Shout out to Peyton Hendershot

He accused his girlfriend of cheating on him, took her phone and shoved her against a wall when she tried to take it back from him. That is what the victim said happened in 2020 and he apologized for it. That hardly, "he beats women." I understand that there's no excuse for his behavior, but it also doesn't mean he's a bad person who deserves to have that hung around his neck.

“I want to say I made a huge mistake and I’m sorry to all the people who were involved,” Hendershot said. “Everybody I let down, I feel horrible and so remorseful for it, because there are so many people who have helped me get to where I am in my life."

“I feel like that was just a letdown to all of them and they all believed in me and that’s what I did.”
Sounds more like illegal use of hands. It doesn’t appear to be flagrant. I don’t think
it warrants an get an automatic ejection.
Lonely, homely boy they called him Lucy
Mama's little man
And she calls him Hendershot
His mama called him Hendershot
Be seen and not be heard, they told him
He grew into a big man they call
They always call him Hendershot
Walking down the side streets of SoHo
Chances are you'll bump into our friend
That's Hendershot
Sitting on a blanket near Saint Marks
Is a man selling handbags he gets from
But he doesn't call him Hendershot

~Les Claypool

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They would’ve been fools to let Schultz go in favor of McKeon.
Lol. They were fools to let Cooper go and pay Shultz half of his contract. They resigned a bum TE and a WR with a bum knee for more money than they were paying Cooper who has been there best offensive weapon for the past 4 seasons. Dumb!
Lol. They were fools to let Cooper go and pay Shultz half of his contract. They resigned a bum TE and a WR with a bum knee for more money than they were paying Cooper who has been there best offensive weapon for the past 4 seasons. Dumb!

Cooper is gone because they seen not being vaccinated as not being a team player. Him getting Covid and missing an important Chiefs game and an additional game cemented it for them.
Lol. They were fools to let Cooper go and pay Shultz half of his contract. They resigned a bum TE and a WR with a bum knee for more money than they were paying Cooper who has been there best offensive weapon for the past 4 seasons. Dumb!
So your solution was to do something dumb as well lol? Coop ain’t **** either lol
Franchise tag is sometimes appropriate when you have no other options.
It was for Schultz at the time, and an appropriate call considering we had no other options.
He wont see that money here after this tag expires.


We were in corner with our hands tied. The fact we didn’t sign him to a long term deal was one of the best moves we made this off-season.
Giving Schultz the Franchise was not smart but with the failure that was Blake Jarwin, they were backed into a corner with TE. They just cannot compound the mistake by trying to get Schultz signed to a long term deal at the end of the season. Yes a Franchise tag is a large sum of money but at least its only a 1 year mistake.
Appreciate what Shultz has done as far as becoming a security valve for Dak, but as far as I’m concerned I’m counting down the days until his contract comes off the books and he finds another team.

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