Jobber, Jobber, Jobber, Dez isn't far off?
Irvin was the vocal leader of that team, and challenged each and every defender every day. Then he stayed after and caught passes until he threw up. The other guys saw this. He was not simply a guy who yelled at them. He walked his talk.
But then I heard a story on the radio told by Fish the other day. So practice ends during OTAs and the rookies have to go back to the hotel. There is a bus provided, but the rooks were a little confused. Irvin pulled up in his car and told them to pile in. Maybe five of them or so. Drove them to the hotel. A two ring, two time Super Bowl champ took the kids back home.
Love your posts. Agree more than I'll even admit to your position. But this one, I cannot agree.
I believe in my heart that without Irvin, this team would not have won championships. Maybe one, but not three. Others will argue. Others will be wrong.