The Cowboys have led at halftime in 8 of the 11 games. In two others, they were down by only three points.
Everybody keeps talking about halftime adjustments but aren't they usually necessary when the team is losing going into halftime? I mean, you can't adjust to opponent halftime adjustments because you don't know what they are.
Give Chaz some help? The Cowboys are already down a receiver whenever Morris is on the field, he has never been a receiving back, he's averaged less than a catch per game for his career. Now you dedicate a TE to help out Chaz and you pretty much cut the receiving options in half for Prescott, not a good idea.
Jason Garrett should be promoted to GM, that is really where he belongs. That won't happen either. However, he is better at building teams than he is at game planning.
And if you believe that Jerry Jones has not been taking an active role in the decision making, think again. He sabotaged this season in almost the same fashion he did the 2010 season. He disrupted training camp by putting them in the Hall of Fame game, which he didn't have to do, for the purpose of self adulation. Then he got into a pecker contest with Goodell and betrayed his trust by announcing their agreed decision before Goodell and that is why it was reversed. Jones had to let everyone know he was an influence so Goodell had no choice but to prove he wasn't.