Screw the Rest of the League. Keep Tony

Screw ourselves by showing everyone we'll deny a guy a chance elsewhere because we want a security blanket.

People just can't see a step or two down the line. No long game

Damned if we do, damned if we don't. You can't give Romo away and get nothing in return either. Business first, not personal.....
Tony wants to start somewhere . Don't do him the injustice of making him stay. We owe him that much.
Damned if we do, damned if we don't. You can't give Romo away and get nothing in return either. Business first, not personal.....

Actually, he's got little value. Old, injured long term repeatedly.

There is so little we offered.

Forgoe a 5th to respect a player (something everyone sees down the line,)

It ain't all business because how you handle your business makes a difference down the road
Can't we give a few teams a chance to panic? Waiting until after the draft would settle how much value he has either circumstantially w/teams missing on a QB in FA/draft or a team going for the best of the rest even w/injury history. Keeping him through TC would be a bit much, but we're showing our hand too early. We have the room, and we're not looking to be big FA players anyway. I'd wait it out and let teams wonder "even if".

Leak out some fake teams or something (similar to how you see our name attached to every player we later find wasn't the case, etc.). Aren't the Pats using Schefty right now for that exact purpose albeit apples n oranges w/Garopollo?:D
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I hate seeing him getting rolled like this,tom Brady is pushing 40 and looks like he's got the gas and the wheels to play another 5 years.
Romo kinda did skin out on a limb a few times to extend plays because he plays to win and when it started to gel and he could consistently beat other teams,they started gunning for him, and pretty much got away with a crap ton of uncalled roughing the passer/ LATE HIT /personal foul calls that thru cumulative effect are bound to beat a man down, do any of you think Tom Brady could have weathered the same uncalled infractions that have been heaped upon Romo and not suffer similar effects ? Hell no he couldn't have ,he'd of prolly quit playing the game if they won't flag infractions directed at him,,,ya, I don't understand how you can be a cowboy's fan and not like Tony Romo ,it's beyond my grasp.I remember seeing his first game when the tuna sent him forth and you could tell he wanted to win , parcells knew that long before any of us did,,,ya, I'm a sad camper with what's going down.
Has there ever been a monster truck incapable of being totaled? At the very least, in the shop for an extended period of time?

I know Romo has quite a few dents.
And he hasn't gotten younger or more resilient.
Bad deal well around. Old, fragile, expensive. A baaaad business model!
I know Romo has quite a few dents.
And he hasn't gotten younger or more resilient.
Bad deal well around. Old, fragile, expensive. A baaaad business model!
Yep. No GM will offer much, in a trade, for a player like Romo. He only has great value on the Cowboy fan sites!! lol. GM's do not see him in the same light.
Its long overdue to finally have the chance to move on from Tony Romo. He has been a good...sometimes very good QB...But never has he been great. Its time to move on and see where a Prescott may or may not take the club!! Nothing more and nothing less. that's how you win games and championships in this league....sharing the wealth. I'll trade compassion and goodwill points for championships every day.

Super Bowl champions don't win by popular election, they win by putting the best team out there on the field. The odds say that the Cowboys will include Tony Romo on the field at some point in the season.

If "everyone" doesn't like it, then it means the Cowboys made the right decision by keeping him. The object is to make Cowboy fans happy and "everyone" else unhappy.

Putting the obvious and valid reasons this team moving forward without Tony Romo, there also is the factor of him being a constant distraction to what this team is trying to do. Not so much by Romo as he is big enough to see that this is Dak's team, but more so by it's fans. All you have to do of look back at last year and even now with this post, fans and the drama of "Romo should start" or "Romo should go in" will continue to be finding it's way into more conversations.
You say if Romo wants to start, let him stay and prove it. My first thought is, he don't have time to prove it for other teams for next year and when would he find the playing time to do that when Dak is the guy.

I have supported Romo and defended him and his great talent for many years, but I can't deny the obvious anymore. I know that Romo will never regain his starting status nor should he based on his age and health as well as Dak. is time to move on, for both the teams sake as well as the fans sake, and frankly for Romo's sake
Yep. No GM will offer much, in a trade, for a player like Romo. He only has great value on the Cowboy fan sites!! lol. GM's do not see him in the same light.


It's a league bereft of talent at the QB position and every front office knows it.

I remember a few years back when the Ram's starter went down in preseason there were reports that they reached out to Brett Favre, who had been out of the league altogether for several years at that point.

Just this past season we saw the Vikes give up a #1 for a career underachiever with his own injury history.

I'm not saying we're definitely going to get a premier pick or player for Romo, but to suggest that only Cowboys fans give him great value is inaccurate.
We owe Tony Romo nothing. His career is the result of a commitment by the Cowboys that has never been repeated in the history of the NFL. He did not play a single down of regulation NFL football during the length of his first contract, three years. No team has ever before made that commitment to groom a future NFL starter.

I can name you several quarterbacks that didn't win a championship until after their 12th season.

How important is saving that cap money if Dak goes down for the season before it evem starts. That happened to, not one, nut two QB's last season.I
We owe Tony Romo nothing. His career is the result of a commitment by the Cowboys that has never been repeated in the history of the NFL. He did not play a single down of regulation NFL football during the length of his first contract, three years. No team has ever before made that commitment to groom a future NFL starter.

I can name you several quarterbacks that didn't win a championship until after their 12th season.

How important is saving that cap money if Dak goes down for the season before it evem starts. That happened to, not one, nut two QB's last season.I

Great post. I'm in the camp that should keep him. The media and the haters want Dallas to get rid of him. Why? More for them to talk about. Injuries can happen at any time. I'm sorry but Sanchez and the other bum are not good QBs and the season would be over, period.

Prior to this season Dallas had no problem with dealing with his salary. So just roll with it. I doubt we are getting a great draft pick and the cap savings of cutting him and trading him don't outweigh keeping him.

And for those that say 2 playoff wins over his career, what are you saying about Dak this year? 13-3 and one and done. How many of you were disappointed by that? It's just stupid and convenient to blame Romo and it Is just as dumb to blame Dak. I have a feeling that many here will turn on Dak if he doesn't win playoff games in the future. I hope it doesn't.

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