Should QB's be limited how much they make?


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Not just QB's. I think every position should have a cap. When an owner way overpays for a player, it hurts the whole league. If the payers don't like it, they can try their hand at flipping burgers for a living. I'm tired of hearing, "these guys put their lives on the line every time they step on the field". Nobody is forcing them to play. . .


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I agree with owners setting the market. As much colluding they do, you'd think they could easily fix this escalating QB market.

Concerning the Cowboys they have so many guys up for new deals, and plenty talent around the QB they'd be able to change the narrative and just draft a QB in 2020 or sign a cheaper vet.

Won't happen and Dak will get his 22-25M.


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Let market forces work. If it continues that QBs with high salaries cannot win then that means they are overvalued and the price will come down.

I know this year that the highest paid QBs all missed the playoffs, not sure how that has worked out in years past.


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Please...everyone put your adult pants on.

Nobody on the planet is paid what they are worth. They are paid what the market dictates a person with the skill set necessary to fill a position in a company is worth. That is true for the guy emptying trash cans at Wally World all the way up to the CEO of the largest company in the world.

If you complain about a QB making $25 million a year but don't complain about Ellen DeGeneres making $75 million a year or The Rock making $124 million a year please help everyone out by posting "I'm a hypocrite". Don't be jealous of how much others make.


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Not just QB's. I think every position should have a cap. When an owner way overpays for a player, it hurts the whole league. If the payers don't like it, they can try their hand at flipping burgers for a living. I'm tired of hearing, "these guys put their lives on the line every time they step on the field". Nobody is forcing them to play. . .

yikes, this is such a boot licking mentality. We need a larger cap so players get a bigger piece of the pie not get paid less so the owners make more.


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This is an owners/GM issue. If another team is willing to pay, you do the same or you don't keep the player.

I personally wouldn't pay a QB elite money unless he was an elite QB. Let some other sucker pay him.

For example with Tampa Bay. No way I'd pay Winston. I'd roll with Fitzpatrick until I found a good quarterback. Because I can NOT go to the SB with Winston too.


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I believe in a free market, but let's also look at it in another way, TCV. Total contract value can also (not always) be put together with other long term considerations. Champions like Jordan and Brady took less than market value and thus were able to surround themselves with better overall team talent, thus resulting in more championships. Being a championship player can result in a greater income in real time and down the road after retirement. Things like endorsements, appearances, speaking engagements and business opportunities.

Others may say "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" and in a lot of cases they may be correct. IMHO a real champion will do whatever it takes to be a champion, while others are in it for a quick buck.

So yeah, if I were a GM or owner, that is how I would sell it, but I probably wouldn't make a QB cap mandatory.


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Dear Fellow Fanzone Freaks--- I am so sick and tired of how much money QB's make in NFL compared

the rest of the players on a it cripples the team from being able to put quality players

at other positions....we have all heard the top 6 QB's who make the most money in NFL were not even

in the playoffs...i am so sick of it...the good teams have QB's that take less so other players can make

more and have a better team...i wish Dak would step up and say...i am only taking 15 mil a year cause

i want and need good players around me!!...but he wont...he will be a money grabber probably

what do you all think????..thanks for your views in advance

I think all positions should have some sort of CAP, even if its the Teams enforcing it vs the league, someone has to be the first to say ENOUGH, and stop OVER paying for any postion which can cripple the team its self..why wait on the league, just have number and if your player doesnt except it let him some point the downward trend will be adopted as fast as the upward trend..


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No. If a team wants to handicap their future let them. It takes an organization and a QB that wants to win to agree to a deal that isn't ridiculous. If the team wants to sign a questionable guy to a long term deal who bases his contract talks on what Gisele makes the red flag will be raised but overlooked. I'm not going to blame a lack of cap regulations on a position if we come out on the short end of the stick.


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Please...everyone put your adult pants on.

Nobody on the planet is paid what they are worth. They are paid what the market dictates a person with the skill set necessary to fill a position in a company is worth. That is true for the guy emptying trash cans at Wally World all the way up to the CEO of the largest company in the world.

If you complain about a QB making $25 million a year but don't complain about Ellen DeGeneres making $75 million a year or The Rock making $124 million a year please help everyone out by posting "I'm a hypocrite". Don't be jealous of how much others make.

So true.......I agree jealousy is the root is many fans complaints, ESPECIALLY toward NFL players.
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1st Round Pick
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Dear Fellow Fanzone Freaks--- I am so sick and tired of how much money QB's make in NFL compared

the rest of the players on a it cripples the team from being able to put quality players

at other positions....we have all heard the top 6 QB's who make the most money in NFL were not even

in the playoffs...i am so sick of it...the good teams have QB's that take less so other players can make

more and have a better team...i wish Dak would step up and say...i am only taking 15 mil a year cause

i want and need good players around me!!...but he wont...he will be a money grabber probably

what do you all think????..thanks for your views in advance


It's gotten out of hand for sure.

The teams need to govern themselves and stop paying jags elite QB money.


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It’s a business
If you’re dumb enough to pay a qb 150 million and he hasn’t won a Super Bowl that’s on you


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It's funny how everybody is "Rah rah American way" until it inconveniences them even at the trivial level of watching a football game, at which point they want a command economy that would make Nikita Khrushchev go, "Uh hold on guys, maybe we need to account for market forces at least a little bit there."

You want to talk about unfair? At least football players have some kind of talent that can be discerned with the naked eye, half the owners are genetic mistakes like Mark Davis who inherited everything and never genuinely earned a dime in their life. You want to cap their income too? Not even talking politics, I mean like the league capping owner compensation so they're forced to spend more of their own money on football operations to make the on-field product better.

More seriously, you can't legislate against the owners being dumb in a league where a cartel made up of... all the owners... has all the real power and the commissioner is just their figurehead. Which is how the NFL is set up.