21 Jump Street- unfortunately, the show was overshadowed by Johnny Depp's fame and was falsely labeled as a teeny bopper show but it was really ahead of it's timeand has never been given the credit that it is due. That show approached heavy topics in a sincere manner such as HIV, homosexuality, racism, gangs, child abuse, teen pregnancy, homelessness, rape and other issues that were far too taboo during the late 80's, a time in which Hollywood was completely braindead and every character was a stereotype and plots were predictable and avoided certain subjects. Think back to some of your favorite 80's movies and they are filled with unabashed stereotypes; every Asian is a nerd or a karate guy, every Hispanic was a drug dealer, every Black guy talked jive, every fat guy farted and ate everything in sight, every Gay character had a lisp and hit on any male in sight, every blonde girl was sexually pomiscuous or a cheerleader. To think that a show broke these stereotypes and had a multicultural cast that were not token characters was groundbreaking. The sad thing is girls watched the show only for Johnny Depp's looks which led Fox to create a superficial treen drama in 90210 and that led to the creation of all these teen shows. The reality is 21 Jump street was well written and had good intentions even if it got famous for the wrong reasons. Go back and watch some of those seasons and you will be impressed at how it tried to approach these topics in a sincere manner even if it was less forceful and unrefined by todays standards.