you have absolutely no concept of the role of TE, so there really isn't a point in asking that question.

I'm calling this discussion done. I can't speak reasonably with a guy who's entire knowledge of the game comes from fantasy football and video games.

We'll see how dominant these tes are at receiving today playing every snap on Grass against a good D.

Belichek is gonna do his best to force us to beat them w these tes and he is Hungry for a win this week at home.

I just hope it's not one of those blooper games like when Earl Thomas bows to Garrett after the int on Jarwin. Lol. Js

I don't like the Cowboys on Grass, esp giving up points, or their Losing Streak against Ne even though I think we're clearly a better team on turf.

So Let's "hope" these tes can hold the Fort Down make some winning plays this week and not make too many mistakes because I esp don't like the Patriots.

But our pedigree is on Turf and we're playing on grass this week against a non division Rival so If I was betting this week I'd have no choice but to take me some 4 points and bet the farm on the Bradyless Bunch. Just because their Defensive Pedigree is way better than ours is on Grass. Js

Hopefully I'm wrong and you're right. Good Luck


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I was certainly more impressed w Schultz today and the Cowboys proved they could win on Grass.

I'll definitely eat my words about Schultz this week. He played pretty good.

Not because I think he's a spectacular te or an everydown te but because he didn't Jack Squat it up.

I still think Wilson and Pollard are better skilled players but he looked way better than #82 did in his Last 7+ years here.

Ill give credit where credit is due even if I have to eat a little crow from time to time