Should Dak Reduce His Salary To Allow Team To Sign Free Agents


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If his salary was reduced it would be because it was obscenely too much to begin with. He should just be content he is already stealing enough. His agent probably shows up at negotiations wearing a mask. And frankly, Jerry/Stephen deserve what they get.


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Yea, he can take a "pay cut" by telling the Joneses they need to extend him and convert the base into a signing bonus.
He already did that a year ago.

BTW, that's not a pay cut, it's a restructure


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If his salary was reduced it would be because it was obscenely too much to begin with. He should just be content he is already stealing enough. His agent probably shows up at negotiations wearing a mask. And frankly, Jerry/Stephen deserve what they get.
jerryis going to get fleeced, stephen likes to be cheap with everything except something like this watch


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I have always been a fan of Daks. I think he's a very good, not great, QB, but the fact is he choked, again. I could see it in his eyes.
I think the talk of giving Dak an extension in the 55-60 APY range is madness.
The cap is expanding, but why would we pay a guy making 40, who could not get us there, even more?
I understand the dynamics of the expanding cap, and the fact that hit is 60 this year and needs to be extended, but that is madness.
Mahomes averages 45. Brady routinely played for way under MV,
Winners make some sacrifices for the team/organization.
If Dak demands to set the market, I say try to trade him, and if you can't, release him. We have Lance signed for just a year, let's see if there is anything there worth keeping. No offense to Dak, he's a great guy, but no way am I hamstringing the team for the next 4-5 years like that for a guy who went deer in the headlights, again.
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Dude can't even be bothered to prepare for the game or run for a first down and you want him to give up actual money?
He ran for a 1st down 21 times this season, and what proof do you have that he didn't prepare for games? Regardless of what people think of his talents, nobody in the know has ever accused him of not working hard or being dedicated.

slow as he runs, why run!!!
He does run, just when it makes sense though. He obviously isn't Lamar Jackson, or even Josh Allen.


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Dak’s next contract will be commensurate with other top quarterbacks in the NFL. It will not be substantially more, nor will it be substantially less. He plays for one of the most valuable sports franchises in the world. He will not, nor should he, be inclined to give it a “discount”.


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Dak’s next contract will be commensurate with other top quarterbacks in the NFL. It will not be substantially more, nor will it be substantially less. He plays for one of the most valuable sports franchises in the world. He will not, nor should he, be inclined to give it a “discount”.
Some like to pretend discounts are the norm, but outside of Brady late in his career, it isn't at all. But it's something for people to complain about, which seems to be the primary goal of some fans.


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All these stars making enough money for 7 generations, they cannot even spend in a normal life all the money they make each year. Why make so much that their team cannot afford great players at other positions?
That's how it works. They could be bathing in gold coins, they want more. It's the top priority no matter what. No matter how much you've already earned.


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He ran for a 1st down 21 times this season, and what proof do you have that he didn't prepare for games? Regardless of what people think of his talents, nobody in the know has ever accused him of not working hard or being dedicated.

He does run, just when it makes sense though. He obviously isn't Lamar Jackson, or even Josh Allen.
21 times all year? That is pathetic. You are right about one thing he isn't Lamar Jackson, or even Josh Allen.


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All these stars making enough money for 7 generations, they cannot even spend in a normal life all the money they make each year. Why make so much that their team cannot afford great players at other positions?

Dak's salary is impeding the Boys' ability to bringing in free agent impact starters. The draft alone has not brought the Boys to the big game. They must supplement their draft picks, undrafted free agents with impact players who are free agents who fill an immediate need for the team, or trades that are steals.

Lots of you will say Dak will never do it, reduce his salary, but my suggestion is the only possible way to improve the team.

Jimmy Johnson knew he needed more talent. He brought in Plan B free agents Jay Novacek and James Washington. He traded for guard John Gesek, DE Charles Haley, safety Thomas Everritt and DT Tony Casillas. He received a treasure of draft picks for Herschel Walker who had led the NFC in rushing in 1988. He knew the team's weaknesses and always made moves to improve.

Our 2023 team did not have enough talent to make it to the top. Porous run defense, not enough run stuffing LB's, average run blocking OL. We need more than a draft to get this team over the malaise of the past 28 or so years.


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That's how it works. They could be bathing in gold coins, they want more. It's the top priority no matter what. No matter how much you've already earned.
The thing is he would make more money on endorsements if he won the SB then he would lose in his contract.
The man already has more money than a sensible person could spend in a lifetime of living large but to want more when it will penalize the team is the ultimate in greed


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Much of it will have to do with how the contact is structured.
Say a 4 year extension, so is it best to front load it this time. Still a bit more of a cap hit than we would all want. However, the last 2 or 3 years it would be easier to move on from it with less of a hit. As it is this year.

He can be here for 2 years then move on, as opposed to 5 years.
So 2 more years of 1 and done, or 5 years of 1 and done?
Yes most prefer 1 or even zero years, but that is not going to happen.

I say if they can swing it, put off future contacts if they can. Because if he is going to get $60 million may as well let him get it this year then go from there.


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That's how it works. They could be bathing in gold coins, they want more. It's the top priority no matter what. No matter how much you've already earned.
Exactly. Anyone who still thinks that legacy, winning and team success is in any way the goal has not been paying attention. It is all about the money. As it should be. I have no issue with them being dirty little money grubbing donkeys. I would be too if I had the chance. Just don't cry when you get called out as a worthless dirty little money grubbing donkey.

When we resign Dak we will be making a conscious decision to actively hurt our chances of meaningful playoff success for the sake of regular season hype and stats. That is what Jerry wants and needs. That id what Dak wants and needs. Everyone is happy and so should we celebrate.


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21 times all year? That is pathetic. You are right about one thing he isn't Lamar Jackson, or even Josh Allen.
That's not an unusual number for a QB. Purdy had 15. Mahomes 27. Tua only had 5.

Are you somehow under the nonsensical impression Dak should be like Lamar Jackson?


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That's not an unusual number for a QB. Purdy had 15. Mahomes 27. Tua only had 5.

Are you somehow under the nonsensical impression Dak should be like Lamar Jackson?
Would prefer he still had it in him to run for a first down when we really need it. That is all I am saying. He got broken in two, signed his big fat deal and that was the end of that.