Should our players take team friendly deals?


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Is it smart for these players to take less money, when this team has an issue with spending in free agency? I mean they're saving money to do nothing, can someone please make it make sense??

You'd think as cheap as we can be in our spending, we were saving up to make a big move. The big move for us, is our current players being taken care of with new deals!

Can we get rid of the "insanity" and make some moves with this money. There's talk of creating all this cap space, but what good is it if we don't bring substantial help from the outside. Please discuss!!!
2nd contract no, 3rd contract yes. On the 2nd contract they're in prime earning years and haven't earned most of their money yet so understand wanting a top contract. After that I would think players would consider some other factors if they've already had a big pay day. Not all would though.

So if I were Lamb or Parsons no I want my money. If I were Dak I would think long and hard if making 60 million a year gets my team to accomplish what I would want, or if I left 10-15 million on the table does that provide a greater chance for the team to be competitive, while not changing my life style? Technically that would still place him in the top 10 in pay which is probably fair for all sides.

But if I'm being real I see almost zero chance Dak would take a team friendly deal.


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What is a QB worth who is a high level bus driver but cant win playoff games worth? And how does Dak and his agent present their case during negotiations and how do the Jones'?

Seems like there is a lot of inside info, such has losses being on coaching game plan, that we dont have access to and can only speculate on. Example:

Jones' say Dak is only beating average teams. Dak says film shows he is hitting receivers when right play is called. Dak claims playoff game plan was whack and losses should be on him.

I know negotiations dont play out like that...but how do you present your case to Dak that he is only worth 50M per considering cap inflation and relative to other QB contracts now and in 3 years?
Negotiations........What negotiations?

Watch the reporting come out that the reason negotiations have not started is because GM Jeruh was respecting Dak's baby bonding time.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Players may take them if they see a chance to get a ring.

So no, ours, or outside free agents won't take less. We are not seen as a team that can win it all.


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There's a difference between discounted and team friendly. Patrick Mahommes signed a ten year, half a billion dollar deal as his first extension. Between that and endorsements, he's set for life, as are his kids and grandkids. The initial numbers appeared to be staggering at the time, but by spreading that out over ten years, he gave the team financial flexibility to move money around to sign players and increase his chance at winning Super Bowls. We know how that worked out.

You can complain about this becoming a Dak thread all you want, but his contract is the crux of most of our financial problems right now. He signed a 4 year, $160m deal. Annual average is $10m less than Mahommes, but he gave the team limited financial flexibility, and the product on the field has shown as much. A few extra bucks and we could've addressed the run defense more adequately going into the season. Interior linebackers and defensive tackles aren't expensive, but we were in a position to decide whether to go all in, and risk the consequences, or save some cap to resign CeeDee Lamb and Micah Parsons. We chose to play for the future and fell short.

Tyron Smith signed a record 10 year contract awhile back that allowed for similar financial flexibility the we see from Mahommes. Tom Brady regularly took discounted contracts to win the big dance. HE IS A 7 TIME CHAMPION. Selfishness vs selflessness. Do they want to cement their legacies as all-time greats, or do they want to pile cash into their bank accounts? I'm not suggesting it's wise to always take a discounted rate. Brady was set for life, much like Dak is, before he started taking lesser contracts. Micah and Lamb both deserve to be the highest paid at their positions, but how do they want to be remembered after they've made their money? What legacy does Dak want to leave behind? Now you tell me, is it wise to take one for the team and sign a lesser contract?
Legacy doesnt pay the bills or make your wife happy or pay for kids to get through good college schooling.

If you are going to ask players to be selfless or unselfish...why does everyone leave the owners out of this conversation?

Whiskey Cowboy

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Legacy doesnt pay the bills or make your wife happy or pay for kids to get through good college schooling.

If you are going to ask players to be selfless or unselfish...why does everyone leave the owners out of this conversation?
We're talking about paying bills? These guy make more than 99.9999% of the world. I'm not talking about first time extensions. I'm talking about made men that don't have to worry about money ever again. I said as much.

I'm sure some owners would be just fine with ditching the salary cap, but majority rules. The system is in place and it is what it is. We do know that Dallas on average is going to spend what's available to them, so I'm not sure why we would bring that into the conversation.


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Legacy doesnt pay the bills or make your wife happy or pay for kids to get through good college schooling.

If you are going to ask players to be selfless or unselfish...why does everyone leave the owners out of this conversation?
What? Are you drunk? NFL min is $750,000. Playing at NFL min is enough to pay the bills, make your wife happy, and send your kids to school.

That might be the worst argument point I've seen on this board.


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What? Are you drunk? NFL min is $750,000. Playing at NFL min is enough to pay the bills, make your wife happy, and send your kids to school.

That might be the worst argument point I've seen on this board.
Average career is 3.3 years. Most did not graduate, so $750K for 3.3 years is a great start to life, but not life altering.


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Average career is 3.3 years. Most did not graduate, so $750K for 3.3 years is a great start to life, but not life altering.
Stop. You're counting in the guys who aren't good enough, but hang around on ST's and as backups. Take those out, and the average career is prolly 6-9 yrs, not counting QB's.

Plus, taking a team friendly deal is only referring to when a player is signing a megamillion dollar deal. And if you're worried about the guys who are making NFL minimum, guys who are insisting on getting max dollars are taking money out of their pockets.

Sorry, bad argument.


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What? Are you drunk? NFL min is $750,000. Playing at NFL min is enough to pay the bills, make your wife happy, and send your kids to school.

That might be the worst argument point I've seen on this board.
Nah..youre drunk.

Its about money.

Assuming this is all real...there are vicious wars fought over money, where lots of innocent people are killed. For money.

Which is why there seems to be an odd over abundance of pro anti-pay player threads around here and why a lot of discussions about contracts talk about players being selfish but dont talk about the owners. Which is why I made the post about where are all the discounts for my burger and beers.

The player shouldnt take as much as he can get, but its ok for owners?

At least make sense. Why is one group dismissed from being selfish but the other isnt?

The world where trophies and legacy were sold as a way of distracting the player are long gone. These guys no its about money and their families too...not just the owner and his family.

Again...assuming all this is real.


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I clearly stated 3 of them .
Income tax is paid where the players play the game. So when the Cowboys go on the road they pay taxes to that state, and city where city income taxes exist. So the advantage is not significant. And Texas is not the only state with no state income tax. In addition, agents consider the tax issue in contract negotiation that offsets differences. The advantage is the team’s more than the player’s. Endorsements are available in every city and the Dallas metro area does not offer more of them than other cities. Even college athletes garner endorsements. That Cowboys players enjoy an advantage in outside endorsements is a myth created by fans. Post career opportunities? What post career opportunities do Dallas Cowboys players get that players on other teams do not? Ryan Leaf notwithstanding, post career opportunities have everything to do with the individual player, not the team (teams) he played for. Playing for the Dallas Cowboys is no more beneficial than playing for any other teams. Players and agents know it and are not going to be giving discounts for the opportunity to play for the Dallas Cowboys. The notion is just typical fan nonsense.


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So many ignorant fans. The owners do everything in their power to RESTRICT free agency in the N.F.L. Then turn around and cry about paying players.

If you don't want to pay someone simply let them go to the free market. Fans are incorrigibly stupid to support owners who do not want a player to hit the free market yet also don't want to meet their salary demands to stay.

Then use the "you're hurting the team bs" under the salary cap that they created. The same salary cap that is negotiated between owners and the players union in a collective bargaining agreement.


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The players should get their money while they can. Being a professional athlete is not an occupation that one can count on to last long.


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Nah..youre drunk.

Its about money.

Assuming this is all real...there are vicious wars fought over money, where lots of innocent people are killed. For money.

Which is why there seems to be an odd over abundance of pro anti-pay player threads around here and why a lot of discussions about contracts talk about players being selfish but dont talk about the owners. Which is why I made the post about where are all the discounts for my burger and beers.

The player shouldnt take as much as he can get, but its ok for owners?

At least make sense. Why is one group dismissed from being selfish but the other isnt?

The world where trophies and legacy were sold as a way of distracting the player are long gone. These guys no its about money and their families too...not just the owner and his family.

Again...assuming all this is real.
You're bypassing your argument now. Your argument was that players should not give team friendly deals because it was keep them from sending their kid to school. That is simply inaccurate. No one making the NFL minimum is being asked to take a team friendly deal.

When a player maxes out his contract, it costs lesser players money.