Sean Lee will play in opener despite knee injury

When your ACLs have been repaired, it's not uncommon to have the meniscal cartilage trimmed up, too, as it tends to shred a bit when the knee isn't as well supported. There's scar tissue that builds up, and you get swelling and sometimes minor bone-on-bone conditions in places that cause pain and can affect the range of motion. With his knees and the miles he's put on them, it's probably not unusual that he's suffering some effects from the surgeries done. It's not like he got two brand new knees out of their packaging and is just good to go now.

This will be the case with Sean the rest of his career. And we'll probably have fans complaining about that being part of the deal with him. But it's yet another of the long list of things we complain about that ought to be expected if we just stopped to think about how things actually work.
Back then they toughened up players with all the practices and hitting they did in practice. They used to tackle in practice back in the day. When I went out to the Cowboys scrimmage it looked like a walk-through in pads. The NFL is trying so hard to limit injuries with less practices that players aren't as immune to hitting like they were back in the 70s and 80s. Preseason was 6 games and starters played a lot but now starters see very little preseason.
I'm not sure I buy the "immune to injury through punishment" theory.
Day to day means, long time, sometimes. sometimes it means short time.... and uh sometimes uhhhh ..........
I'm not sure I buy the "immune to injury through punishment" theory.

Not sure I'm buying it myself but there's some logic to it. If you toughen your body up you become less susceptible to an injury. It's like building up your immune system. Back in the day training camps were rough they threw each other around and tackled but nowadays teams try and protect their key players until the regular season. Players today don't seem to be as prepared to take hits once the regular season starts because it's the first real ongoing contact they've had in months. I went out to Thousand Oaks in the early 80s and watched a few inter squad scrimmages and it was like game day.
Garrett's statement on Sean Lee was similar to what was said about James Hanna's "sore knee"..."not expected to be a long term issue".
He have another two weeks to heal up. I wonder why was he practicing? It's the 4th Preseason game coming up.
What is this knee injury? Seems quite secretive as to what exactly the extent of the injury is.

If history means anything, when the team downplays an injury, it's best to brace yourself for something worse.

He'll be missing a leg by week 3.
Best our D has been in the past 6 years was 2014 ......... Lee did not play one game that year.
Lee's the only one who's missed games "every" season with an injury.
McFadden missed at least a game his first 6 years in the league.

Lee has only been in the league 5 years so he still has 1 more year to catch up
Ah. The mighty defense. Please get 1-2 vets in here at the DE and linebacker position. We need them
What is this knee injury? Seems quite secretive as to what exactly the extent of the injury is.

If history means anything, when the team downplays an injury, it's best to brace yourself for something worse.

A player could be like this and he would be day to day and evaluated as the week goes on:

Was listening to The Break and they seemed to think it was a non issue.

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